The term paint as used herein shall include all substances, whether dry or ground in oil, used or intended for use as paint or as components of paint. It shall include paste and semipaste paints, house, carriage, wagon, barn, floor, roof, and implement paints and enamels, and all kinds of liquid and ready mixed paints. It shall not include artists' colors, liquid bronzes, colors intended to be mixed with water for decorative purposes, wood fillers, stove polishes or stove enamels, and shingle and roof stains.
Structure Mississippi Code
Title 75 - Regulation of Trade, Commerce and Investments
Chapter 53 - Paints, Varnishes and Similar Materials
§ 75-53-1. Labeling requirements; penalty for violations
§ 75-53-3. Term "paint" defined
§ 75-53-5. Receptacles to bear labels
§ 75-53-7. Misbranding; what deemed to be
§ 75-53-9. State chemist to enforce this chapter
§ 75-53-11. Authority and duties of state chemist and inspectors
§ 75-53-13. Penalty for hindering inspectors