It shall be the duty of such district attorney to whom the state chemist shall report any violation of this chapter to cause proceedings to be commenced and prosecuted in the proper court without delay for the enforcement of the penalties herein provided in such cases.
Structure Mississippi Code
Title 75 - Regulation of Trade, Commerce and Investments
Chapter 53 - Paints, Varnishes and Similar Materials
§ 75-53-1. Labeling requirements; penalty for violations
§ 75-53-3. Term "paint" defined
§ 75-53-5. Receptacles to bear labels
§ 75-53-7. Misbranding; what deemed to be
§ 75-53-9. State chemist to enforce this chapter
§ 75-53-11. Authority and duties of state chemist and inspectors
§ 75-53-13. Penalty for hindering inspectors