The secretary shall also perform the duties of treasurer. He shall make bond for the safe handling of all funds for which he may become responsible, the bond to be in such penalty, with such sureties, and conditioned as the Board of Commissioners may require. Annually, and not less than thirty (30) days in advance of the date the Board of Commissioners is to consider the proposed budget of the bar for the next fiscal year, the secretary shall publish in an official publication of the bar a detailed accounting of all projected revenues and each item of expenditure in the proposed budget. Items of expenditure relating to disciplinary functions of the bar shall appear separately from those relating to nondisciplinary functions. In addition, the secretary shall annually cause to be made an independent audit by a certified public accountant of all receipts, expenditures and funds under the control of the bar and shall publish such audit in an official publication of the bar.
Structure Mississippi Code
Title 73 - Professions and Vocations
§ 73-3-101. Bar association created
§ 73-3-103. All lawyers members
§ 73-3-105. Bar association; officers; bylaws
§ 73-3-109. Governing board; quorum
§ 73-3-111. Secretary; election; term of office; duties
§ 73-3-115. Location of office of secretary; meeting of board of commissioners
§ 73-3-119. Membership required
§ 73-3-120. Types of membership; active; inactive; continuing legal education requirements
§ 73-3-121. Change of residence
§ 73-3-125. Dues; persons exempt or excepted
§ 73-3-127. Dues; failure to pay after notice
§ 73-3-131. President; chairman of the board
§ 73-3-137. Vacancies; members absent