A secretary, who may be designated as executive director, shall be elected by the Board of Commissioners and shall hold office for one (1) year.
The secretary shall keep and maintain rolls which shall contain the name and place of residence of every lawyer in the state. He may adopt such means as he thinks best to make the rolls accurate and complete. There shall be made a separate roll for each circuit court district.
The secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Board of Commissioners and such minutes, signed by the chairman and secretary, shall be the evidence of the proceedings had and actions taken by the board. He shall also keep the minutes of each meeting of the bar, which minutes signed by him and by the presiding officer shall be evidence of the proceedings had and actions taken by the bar.
Structure Mississippi Code
Title 73 - Professions and Vocations
§ 73-3-101. Bar association created
§ 73-3-103. All lawyers members
§ 73-3-105. Bar association; officers; bylaws
§ 73-3-109. Governing board; quorum
§ 73-3-111. Secretary; election; term of office; duties
§ 73-3-115. Location of office of secretary; meeting of board of commissioners
§ 73-3-119. Membership required
§ 73-3-120. Types of membership; active; inactive; continuing legal education requirements
§ 73-3-121. Change of residence
§ 73-3-125. Dues; persons exempt or excepted
§ 73-3-127. Dues; failure to pay after notice
§ 73-3-131. President; chairman of the board
§ 73-3-137. Vacancies; members absent