Mississippi Code
General Provisions
§ 7-1-5. Powers generally

In addition to the powers conferred and duties imposed on the Governor by the constitution and by the laws as elsewhere provided, he shall have the powers and perform the duties following:
He is the supreme executive officer of the state.
He is the commander in chief of the militia of the state and may call out the militia to execute the laws, to suppress insurrections or riots, and to repel invasions.
He shall see that the laws are faithfully executed.
He is to supervise the official conduct of all executive and ministerial officers.
He is to see that all offices are filled and the duties of the offices are performed or, in default thereof, apply such remedy as the law allows; and if the remedy is inadequate, he shall inform the Legislature at its next session.
He shall make appointments and fill vacancies as prescribed by law.
Whenever any suit or legal proceeding is pending that affects the title of the state to any property, or that may result in any claim against the state, he may direct the Attorney General to appear on behalf of the state and protect its interest.
He may require the Attorney General, or district attorney of any district, to inquire into the affairs or management of any corporation existing under the laws of this state, or doing business in this state under the laws of the state.
He may require the Attorney General to aid any district attorney in the discharge of his duties.
He may offer rewards, not exceeding Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00), for persons with mental illness who have escaped and are dangerous, and such other rewards as are authorized by law.
He may require any officer or board to make special reports to him upon demand in writing.
He shall transact all necessary business with state officers, shall require them to be present at their respective offices at all reasonable business hours, and may require information, in writing, from any such officer relating to the duties of his office.
When deemed advisable upon proceedings for the arrest in this state of fugitives from justice from other states or countries, he may commission a special officer to arrest the fugitive in any part of the state.
He may bring any proper suit affecting the general public interests, in his own name for the State of Mississippi, if after first requesting the proper officer so to do, the officer refuses or neglects to do the same.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 7 - Executive Department

Chapter 1 - Governor

General Provisions

§ 7-1-1. Installation

§ 7-1-3. Private secretary

§ 7-1-5. Powers generally

§ 7-1-7. Acceptance of gifts and bequests

§ 7-1-9. Great seal

§ 7-1-11. Records of acts and deposit of laws

§ 7-1-13. Business with the United States government

§ 7-1-15. Transmission of laws and documents

§ 7-1-17. Commissioners for other states

§ 7-1-19. Investigators of crime

§ 7-1-21. Powers and duties of investigators of crime

§ 7-1-23. Compensation of investigators of crime

§ 7-1-27. Duty to notify executive of other state

§ 7-1-29. Rewards for absconding criminals

§ 7-1-31. Agent to bring absconding offender from other states

§ 7-1-33. Suits in foreign jurisdiction

§ 7-1-35. Appointment of officers

§ 7-1-37. Senate convened in vacation of legislature

§ 7-1-39. Vacancies in municipal elective offices

§ 7-1-41. Superintendent of auditor's and treasurer's offices

§ 7-1-43. To verify funds in the treasury

§ 7-1-45. Examiner of public accounts

§ 7-1-47. Compensation of examiner of public accounts

§ 7-1-49. Commission of examiner of public accounts

§ 7-1-51. Special audit of county books

§ 7-1-53. Appointment revocable

§ 7-1-55. Examiner's report

§ 7-1-57. Defaulting state treasurer and tax collectors suspended

§ 7-1-59. Court proceedings to be instituted

§ 7-1-61. Duty in respect to defaulter

§ 7-1-63. Contingent fund

§ 7-1-65. To borrow money in case of casualties

§ 7-1-67. Acting governor in certain contingencies