Mississippi Code
General Provisions
§ 7-1-49. Commission of examiner of public accounts

A commission shall issue to the examiner, vesting in him authority to do and perform the duties for which he may be appointed. He shall have authority to issue subpoenas for witnesses whom he may wish to examine, administer oaths to them, and to compel their attendance; and shall have full authority to require officers whose books and accounts are being examined, and their deputies and clerks, to render him assistance and give him information needed in the prosecution of his investigations. The examiner shall have the same power to punish a witness who fails or refuses to attend and testify before him as conferred by law on justices of the peace; and an officer, his deputy or clerk, failing to give assistance or information to the examiner when required shall be punished as for a failure or refusal to perform official duty.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 7 - Executive Department

Chapter 1 - Governor

General Provisions

§ 7-1-1. Installation

§ 7-1-3. Private secretary

§ 7-1-5. Powers generally

§ 7-1-7. Acceptance of gifts and bequests

§ 7-1-9. Great seal

§ 7-1-11. Records of acts and deposit of laws

§ 7-1-13. Business with the United States government

§ 7-1-15. Transmission of laws and documents

§ 7-1-17. Commissioners for other states

§ 7-1-19. Investigators of crime

§ 7-1-21. Powers and duties of investigators of crime

§ 7-1-23. Compensation of investigators of crime

§ 7-1-27. Duty to notify executive of other state

§ 7-1-29. Rewards for absconding criminals

§ 7-1-31. Agent to bring absconding offender from other states

§ 7-1-33. Suits in foreign jurisdiction

§ 7-1-35. Appointment of officers

§ 7-1-37. Senate convened in vacation of legislature

§ 7-1-39. Vacancies in municipal elective offices

§ 7-1-41. Superintendent of auditor's and treasurer's offices

§ 7-1-43. To verify funds in the treasury

§ 7-1-45. Examiner of public accounts

§ 7-1-47. Compensation of examiner of public accounts

§ 7-1-49. Commission of examiner of public accounts

§ 7-1-51. Special audit of county books

§ 7-1-53. Appointment revocable

§ 7-1-55. Examiner's report

§ 7-1-57. Defaulting state treasurer and tax collectors suspended

§ 7-1-59. Court proceedings to be instituted

§ 7-1-61. Duty in respect to defaulter

§ 7-1-63. Contingent fund

§ 7-1-65. To borrow money in case of casualties

§ 7-1-67. Acting governor in certain contingencies