No person, firm, organization or corporation shall sell, offer for sale, or advertise for sale shell eggs that do not meet the minimum requirements for U. S. Consumer Grade AA, Grade A, or Grade B. Any change in the U. S. standards of quality for individual eggs made by the U. S. Department of Agriculture not conforming to the above designated standards shall be adopted in lieu of the above designated standards.
Structure Mississippi Code
Title 69 - Agriculture, Horticulture, and Animals
Chapter 7 - Markets and Marketing; Domestic Fish Farming
§ 69-7-323. Minimum requirements for eggs offered for sale
§ 69-7-325. Weight and size requirements of eggs
§ 69-7-327. Egg marketing containers to describe contents
§ 69-7-329. Marketing agents; maintenance of egg handling facilities
§ 69-7-333. Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce to enforce article
§ 69-7-335. Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce to promulgate regulations
§ 69-7-337. Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce may issue "stop sale order."