The owner or keeper of any ferry established according to law, on any stream of water being the dividing line between two counties, shall have the right of landing on the opposite side of the stream in the other county and to unload any passengers, wagons, carriages and their loading, and stock of all kinds without any hindrance or molestation. Any person hindering or molesting such landing or unloading shall forfeit and pay to the owner or keeper of the ferry the sum of ten dollars for each offense.
Structure Mississippi Code
Title 65 - Highways, Bridges and Ferries
Chapter 27 - Ferries; General Provisions
§ 65-27-1. Toll ferries and free ferries
§ 65-27-3. Right of owner of the soil
§ 65-27-5. Bond required of the keeper of a toll ferry
§ 65-27-7. Bond may be sued on
§ 65-27-9. Penalties, forfeitures, and damages recovered
§ 65-27-11. Purchase of competing ferry
§ 65-27-13. Equipment for safe transportation by ferry
§ 65-27-15. Duties of ferrymen
§ 65-27-17. Table of rates of tolls kept exposed to view