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§ 65-27-1. Toll ferries and free ferries - The board of supervisors may establish and license toll ferries,...
§ 65-27-3. Right of owner of the soil - The owner of the soil over which any toll ferry,...
§ 65-27-5. Bond required of the keeper of a toll ferry - Every person licensed to keep a toll ferry shall give...
§ 65-27-7. Bond may be sued on - The bond given by the keeper of a toll ferry,...
§ 65-27-9. Penalties, forfeitures, and damages recovered - All penalties and forfeitures incurred by the owner or keeper...
§ 65-27-11. Purchase of competing ferry - Any county or municipality authorized to construct bridges and issue...
§ 65-27-13. Equipment for safe transportation by ferry - The owner or keeper of every ferry shall at all...
§ 65-27-15. Duties of ferrymen - Every ferryman shall give constant and diligent attendance at his...
§ 65-27-17. Table of rates of tolls kept exposed to view - The owner or keeper of every toll ferry, bridge, turnpike,...
§ 65-27-19. Authority of ferryman over his boat - Every ferryman shall have authority to keep out or put...
§ 65-27-21. Right of landing in another county - The owner or keeper of any ferry established according to...