The public highway or highways so surveyed and adopted by such commissioners shall be constructed and maintained out of the proceeds of the aforementioned bonds, proceeds of such bonds to be used alone in their construction and maintenance. The board of supervisors shall levy an annual tax, on the recommendation of the commissioners, on all the taxable property in the district not exceeding three mills on the dollar, which shall be used to supplement the general fund of the county in maintaining said road or roads and the culverts, bridges, and levees therein. For the purpose of paying such bonds and interest and so maintaining said roads, the board of supervisors shall, at the time fixed by law, levy the tax for the same, and it shall be the duty of the county auditor to keep a separate account of such funds so raised from the other funds of the county; and it shall be the duty of the county depository, which shall be the treasurer of such funds and liable on its bond therefor, to keep a separate account thereof. All allowances against said special funds shall be made by the board of supervisors on the recommendation of the commissioners, and special warrants prepared for the purpose shall be issued against said funds.
Structure Mississippi Code
Title 65 - Highways, Bridges and Ferries
Chapter 19 - Separate Road Districts
§ 65-19-3. Publication of notice
§ 65-19-5. Amount of bonds to be preliminarily estimated
§ 65-19-7. Hearing of objections
§ 65-19-9. Extension of road beyond the limits of district
§ 65-19-11. Consolidations and additions
§ 65-19-13. District may be abolished
§ 65-19-15. Previous obligations
§ 65-19-17. Aggrieved parties may appeal
§ 65-19-21. Supervisors to provide for election
§ 65-19-23. Result of election
§ 65-19-25. General provisions for bonds
§ 65-19-27. District road commissioners
§ 65-19-29. Duties of commissioners
§ 65-19-33. Special tax levied
§ 65-19-35. Separate assessment of district
§ 65-19-39. Disbursement of road fund
§ 65-19-41. Payment of contractors
§ 65-19-43. Acceptance and final settlement
§ 65-19-45. Final settlement with engineer
§ 65-19-47. Surplus funds loaned
§ 65-19-51. General supervision
§ 65-19-53. Roads and bridges constructed and maintained
§ 65-19-55. Commissioners may turn over completed roads to county
§ 65-19-57. Transfer of roads not to affect obligations of district
§ 65-19-59. Public roads worked in separate districts
§ 65-19-61. Board of supervisors; powers and control
§ 65-19-63. Emergency repair of roads and bridges
§ 65-19-65. Roads connecting districts
§ 65-19-67. Supervisors to build all bridges and culverts
§ 65-19-69. Supervisors may acquire rights of way
§ 65-19-71. Road superintendent
§ 65-19-73. Duties of road superintendent
§ 65-19-75. Reports to be filed
§ 65-19-77. Purchases by road superintendent
§ 65-19-79. Provisions of general road laws to govern
§ 65-19-81. Public highways extending into municipalities
§ 65-19-83. Benefit district roads