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§ 65-19-3. Publication of notice - Whenever the proceeding has been initiated or proposed by either...
§ 65-19-5. Amount of bonds to be preliminarily estimated - If the board of supervisors of its own motion initiates...
§ 65-19-7. Hearing of objections - At the time and place named in said notice, or...
§ 65-19-9. Extension of road beyond the limits of district - If the qualified electors petitioning for the creation and organization...
§ 65-19-11. Consolidations and additions - In like manner and under like conditions as mentioned in...
§ 65-19-13. District may be abolished - In like manner and under like conditions, the board of...
§ 65-19-15. Previous obligations - When a separate district has been established or abolished under...
§ 65-19-17. Aggrieved parties may appeal - Any party aggrieved by the order of the board of...
§ 65-19-19. Elections - The elections hereinbefore mentioned shall be held and conducted according...
§ 65-19-21. Supervisors to provide for election - In any election held under the provisions of this chapter...
§ 65-19-23. Result of election - Such election shall be held so far as practicable in...
§ 65-19-25. General provisions for bonds - The bonds issued under authority hereof shall mature not later...
§ 65-19-27. District road commissioners - It shall be the duty of the board of supervisors...
§ 65-19-29. Duties of commissioners - It shall be the duty of such commissioners, subject to...
§ 65-19-31. Rejection of bids - Where contracts are let upon competitive bids, if the commissioners...
§ 65-19-33. Special tax levied - The public highway or highways so surveyed and adopted by...
§ 65-19-35. Separate assessment of district - The tax assessor, when ordered so to do by the...
§ 65-19-37. Convict labor - Each separate road district shall receive a fair portion of...
§ 65-19-39. Disbursement of road fund - The county auditor shall have prepared proper warrants for the...
§ 65-19-41. Payment of contractors - The payment to the contractors for the construction of the...
§ 65-19-43. Acceptance and final settlement - The roads hereinbefore provided shall have been completed for a...
§ 65-19-45. Final settlement with engineer - The board of supervisors shall retain fifteen percent (15%) of...
§ 65-19-47. Surplus funds loaned - The commissioners are hereby authorized to loan out any surplus...
§ 65-19-49. May borrow money - The road commissioners of a separate road district, by and...
§ 65-19-51. General supervision - The road commissioners shall have general direction and supervision over...
§ 65-19-53. Roads and bridges constructed and maintained - When the funds arising from the road district bonds shall...
§ 65-19-55. Commissioners may turn over completed roads to county - When the funds raised in any separate road district by...
§ 65-19-57. Transfer of roads not to affect obligations of district - Such transfer shall in no way release any such road...
§ 65-19-59. Public roads worked in separate districts - All the public roads of any separate road district, or...
§ 65-19-61. Board of supervisors; powers and control - The board of supervisors of the county in which a...
§ 65-19-63. Emergency repair of roads and bridges - The said commissioners maintaining the roads may, in case of...
§ 65-19-65. Roads connecting districts - The boards of supervisors of the several counties upon request...
§ 65-19-67. Supervisors to build all bridges and culverts - It shall be the duty of the boards of supervisors...
§ 65-19-69. Supervisors may acquire rights of way - The board of supervisors are authorized to acquire rights of...
§ 65-19-71. Road superintendent - There may be selected by the road commissioners, subject to...
§ 65-19-73. Duties of road superintendent - The road superintendent shall have the custody, care, and control...
§ 65-19-75. Reports to be filed - The reports of the road commissioners and the road superintendent...
§ 65-19-77. Purchases by road superintendent - The road superintendent shall have the power to purchase nails,...
§ 65-19-79. Provisions of general road laws to govern - All the provisions of law in respect to roads and...
§ 65-19-81. Public highways extending into municipalities - Where any public highway being constructed, improved, or maintained by...
§ 65-19-83. Benefit district roads - Whenever the owners of not less than one-half of the...
§ 65-19-85. Assessment of benefit district lands - The board, in assessing the benefits derived by any land...
§ 65-19-87. Collection of benefit district taxes - The board shall provide for the collection of taxes from...