There shall be no business transacted, including adoption of rules or procedure, without the presence of a quorum of the committee, which shall be eight (8) members to consist of four (4) members from the Senate and four (4) members from the House of Representatives, and no action shall be valid unless approved by the majority of those members present and voting, and entered upon the minutes of the committee and signed by the chairman and vice chairman. All actions of the committee shall be approved by at least four (4) Senate members and four (4) House members.
The committee shall meet at the time and place as designated by the majority vote of the members, provided that a special meeting may be called by the chairman or by a petition signed by no less than five (5) members. No action taken by the committee at any special meeting shall be valid unless each member shall have been given at least forty-eight hours' notice of the meeting, along with a statement of the business to be considered, and unless such action be entered upon the minutes of the committee and signed by the chairman.
Structure Mississippi Code
Title 5 - Legislative Department
Chapter 3 - Legislative Committees
Joint Legislative Committee on Performance Evaluation and Expenditure Review
§ 5-3-51. Creation of committee; general purpose
§ 5-3-55. Membership and organization of committee
§ 5-3-59. Subpoena and examination of witnesses
§ 5-3-61. Issuance of performance evaluation and expenditure review reports
§ 5-3-63. Recording testimony under oath
§ 5-3-65. Legal assistance; other employees
§ 5-3-67. Compensation and expenses
§ 5-3-72. Committee to biennially evaluate procurement process used by state agencies; report