Mississippi Code
Joint Legislative Committee on Performance Evaluation and Expenditure Review
§ 5-3-67. Compensation and expenses

Members of the committee shall serve without compensation, provided that they shall be entitled to per diem compensation as is authorized by Section 25-3-69 for each day occupied with the discharge of official duties as members of the committee plus the expense allowance equal to the maximum daily expense rate allowable to employees of the federal government for travel in the high rate geographical area of Jackson, Mississippi, as may be established by federal regulations, per day, including mileage as authorized by Section 25-3-41. However, no committee member shall be authorized to receive reimbursement for expenses, including mileage, or per diem compensation unless such authorization appears in the minutes of the committee and is signed by the chairman or vice chairman. The members of the committee shall not receive per diem or expenses while the Legislature is in session. However, members may receive the per diem and expenses authorized by this section when the Legislature is in session but in recess under the terms of a concurrent resolution, or in recess during an extraordinary session. All expenses incurred by and on behalf of the committee shall be paid from a sum to be provided in equal portion from the contingency funds of the Senate and House of Representatives.
The committee staff and employees or contract organizations employed by the committee may continue at the discretion of the committee any investigations, audits or performance evaluation during the time the Legislature is in session.