Mississippi Code
Article 3 - Uniform Controlled Substances Law
§ 41-29-167. Cooperative arrangements

The State Board of Medical Licensure, the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics, the State Board of Pharmacy, the State Board of Dental Examiners, the Mississippi Board of Nursing and the State Board of Optometry shall cooperate with federal and other state agencies in discharging their responsibilities concerning traffic in controlled substances and in suppressing the abuse of controlled substances. To this end, they may:
Results, information and evidence received from the United States Drug Enforcement Administration relating to the regulatory functions of this article, including results of inspections conducted by it may be relied and acted upon by the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics, the State Board of Pharmacy, the State Board of Medical Licensure, the State Board of Dental Examiners, the Mississippi Board of Nursing and the State Board of Optometry in the exercise of their regulatory functions under this article.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 41 - Public Health

Chapter 29 - Poisons, Drugs and Other Controlled Substances

Article 3 - Uniform Controlled Substances Law

§ 41-29-101. Title of article

§ 41-29-103. Purpose

§ 41-29-105. Definitions

§ 41-29-107. Bureau of narcotics; composition; qualifications; dismissal

§ 41-29-109. Cooperation with bureau of narcotics

§ 41-29-110. Bureau of narcotics work program

§ 41-29-112. Special contract agents or investigators

§ 41-29-113. Schedule I of controlled substances

§ 41-29-115. Schedule II of controlled substances

§ 41-29-117. Schedule III of controlled substances

§ 41-29-119. Schedule IV of controlled substances

§ 41-29-121. Schedule V of controlled substances

§ 41-29-122. Exempt chemical preparations and mixtures

§ 41-29-123. Revision and republication of schedules

§ 41-29-125. Rules and regulations relative to registration and control of manufacture, distribution and dispensing of controlled substances; delivery of Schedule II controlled substance by mail or other shipment to be made only to persons eighteen o...

§ 41-29-127. Registration; factors considered

§ 41-29-129. Revocation and suspension of registration

§ 41-29-133. Records and inventories

§ 41-29-135. Order forms

§ 41-29-137. Prescriptions

§ 41-29-138. Applicability of avoirdupois system of weights

§ 41-29-139. Prohibited acts; penalties

§ 41-29-140. Fines and penalties; violation of Section 41-29-139

§ 41-29-141. Prohibited acts B; penalties

§ 41-29-143. Prohibited acts C; penalties

§ 41-29-145. Distribution to persons under age twenty-one

§ 41-29-147. Second and subsequent offenses

§ 41-29-149. Suspended sentences; eligibility for parole; resentencing

§ 41-29-150. Participation in drug rehabilitation programs; probation; expunction of record upon application to court

§ 41-29-151. Penalties to be additional; barring of prosecutions

§ 41-29-153. Forfeitures

§ 41-29-154. Disposition of seized controlled substances and paraphernalia

§ 41-29-155. Injunctions

§ 41-29-157. Administrative inspection warrants and search warrants

§ 41-29-159. Powers of enforcement personnel; duty of certain individuals to notify Bureau of Narcotics of death caused by drug overdose

§ 41-29-160. Payments to informers; disposition of moneys expended for purchase of controlled substances

§ 41-29-161. Bonds of bureau officers and employees

§ 41-29-163. Judicial review of final determinations, findings and conclusions

§ 41-29-165. Judicial review of convictions and orders

§ 41-29-167. Cooperative arrangements

§ 41-29-169. Drug abuse education programs

§ 41-29-171. Research programs on misuse and abuse of controlled substances

§ 41-29-173. Effect of Uniform Controlled Substances Law on pending proceedings

§ 41-29-175. Continuation of regulations

§ 41-29-176.1. Prosecution of cases involving seized property

§ 41-29-181. Procedure for disposition of seized property; order directing disposition by bureau of narcotics

§ 41-29-183. Procedure for disposition of seized property; exclusiveness of remedy

§ 41-29-185. Disposition of forfeited property transferred pursuant to federal property sharing provisions

§ 41-29-189. Drug Evidence Disposition Fund created; purpose; sources of funds

§ 41-29-191. Collection of unused prescription pills and drugs brought to drug task force main office from residential sources