Mississippi Code
In General
§ 37-9-59. Grounds and procedure for dismissal or suspension of licensed employee; attendance at different school system by child as ground for denying employment or reemployment of superintendent, principal or licensed employee

For incompetence, neglect of duty, immoral conduct, intemperance, brutal treatment of a pupil or other good cause the superintendent of schools may dismiss or suspend any licensed employee in any school district. Before being so dismissed or suspended any licensed employee shall be notified of the charges against him and he shall be advised that he is entitled to a public hearing upon said charges. Provided, however, that a school superintendent whose employment has been terminated under this section shall not have the right to request a hearing before the school board or a hearing officer. Provided, however, that a licensed employee in a conservator school district whose employment has been terminated under this section for good cause as determined by a conservator appointed by the State Board of Education shall not have a right to request a hearing before the school board, a hearing officer or the State Board of Education. The conservator has the right to immediately terminate a licensed employee under this section. In the event the continued presence of said employee on school premises poses a potential threat or danger to the health, safety or general welfare of the students, or, in the discretion of the superintendent, may interfere with or cause a disruption of normal school operations, the superintendent may immediately release said employee of all duties pending a hearing if one is requested by the employee. In the event a licensed employee is arrested, indicted or otherwise charged with a felony by a recognized law enforcement official, the continued presence of the licensed employee on school premises shall be deemed to constitute a disruption of normal school operations. The school board, upon a request for a hearing by the person so suspended or removed shall set a date, time and place for such hearing which shall be not sooner than five (5) days nor later than thirty (30) days from the date of the request. The procedure for such hearing shall be as prescribed for hearings before the board or hearing officer in Section 37-9-111. From the decision made at said hearing, any licensed employee shall be allowed an appeal to the chancery court in the same manner as appeals are authorized in Section 37-9-113. Any party aggrieved by action of the chancery court may appeal to the Mississippi Supreme Court as provided by law. In the event that a licensed employee is immediately relieved of duties pending a hearing, as provided in this section, said employee shall be entitled to compensation for a period up to and including the date that the initial hearing is set by the school board, in the event that there is a request for such a hearing by the employee. In the event that an employee does not request a hearing within five (5) calendar days of the date of the notice of discharge or suspension, it shall constitute a waiver of all rights by said employee and such discharge or suspension shall be effective on the date set out in the notice to the employee.
The school board of every school district in this state is hereby prohibited from denying employment or reemployment to any person as a superintendent, principal or licensed employee, as defined in Section 37-19-1, or as a noninstructional personnel, as defined in Section 37-9-1, for the single reason that any eligible child of such person does not attend the school system in which such superintendent, principal, licensed employee or noninstructional personnel is employed.
The provisions of this section shall be fully applicable to any administrator or employee of the Mississippi School of the Arts (MSA).

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 37 - Education

Chapter 9 - District Superintendents, Principals, Teachers, and Other Employees

In General

§ 37-9-3. Employment of non-instructional employees

§ 37-9-4. Compensation of attorney employed by school board who is a member of the Legislature

§ 37-9-7. Employment of unlicensed superintendent, principal or teacher; conditional contracts; expiration of license during term of contract

§ 37-9-9. Rules and regulations governing issuance of teachers' certificates; compensation of teachers serving special needs of district

§ 37-9-11. Testing of applicants for teacher licensure

§ 37-9-12. Referendum on continuation or abolition of office of county superintendent of education

§ 37-9-14. General duties and powers of superintendent of school district

§ 37-9-15. Selection of assistant superintendents and principals; interim conservators

§ 37-9-17. Selection of licensed employees or non-instructional employees to be employed for school year; increase in compensation of certain licensed employees; fingerprinting and criminal background checks for applicants

§ 37-9-21. Nepotism in hiring of superintendents, principals or licensed employees

§ 37-9-23. Form and execution of contracts with superintendents, principals, licensed employees, and others anticipating graduation from approved programs; conditional contracts

§ 37-9-24. Contracts with licensed personnel for not less than 187 employment days

§ 37-9-25. Contracts for periods greater than one scholastic year

§ 37-9-27. Bond of superintendents

§ 37-9-31. Bond of principals

§ 37-9-35. Employment of teachers to be paid from minimum education program funds

§ 37-9-37. Factors considered in fixing salaries of superintendents, principals or licensed employees

§ 37-9-41. Manner of payment of salaries

§ 37-9-43. Payment of salary prior to execution of written contract; effect of breach of contract

§ 37-9-49. Deduction of dues, etc., from salaries

§ 37-9-55. Release from contract

§ 37-9-57. Effect of abandonment of employment

§ 37-9-59. Grounds and procedure for dismissal or suspension of licensed employee; attendance at different school system by child as ground for denying employment or reemployment of superintendent, principal or licensed employee

§ 37-9-61. Unlawful reprisal against school district employee for employee's involvement in effort to create or encourage participation in public charter school prohibited

§ 37-9-69. General duties of superintendents, principals and teachers

§ 37-9-71. Suspension or expulsion of pupils

§ 37-9-75. Strikes by teachers

§ 37-9-79. Professional school counselors; qualifications; comprehensive counseling services; code of ethics

§ 37-9-81. Contracts with individuals with professional experience in academic, finance or other managerial and operational functions of schools to serve as consultants to the schools; certain individuals ineligible to serve as consultant