Mississippi Code
Article 13 - Special Municipal Separate School Districts
§ 37-7-709. Filling of vacancies

In all such special municipal separate school districts which may be so organized, reorganized or reconstituted to embrace the entire county in which the majority of the inhabitants of the county reside outside the corporate limits of the municipality, all vacancies which may occur during the term of office shall be filled by appointment by the remaining members of the board of trustees, such appointee to have the same qualifications as other members of the board and to reside in the same supervisors district as the former member whose death, removal or resignation caused the vacancy. Such appointment shall be made within thirty days after the vacancy occurs. The person so appointed shall serve only until the first Monday of January following the next regular general election after such appointment and, at the regular general election next preceding such first Monday in January, a person shall be elected for the remainder of the unexpired term at the same time and in the same manner as a trustee is elected for the full term next expiring, and such person shall take office on said first Monday of January.