Mississippi Code
Article 13 - Special Municipal Separate School Districts
§ 37-7-701. Applicability of article; construction of article

The provisions of this article shall be applicable only to those municipal separate school districts which have been or shall be organized, reorganized or reconstituted in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 of this chapter, with added territory where the added territory, exclusive of any added territory which was a part of such municipal separate school district before such organization, reorganization or reconstitution, shall contain twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the total number of educable children of such district. Such school districts, for the purposes of this article, shall be known as special municipal separate school districts. This article shall be supplementary and in addition to all existing school laws of this state and, except as herein expressly provided, all applicable statutes relative to the establishment, government, management, and operation of municipal separate school districts shall be fully applicable to such special municipal separate school districts.