Mississippi Code
In General
§ 37-7-417. Authorization for agreements between school districts to establish regional high schools; establishment and powers of boards of trustees

The various school districts of this state are authorized to enter into agreements between such school districts providing for the construction or operation of regional high school centers. Any such agreement shall be subject to the approval of the State Board of Education. Any such agreement may, among other provisions, provide for the method of financing the construction and operation of such facilities, the manner in which such facilities are to be controlled, operated and staffed, and the basis upon which students are to be admitted thereto and transportation provided for students in attendance therein. Any such agreement or any subsequent modification thereof shall be spread at large upon the minutes of each party thereto after having been duly adopted by the school board of each school district.
Such agreements may provide for the establishment of boards of trustees of such high school centers to be made up of representatives of the school boards of the school districts which may be parties thereto. Said school boards of the school districts to such agreement may delegate any and all powers of said trustees as may be necessary or desirable for the operation of any such regional high schools to the board of trustees of any such center so created, except for the power to request or require the levy of taxes or the power to issue or require the issuance of any bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, or to call for an election on the question of the issuance thereof.