Mississippi Code
In General
§ 37-7-401. Acquisition of land outside of district for construction of school buildings

In all cases where the same shall be necessary, advantageous or desirable from the standpoint of transportation, the efficiency of operating schools, or other pertinent considerations, any school district which has been reconstituted, reorganized or created under the provisions of Article 1 of this chapter may, with the prior consent and approval of the State Board of Education, acquire land outside of the boundaries of said school district and thereon construct, erect and equip any needed school building or other school facility of such school district. Any available state public school building funds, or any available funds derived from bonds issued by the school district for such purpose, or any other funds which are available to said school district for such purpose, may be expended for the construction, erecting and equipping of such a school building or school facility, all, however, subject to the prior consent and approval of the State Board of Education. Any school building or school facility so constructed outside of the boundaries of the school district owning same shall be operated, managed and supervised by the school board of the school district owning same in the same manner as though the building or facility were located within the school district, and all the laws of this state concerning the operation of schools shall be fully applicable thereto, and the school board shall have the power to specify the grades which shall be taught therein.