Mississippi Code
Article 1 - Authority to Issue Bonds, Notes and Certificates of Indebtedness
§ 37-59-31. Election on withdrawing or revoking authority to issue bonds or on amending purpose for which bonds may be issued

In any case where the issuance of the bonds of a school district has been authorized pursuant to referendum of the qualified electors of the school district under the provisions of this article, and at any time prior to the actual issuance and sale of said bonds, there should be a resolution adopted by the school board of the school district on whose behalf the bonds are to be issued requesting either that the authority to issue said bonds be withdrawn and revoked or that the purpose or purposes for which the bonds are to be issued be amended, altered and changed, in which latter case the resolution shall specify distinctly the amendment, alteration and change proposed, the school board shall, within sixty (60) days after the adoption of such resolution, call an election to be held within the school district involved for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors thereof the question of whether the authority to issue the bonds should be withdrawn and revoked or whether the purpose or purposes for which the bonds are to be issued should be amended, altered and changed, as the case may be. The resolution calling said election shall designate the date upon which the election will be held and the place or places within such district at which same will be held, which place or places may or may not be the school house or school houses of such district. In all respects, notice of the election shall be given for the time and in the manner otherwise provided in this article with respect to elections upon the question of the issuance of bonds of the school district. The results of the election shall be canvassed, returned and determined as is otherwise provided in this article with respect to elections upon the question of the issuance of school district bonds. The ballots used at said election shall have printed thereon a brief statement of the proposal that the authority to issue the bonds be withdrawn and revoked, or of the proposal that the purpose or purposes for which the bonds are to be issued be amended, altered and changed, as the case may be and in the event the proposal be to amend, alter and change the purpose or purposes of the proposed issue of bonds, a brief statement of the amendments, alterations and changes proposed. There shall also be printed on the ballot the words "FOR THE PROPOSITION" and the words "AGAINST THE PROPOSITION" and the voter shall vote by placing a cross (X) or check mark (Π) opposite his choice. If a majority of the qualified electors who vote in said election shall vote in favor of the proposition, and the proposition be to withdraw or revoke the authority to issue said bonds, then the authority to issue such bonds shall terminate; otherwise, the school board shall continue to have the power and authority to issue said bonds to the same extent as though such election shall not have been held. If a majority of the qualified electors who vote in said election shall vote in favor of the proposition, and the proposition be to amend, alter or change the purpose or purposes for which the bonds shall be issued, then the school board shall be authorized to issue said bonds for the purpose or purposes as amended, altered and changed; otherwise, the bonds shall be issued for the purpose or purposes originally specified.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 37 - Education

Chapter 59 - School Bonds and Obligations

Article 1 - Authority to Issue Bonds, Notes and Certificates of Indebtedness

§ 37-59-1. "Bonds" defined

§ 37-59-3. Purposes for which bonds may be issued

§ 37-59-5. General limitation of indebtedness

§ 37-59-9. Bonds and notes excluded for purposes of computing limitations of indebtedness

§ 37-59-13. Notice of election

§ 37-59-15. Conduct of election

§ 37-59-17. Determination of results of election; time period for issuance of bonds

§ 37-59-19. Procedure for issuance of bonds upon petition of majority of qualified electors of school district generally

§ 37-59-21. Procedure for issuance of bonds upon petition where district lies in two or more counties

§ 37-59-22. Procedure for issuance of bonds upon election where district lies in two or more counties; levy of special tax

§ 37-59-23. Levy of special tax to pay principal and interest on bonds

§ 37-59-24. Instructions to deposit tax receipts directly with trustee or paying agent

§ 37-59-25. Form of bonds; supplemental powers conferred in issuance of bonds

§ 37-59-27. Maturities of bonds; interest rates; execution of bonds; maintenance of register of bond issues

§ 37-59-29. Disposition of proceeds of bonds; liability for diversion of funds

§ 37-59-31. Election on withdrawing or revoking authority to issue bonds or on amending purpose for which bonds may be issued

§ 37-59-33. Transfer of balance of proceeds of bond issue

§ 37-59-35. Use of bond and interest funds to buy outstanding bonds

§ 37-59-37. Borrowing of money for current expenses in anticipation of school district taxes

§ 37-59-41. Borrowing of money in anticipation of taxes for benefit of agricultural high schools

§ 37-59-45. Article as sole authority for incurring of indebtedness