Mississippi Code
Article 1 - Authority to Issue Bonds, Notes and Certificates of Indebtedness
§ 37-59-22. Procedure for issuance of bonds upon election where district lies in two or more counties; levy of special tax

Whenever a school district lies in two (2) or more counties of the State of Mississippi before any money shall be borrowed under the provisions of this chapter, the school board of the school district shall adopt a resolution declaring the necessity for borrowing such money, declaring its intention to borrow such money and to issue the negotiable bonds of the school district as evidence of same, specifying the approximate amount to be so borrowed, and how such indebtedness is to be evidenced. Such resolution shall also set forth the nature and approximate cost of the alterations, additions and repairs to be made, and shall declare in said resolution that no funds are available in the school funds of the district or from any other source with which to make such repairs, alterations, additions, purchases, erections or improvements.
Whenever a resolution is adopted by the school board as provided in this paragraph, or a petition signed by not less than ten percent (10%) of the qualified electors of a school district, fixing the maximum amount of such school bonds and the purpose or purposes for which they are to be issued, the school board shall adopt a resolution calling an election to be held within such school district for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors thereof the question of the issuance of bonds in the amount and for the purpose or purposes as set forth in such resolution or petition. The resolution calling such election shall designate the date upon which the election shall be held and the place or places within such district at which such election shall be held, which place or places may or may not be the schoolhouse or schoolhouses in such district.
The board of supervisors of the county which authorizes the issuance of the bonds shall annually levy upon all the taxable property within such district, without regard to county lines, a special tax, which shall be sufficient to provide for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds according to the terms thereof. Such board shall annually certify to the board of supervisors of the other county or counties in which a portion of the district is situated, the rate of taxation so fixed, and it shall be the duty of such other board or boards to cause such rate of taxation to be levied upon all the taxable property within the boundaries of such district situated within their respective counties. The taxes shall be collected and deposited as other taxes are collected and deposited in such county or counties, and the board of supervisors thereof shall thereupon cause such taxes to be remitted to the county depository for the county in which the bonds were issued.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 37 - Education

Chapter 59 - School Bonds and Obligations

Article 1 - Authority to Issue Bonds, Notes and Certificates of Indebtedness

§ 37-59-1. "Bonds" defined

§ 37-59-3. Purposes for which bonds may be issued

§ 37-59-5. General limitation of indebtedness

§ 37-59-9. Bonds and notes excluded for purposes of computing limitations of indebtedness

§ 37-59-13. Notice of election

§ 37-59-15. Conduct of election

§ 37-59-17. Determination of results of election; time period for issuance of bonds

§ 37-59-19. Procedure for issuance of bonds upon petition of majority of qualified electors of school district generally

§ 37-59-21. Procedure for issuance of bonds upon petition where district lies in two or more counties

§ 37-59-22. Procedure for issuance of bonds upon election where district lies in two or more counties; levy of special tax

§ 37-59-23. Levy of special tax to pay principal and interest on bonds

§ 37-59-24. Instructions to deposit tax receipts directly with trustee or paying agent

§ 37-59-25. Form of bonds; supplemental powers conferred in issuance of bonds

§ 37-59-27. Maturities of bonds; interest rates; execution of bonds; maintenance of register of bond issues

§ 37-59-29. Disposition of proceeds of bonds; liability for diversion of funds

§ 37-59-31. Election on withdrawing or revoking authority to issue bonds or on amending purpose for which bonds may be issued

§ 37-59-33. Transfer of balance of proceeds of bond issue

§ 37-59-35. Use of bond and interest funds to buy outstanding bonds

§ 37-59-37. Borrowing of money for current expenses in anticipation of school district taxes

§ 37-59-41. Borrowing of money in anticipation of taxes for benefit of agricultural high schools

§ 37-59-45. Article as sole authority for incurring of indebtedness