Mississippi Code
Borrowing of Money; Issuance of Bonds
§ 37-29-117. Actions or proceedings by bondholders

The holder of any bond or any interest coupon issued under the provisions of Sections 37-29-107 through 37-29-115 may, by suit, action, mandamus or other proceedings at law or in equity, enforce and compel performance by the appropriate official or officials of the said boards of trustees of any or all acts and duties to be performed by such boards or such officials under the provisions of said sections and under the resolution authorizing the issuance of such bond or interest coupon. If there be any default in the payment of the interest on and principal of any of such bonds, any court having jurisdiction in the proper action may, upon petition of the holder of any such bonds, appoint a receiver to administer and operate the facilities, the revenues of which were pledged to the payment of such bonds, with power to fix and collect fees, rentals and other charges sufficient to provide for the payment of all bonds outstanding, to the payment of which the revenues of such facilities were pledged and to pay the expenses of operating and maintaining such facilities and to apply the revenues thereof in conformity with the provisions of said sections and of the resolution authorizing the issuance of such bonds.