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§ 37-29-103. Long-term borrowing; procedure - Any board of trustees may, in its discretion, by the...
§ 37-29-105. Utilization of available funds for commencement of projects for which bonds have been authorized - In the event that bonds shall have been authorized for...
§ 37-29-107. Issuance of bonds for dormitories and other housing facilities - Subject to the approval of the Mississippi Community College Board,...
§ 37-29-109. Resolution authorizing issuance of bonds; bond provisions; sale - The loans authorized by Section 37-29-107 and Sections 37-29-401 through...
§ 37-29-111. When bonds may be refunded - Bonds issued under the provisions of Section 37-29-109, may be...
§ 37-29-113. Refunding bonds - For the purpose of refunding any bonds issued under the...
§ 37-29-115. Securing payment of bonds - The boards of trustees, in the issuance of bonds under...
§ 37-29-117. Actions or proceedings by bondholders - The holder of any bond or any interest coupon issued...
§ 37-29-119. Full faith and credit of state not pledged to payment of bonds - It shall be understood that the full faith and credit...
§ 37-29-121. Junior college district may borrow not to exceed $50,000 for housing facilities - Any junior college district, supported in whole or in part...
§ 37-29-123. Declaration of intention to borrow; issuance of notes; repayment - In any such case the board of trustees of such...
§ 37-29-125. Board of trustees to fix and collect fees, rents and charges; disposition of monies - The board of trustees of any such junior college district...
§ 37-29-127. Foregoing sections as cumulative - Sections 37-29-121 through 37-29-125 shall be construed as cumulative and...