Mississippi Code
Article 1 - Emergency Management Law
§ 33-15-13. Emergency powers of Governor

In the event of actual or impending enemy attack, as determined by the President, against the United States and the State of Mississippi, the Governor may proclaim that a state of war emergency exists, and thereafter the Governor shall have and may exercise for such period as such state of war emergency exists or continues, the following additional emergency powers:
For use during emergency only, all means of transportation and communication, except newspapers, or publications, or wire facilities leased or owned by news services, newspapers and other news publications;
Food, clothing, equipment, materials, medicines, any supplies and stocks of fuel of whatever nature;
Facilities including buildings and plants, for use during emergency only; in the event it shall become necessary to utilize any such facilities, plants or services, the operation thereof, if possible, shall be left in the hands of the owner, subject to direction of the Governor, and only such portion as may be essential for the protection of life and property, or the national defense, shall be commandeered or utilized;
Adequate compensation shall be paid for any property so utilized, taken or condemned. In case it shall become necessary to take or use any private property as provided above, the full faith and credit of the State of Mississippi shall be pledged to pay just compensation therefor. In case the Governor and the owner of any such property so utilized or taken shall not be able to agree on the compensation to be paid for use, damage or taking thereof, the amount of such compensation to be paid shall be determined in conformity with the statutes of this state relating to eminent domain procedures.
All powers granted to the Governor by this section with respect to a state of war emergency shall terminate when the state of war emergency has been terminated by proclamation of the Governor or by concurrent resolution of the Legislature declaring it at an end.