Mississippi Code
Chapter 1 - Limitation of Actions
§ 15-1-11. Limitations applicable to actions to recover land for defect in instrument

Any person who has a right of action for the recovery of land because of any one or more of the following enumerated defects in any instrument, shall institute his suit therefor not later than 10 years next after the date when such instrument has been actually recorded in the office of the clerk of the chancery court of the county in which such real estate is situated and not afterwards:
If, at the time at which the right of any person to bring an action for the recovery of land because of any such defects, shall have first accrued, such persons shall have been under the disability of infancy or unsoundness of mind, then such person or the person claiming through him, may, notwithstanding that the period of limitations hereinbefore provided for shall have expired, bring an action to recover the land at any time within the period of limitations provided herein next after the time at which the person to whom the right shall have first accrued shall have ceased to be under either disability, or shall have died, whichever shall have first happened. However, when any person who shall be under either of the disabilities mentioned, at the time at which his right shall have first accrued, shall depart this life without having ceased to be under such disability no time to bring an action to recover the land beyond the period of limitations provided herein next after the time at which such persons shall have died, shall be allowed by reason of the disability of any other person. Moreover, the saving in favor of persons under disability of unsoundness of mind shall never extend longer than thirty-one years.
This section shall not, however, apply to forged instruments.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 15 - Limitations of Actions and Prevention of Frauds

Chapter 1 - Limitation of Actions

§ 15-1-1. Application of chapter

§ 15-1-5. Period of limitations shall not be changed by contract

§ 15-1-7. Limitations applicable to actions to recover land

§ 15-1-9. Limitations applicable to suits in equity to recover land

§ 15-1-11. Limitations applicable to actions to recover land for defect in instrument

§ 15-1-15. Three years' actual occupation under a tax title bars suit

§ 15-1-17. Limitations applicable to actions or suits to cancel tax titles

§ 15-1-19. Limitations applicable to suits to redeem mortgage or deed of trust

§ 15-1-21. Actions on mortgages, deeds of trust, and statutory liens to be brought within time allowed for action upon writing in which debt is specified

§ 15-1-23. Limitations applicable to suits or actions on installment notes following foreclosure or sale of property pledged as security therefor

§ 15-1-25. Limitations applicable to action or scire facias against executor or administrator

§ 15-1-27. Limitations applicable to action by ward against guardian or surety

§ 15-1-29. Limitations applicable to actions on accounts and unwritten contracts

§ 15-1-31. When statute commences to run on open accounts

§ 15-1-33. Limitations applicable to actions and suits for penalty or forfeiture

§ 15-1-35. Limitations applicable to actions for certain torts

§ 15-1-37. Limitations applicable to actions to recover property sold by order of chancery court or pursuant to decree of partition

§ 15-1-39. Limitations applicable to actions involving certain trusts

§ 15-1-41. Limitations applicable to actions arising from deficiencies in constructions, or improvements to real property

§ 15-1-43. Limitations applicable to actions founded on domestic judgments or decrees; renewal of judgment or decree; notice of renewal

§ 15-1-45. Limitations applicable to actions founded on foreign judgments or decrees

§ 15-1-47. Lien of judgments limited

§ 15-1-51. Limitations of suits by and against the state, counties and municipal corporations

§ 15-1-53. Effect of running of statute of limitations against executor, administrator, guardian, or other trustee, as against beneficiary

§ 15-1-55. Effect of death of party before bar is complete

§ 15-1-57. Statute of limitations not to run when person prohibited to sue

§ 15-1-59. Saving in favor of persons under disabilities

§ 15-1-63. Effect of absence from the state

§ 15-1-65. Action barred in another jurisdiction barred here

§ 15-1-67. Effect of fraudulent concealment of cause of action

§ 15-1-69. Commencement of new action subsequent to abatement or defeat of original action

§ 15-1-71. Limitation of setoff

§ 15-1-73. New promise to be in writing; effect of new promise by one or more joint contractors as against non-promisors

§ 15-1-75. Bar of statute of limitations against one does not affect another jointly interested

§ 15-1-77. Effect upon limitations of concurrent jurisdiction in courts of common law and of equity

§ 15-1-79. Limitations inapplicable to suits on certain obligations of banks and moneyed corporations