Mississippi Code
Chapter 3 - Process, Notice, and Publication
§ 13-3-7 through 13-3-13.

Repealed by Laws of 1991, ch. 573, § 141, eff from and after July 1, 1991.

§13-3-7. [Codes, 1857, ch. 62, art. 29; 1871, § 1008; 1880, § 1853; 1892, § 3415; 1906, § 3914; Hemingway's 1917, § 2921; 1930, § 2966; 1942, § 1846]

§13-3-9. [Codes, Hutchinson's 1848, ch. 58, art. 1 (24); 1857, ch. 61, art. 66; 1871, § 697; 1880, § 1524; 1892, § 3416; 1906, § 3915; Hemingway's 1917, § 2922; 1930, § 2967; 1942, § 1847]

§13-3-11. [Codes, Hutchinson's 1848, ch. 58, art. 1 (20); 1857, ch. 61, art. 62; 1871, § 695; 1880, § 1525; 1892, § 3417; 1906, § 3916; Hemingway's 1917, § 2923; 1930, § 2968; 1942, § 1848]

§13-3-13. [Codes, 1857, ch. 62, art. 26; 1871, § 1005; 1880, § 1848; 1892, § 3418; 1906, § 3917; Hemingway's 1917, § 2924; 1930, § 2969; 1942, § 1849: Laws, 1924, ch. 151]

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 13 - Evidence, Process and Juries

Chapter 3 - Process, Notice, and Publication

§ 13-3-1. Provisions of chapter applicable to all courts

§ 13-3-3. Style and date of process

§ 13-3-5. The summons

§ 13-3-7 through 13-3-13.

§ 13-3-15. Separate or additional summons; attachment against estate of defendant

§ 13-3-17. Substitution of parties in case of death of party

§ 13-3-25. Summons by publication for unknown heirs and unknown defendants

§ 13-3-27. Publication of summons

§ 13-3-32. Publication-in what newspaper-presumption of continued qualification

§ 13-3-37. Sheriff to mark and return process

§ 13-3-41. Service on one carrying on business in state by or through trustee or attorney in fact

§ 13-3-49. Service when defendant is a corporation

§ 13-3-53. Service on one of several executors or administrators

§ 13-3-55. Suits by or against partnerships; service on one of several partners

§ 13-3-57. Service on nonresident business not qualified to do business in state; survival of cause of action in case of death or inability to act; service on nonresident executor, administrator, etc.

§ 13-3-63. Service when defendant is nonresident motorist; appointment of secretary of state as agent

§ 13-3-69. Process not void for certain defects

§ 13-3-73. Plaintiff's options when sheriff kept off by force

§ 13-3-75. Return of alias where first writ served

§ 13-3-77. Process may be executed by an officer out of his county

§ 13-3-81. When justice court judge may execute process

§ 13-3-83. Service of notices, summonses, subpoenas, orders, pleadings, motions, etc.

§ 13-3-85. Notice by summons of motions against officers for neglect of duty

§ 13-3-87. Return of officer may be questioned by parties

§ 13-3-91. Reversal, on appeal by defendant, for want of service or defective service as an appearance

§ 13-3-93. Subpoenas for witnesses

§ 13-3-103. Attachment for non-appearing subpoenaed witness

§ 13-3-105. Subpoenaed witness to attend until discharged; scire facias for defaulters

§ 13-3-107. Settlement of certain civil suits; notice to be given to subpoenaed witnesses and effect of failure to do so

§ 13-3-109. Issuance of process by supreme court and its return

§ 13-3-111. Time when executions shall be issued

§ 13-3-113. Issuance, execution, and return of executions

§ 13-3-115. Issuance of subsequent execution

§ 13-3-117. Issuance of execution against several defendants

§ 13-3-119. Effect of death of one or more of several defendants before issuance of execution

§ 13-3-121. Execution for costs of Supreme Court

§ 13-3-123. Levy of writs of execution and attachments-on land

§ 13-3-125. Levy of writs of execution and attachments - on personalty

§ 13-3-127. Levy of writs of execution and attachments - on choses in action

§ 13-3-129. Levy of writs of execution and attachments - on corporate stock and the like

§ 13-3-131. Levy of writs of execution and attachments - on interest of partners or co-owners

§ 13-3-135. Purchaser's title to certain interests of defendant sold under execution or attachment

§ 13-3-137. Growing crop shall not be levied upon

§ 13-3-139. Lien of executions, and priority thereof

§ 13-3-141. Officer to care for property and allowed expenses

§ 13-3-143. Manner by which personal representative or successor thereof of plaintiff may have execution

§ 13-3-145. Effect of death of one or more of several plaintiffs before issuance of execution

§ 13-3-147. Assignee of a judgment may have execution

§ 13-3-149. Effect of death of party after execution issued

§ 13-3-151. Execution issued against dead defendant

§ 13-3-153. Motion to revive judgment

§ 13-3-155. Execution and garnishment on certain judgments and decrees of other courts may be issued by clerk

§ 13-3-157. When a bond of indemnity shall be required

§ 13-3-159. Remedy on bond of indemnity

§ 13-3-161. Where sales under execution or other process are to be made

§ 13-3-167. Sale of perishable goods

§ 13-3-171. Lands to be sold to be offered in subdivisions and as an entirety

§ 13-3-173. Sale may be adjourned or continued from day to day

§ 13-3-175. Venditioni exponas

§ 13-3-177. Venditioni exponas to issue when officer taking property dies

§ 13-3-179. Procedure to be followed where property is not delivered by representatives of deceased officer taking property

§ 13-3-181. Duty of officer to examine judgment-roll; priority of liens

§ 13-3-183. Officer to restore money on injunction of execution

§ 13-3-185. How purchaser takes property sold at execution sale

§ 13-3-187. Conveyance of land sold under execution or other process

§ 13-3-189. Completion of title under justice's execution