Mississippi Code
Chapter 3 - Process, Notice, and Publication
§ 13-3-177. Venditioni exponas to issue when officer taking property dies

When the officer taking property under execution shall die before the sale thereof, a writ of venditioni exponas shall issue, directed to the proper officer of the county in which the property was taken, and such officer shall, under the writ of venditioni exponas, receive the property from the representatives of the former sheriff, or other officer, who are required to deliver the same to the officer having the venditioni exponas, on his producing the same and executing a receipt for the property, and the officer shall proceed to sell the same as in other cases.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 13 - Evidence, Process and Juries

Chapter 3 - Process, Notice, and Publication

§ 13-3-1. Provisions of chapter applicable to all courts

§ 13-3-3. Style and date of process

§ 13-3-5. The summons

§ 13-3-7 through 13-3-13.

§ 13-3-15. Separate or additional summons; attachment against estate of defendant

§ 13-3-17. Substitution of parties in case of death of party

§ 13-3-25. Summons by publication for unknown heirs and unknown defendants

§ 13-3-27. Publication of summons

§ 13-3-32. Publication-in what newspaper-presumption of continued qualification

§ 13-3-37. Sheriff to mark and return process

§ 13-3-41. Service on one carrying on business in state by or through trustee or attorney in fact

§ 13-3-49. Service when defendant is a corporation

§ 13-3-53. Service on one of several executors or administrators

§ 13-3-55. Suits by or against partnerships; service on one of several partners

§ 13-3-57. Service on nonresident business not qualified to do business in state; survival of cause of action in case of death or inability to act; service on nonresident executor, administrator, etc.

§ 13-3-63. Service when defendant is nonresident motorist; appointment of secretary of state as agent

§ 13-3-69. Process not void for certain defects

§ 13-3-73. Plaintiff's options when sheriff kept off by force

§ 13-3-75. Return of alias where first writ served

§ 13-3-77. Process may be executed by an officer out of his county

§ 13-3-81. When justice court judge may execute process

§ 13-3-83. Service of notices, summonses, subpoenas, orders, pleadings, motions, etc.

§ 13-3-85. Notice by summons of motions against officers for neglect of duty

§ 13-3-87. Return of officer may be questioned by parties

§ 13-3-91. Reversal, on appeal by defendant, for want of service or defective service as an appearance

§ 13-3-93. Subpoenas for witnesses

§ 13-3-103. Attachment for non-appearing subpoenaed witness

§ 13-3-105. Subpoenaed witness to attend until discharged; scire facias for defaulters

§ 13-3-107. Settlement of certain civil suits; notice to be given to subpoenaed witnesses and effect of failure to do so

§ 13-3-109. Issuance of process by supreme court and its return

§ 13-3-111. Time when executions shall be issued

§ 13-3-113. Issuance, execution, and return of executions

§ 13-3-115. Issuance of subsequent execution

§ 13-3-117. Issuance of execution against several defendants

§ 13-3-119. Effect of death of one or more of several defendants before issuance of execution

§ 13-3-121. Execution for costs of Supreme Court

§ 13-3-123. Levy of writs of execution and attachments-on land

§ 13-3-125. Levy of writs of execution and attachments - on personalty

§ 13-3-127. Levy of writs of execution and attachments - on choses in action

§ 13-3-129. Levy of writs of execution and attachments - on corporate stock and the like

§ 13-3-131. Levy of writs of execution and attachments - on interest of partners or co-owners

§ 13-3-135. Purchaser's title to certain interests of defendant sold under execution or attachment

§ 13-3-137. Growing crop shall not be levied upon

§ 13-3-139. Lien of executions, and priority thereof

§ 13-3-141. Officer to care for property and allowed expenses

§ 13-3-143. Manner by which personal representative or successor thereof of plaintiff may have execution

§ 13-3-145. Effect of death of one or more of several plaintiffs before issuance of execution

§ 13-3-147. Assignee of a judgment may have execution

§ 13-3-149. Effect of death of party after execution issued

§ 13-3-151. Execution issued against dead defendant

§ 13-3-153. Motion to revive judgment

§ 13-3-155. Execution and garnishment on certain judgments and decrees of other courts may be issued by clerk

§ 13-3-157. When a bond of indemnity shall be required

§ 13-3-159. Remedy on bond of indemnity

§ 13-3-161. Where sales under execution or other process are to be made

§ 13-3-167. Sale of perishable goods

§ 13-3-171. Lands to be sold to be offered in subdivisions and as an entirety

§ 13-3-173. Sale may be adjourned or continued from day to day

§ 13-3-175. Venditioni exponas

§ 13-3-177. Venditioni exponas to issue when officer taking property dies

§ 13-3-179. Procedure to be followed where property is not delivered by representatives of deceased officer taking property

§ 13-3-181. Duty of officer to examine judgment-roll; priority of liens

§ 13-3-183. Officer to restore money on injunction of execution

§ 13-3-185. How purchaser takes property sold at execution sale

§ 13-3-187. Conveyance of land sold under execution or other process

§ 13-3-189. Completion of title under justice's execution