Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 609 — Criminal Code
Section 609.2231 — Assault In The Fourth Degree.

Subdivision 1. Peace officers. (a) As used in this subdivision, "peace officer" means a person who is licensed under section 626.845, subdivision 1, and effecting a lawful arrest or executing any other duty imposed by law.
(b) Whoever physically assaults a peace officer is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
(c) Whoever commits either of the following acts against a peace officer is guilty of a felony and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than three years or to payment of a fine of not more than $6,000, or both: (1) physically assaults the officer if the assault inflicts demonstrable bodily harm; or (2) intentionally throws or otherwise transfers bodily fluids or feces at or onto the officer.
Subd. 2. Firefighters and emergency medical personnel. Whoever assaults any of the following persons and inflicts demonstrable bodily harm is guilty of a felony and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than two years or to payment of a fine of not more than $4,000, or both:
(1) a member of a municipal or volunteer fire department or emergency medical services personnel unit in the performance of the member's duties; or
(2) a physician, nurse, or other person providing health care services in a hospital emergency department.
Subd. 2a. Certain Department of Natural Resources employees. Whoever assaults and inflicts demonstrable bodily harm on an employee of the Department of Natural Resources who is engaged in forest fire activities is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
Subd. 3. Correctional employees; prosecuting attorneys; judges; probation officers. Whoever commits either of the following acts against an employee of a correctional facility as defined in section 241.021, subdivision 1, paragraph (f), against a prosecuting attorney as defined in section 609.221, subdivision 2, paragraph (c), clause (4), against a judge as defined in section 609.221, subdivision 2, paragraph (c), clause (5), or against a probation officer or other qualified person employed in supervising offenders while the person is engaged in the performance of a duty imposed by law, policy, or rule is guilty of a felony and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than two years or to payment of a fine of not more than $4,000, or both:
(1) assaults the person and inflicts demonstrable bodily harm; or
(2) intentionally throws or otherwise transfers bodily fluids or feces at or onto the person.
Subd. 3a. Secure treatment facility personnel. (a) As used in this subdivision, "secure treatment facility" includes facilities listed in sections 253B.02, subdivision 18a, and 253D.02, subdivision 13.
(b) Whoever, while committed under chapter 253D, Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 253B.185, or Minnesota Statutes 1992, section 526.10, commits either of the following acts against an employee or other individual who provides care or treatment at a secure treatment facility while the person is engaged in the performance of a duty imposed by law, policy, or rule is guilty of a felony and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than two years or to payment of a fine of not more than $4,000, or both:
(1) assaults the person and inflicts demonstrable bodily harm; or
(2) intentionally throws or otherwise transfers bodily fluids or feces at or onto the person.
(c) Whoever, while committed under section 253B.18, or admitted under the provision of section 253B.10, subdivision 1, commits either of the following acts against an employee or other individual who supervises and works directly with patients at a secure treatment facility while the person is engaged in the performance of a duty imposed by law, policy, or rule, is guilty of a felony and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than two years or to payment of a fine of not more than $4,000, or both:
(1) assaults the person and inflicts demonstrable bodily harm; or
(2) intentionally throws or otherwise transfers urine, blood, semen, or feces onto the person.
(d) The court shall commit a person convicted of violating paragraph (b) to the custody of the commissioner of corrections for not less than one year and one day. The court may not, on its own motion or the prosecutor's motion, sentence a person without regard to this paragraph. A person convicted and sentenced as required by this paragraph is not eligible for probation, parole, discharge, work release, or supervised release, until that person has served the full term of imprisonment as provided by law, notwithstanding the provisions of sections 241.26, 242.19, 243.05, 244.04, 609.12, and 609.135.
(e) Notwithstanding the statutory maximum sentence provided in paragraph (b), when a court sentences a person to the custody of the commissioner of corrections for a violation of paragraph (b), the court shall provide that after the person has been released from prison, the commissioner shall place the person on conditional release for five years. The terms of conditional release are governed by sections 244.05 and 609.3455, subdivision 6, 7, or 8; and Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 609.109.
Subd. 4. Assaults motivated by bias. (a) Whoever assaults another because of the victim's or another's actual or perceived race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability as defined in section 363A.03, age, or national origin may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than one year or to payment of a fine of not more than $3,000, or both.
(b) Whoever violates the provisions of paragraph (a) within five years of a previous conviction under paragraph (a) is guilty of a felony and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than one year and a day or to payment of a fine of not more than $3,000, or both.
Subd. 5. School official. Whoever assaults a school official while the official is engaged in the performance of the official's duties, and inflicts demonstrable bodily harm, is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. As used in this subdivision, "school official" includes teachers, school administrators, and other employees of a public or private school.
Subd. 6. Public employees with mandated duties. A person is guilty of a gross misdemeanor who:
(1) assaults an agricultural inspector, occupational safety and health investigator, child protection worker, public health nurse, animal control officer, or probation or parole officer while the employee is engaged in the performance of a duty mandated by law, court order, or ordinance;
(2) knows that the victim is a public employee engaged in the performance of the official public duties of the office; and
(3) inflicts demonstrable bodily harm.
Subd. 7. Community crime prevention group members. (a) A person is guilty of a gross misdemeanor who:
(1) assaults a community crime prevention group member while the member is engaged in neighborhood patrol;
(2) should reasonably know that the victim is a community crime prevention group member engaged in neighborhood patrol; and
(3) inflicts demonstrable bodily harm.
(b) As used in this subdivision, "community crime prevention group" means a community group focused on community safety and crime prevention that:
(1) is organized for the purpose of discussing community safety and patrolling community neighborhoods for criminal activity;
(2) is designated and trained by the local law enforcement agency as a community crime prevention group; or
(3) interacts with local law enforcement regarding community safety issues.
Subd. 8. Vulnerable adults. (a) As used in this subdivision, "vulnerable adult" has the meaning given in section 609.232, subdivision 11.
(b) Whoever assaults and inflicts demonstrable bodily harm on a vulnerable adult, knowing or having reason to know that the person is a vulnerable adult, is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
Subd. 9. Reserve officer. A person is guilty of a gross misdemeanor who:
(1) assaults a reserve officer as defined in section 626.84, subdivision 1, paragraph (e), who is engaged in the performance of official public duties at the direction of, under the control of, or on behalf of a peace officer or supervising law enforcement officer or agency; and
(2) should reasonably know that the victim is a reserve officer engaged in the performance of official public duties of the peace officer, or supervising law enforcement officer or agency.
Subd. 10. Utility and postal service employees and contractors. (a) A person is guilty of a gross misdemeanor who:
(1) assaults an employee or contractor of a utility or the United States Postal Service while the employee or contractor is engaged in the performance of the employee's or contractor's duties;
(2) should reasonably know that the victim is an employee or contractor of a utility or the postal service who is:
(i) performing duties of the victim's employment; or
(ii) fulfilling the victim's contractual obligations; and
(3) inflicts demonstrable bodily harm.
(b) As used in this subdivision, "utility" has the meaning given it in section 609.594, subdivision 1, clause (3).
Subd. 11. Transit operators. (a) A person is guilty of a gross misdemeanor if (1) the person assaults a transit operator, or intentionally throws or otherwise transfers bodily fluids onto a transit operator; and (2) the transit operator is acting in the course of the operator's duties and is operating a transit vehicle, aboard a transit vehicle, or otherwise responsible for a transit vehicle. A person convicted under this paragraph may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than one year or to payment of a fine of not more than $3,000, or both.
(b) For the purposes of this subdivision, "transit operator" means a driver or operator of a transit vehicle that is used to provide any of the following services:
(1) public transit, as defined in section 174.22, subdivision 7;
(2) light rail transit service;
(3) special transportation service under section 473.386, whether provided by the Metropolitan Council or by other providers under contract with the council; or
(4) commuter rail service.
1983 c 169 s 1; 1984 c 628 art 3 s 11; 1985 c 185 s 1; 1986 c 444; 1987 c 252 s 9; 1989 c 261 s 1; 1989 c 290 art 6 s 11; 1991 c 121 s 1; 1991 c 279 s 29; 1992 c 571 art 4 s 8; 1994 c 636 art 2 s 21; 1996 c 408 art 3 s 19,20; 1997 c 180 s 5; 1997 c 239 art 9 s 36; 2000 c 441 s 1; 1Sp2003 c 2 art 8 s 8; 2004 c 184 s 1,2; 2005 c 136 art 17 s 11; 2006 c 260 art 1 s 15; 2007 c 13 art 3 s 37; 2011 c 28 s 7; 2011 c 85 s 1,2; 2013 c 49 s 22; 2013 c 96 s 2; 2013 c 133 s 1; 2014 c 302 s 3; 2015 c 23 s 1; 2016 c 93 s 1

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 609 - 624 — Crimes; Expungement; Victims

Chapter 609 — Criminal Code

Section 609.01 — Name And Construction.

Section 609.015 — Scope And Effect.

Section 609.02 — Definitions.

Section 609.025 — Jurisdiction Of State.

Section 609.03 — Punishment When Not Otherwise Fixed.

Section 609.033 — Maximum Penalties; Misdemeanors.

Section 609.0331 — Maximum Penalties; Petty Misdemeanors.

Section 609.0332 — Maximum Penalty; Petty Misdemeanor Ordinance Violations.

Section 609.034 — Maximum Penalty; Ordinance Violations.

Section 609.0341 — Maximum Fines For Gross Misdemeanors; Felonies.

Section 609.035 — Crime Punishable Under Different Provisions.

Section 609.04 — Conviction Of Lesser Offense.

Section 609.041 — Proof Of Prior Convictions.

Section 609.045 — Foreign Conviction Or Acquittal.

Section 609.05 — Liability For Crimes Of Another.

Section 609.055 — Capability Of Children To Commit Crime.

Section 609.06 — Authorized Use Of Force.

Section 609.065 — Justifiable Taking Of Life.

Section 609.066 — Authorized Use Of Deadly Force By Peace Officers.

Section 609.075 — Intoxication As Defense.

Section 609.08 — Duress.

Section 609.085 — Sending Written Communication.

Section 609.09 — Compelling Testimony; Immunity From Prosecution.

Section 609.092 — Juvenile Petty Offenders; Use Of Restorative Justice.

Section 609.095 — Limits Of Sentences.

Section 609.10 — Sentences Available.

Section 609.101 — Surcharge On Fines, Assessments; Minimum Fines.

Section 609.102 — Local Correctional Fees; Imposition By Court.

Section 609.104 — Fine And Surcharge Collection.

Section 609.105 — Sentence Of Imprisonment.

Section 609.1055 — Offenders With Serious And Persistent Mental Illness; Alternative Placement.

Section 609.1056 — Military Veterans; Crimes Committed Because Of Conditions Resulting From Service; Discharge And Dismissal.

Section 609.106 — Heinous Crimes.

Section 609.107 — Mandatory Penalty For Certain Murderers.

Section 609.1095 — Increased Sentences For Certain Dangerous And Repeat Felony Offenders.

Section 609.11 — Minimum Sentences Of Imprisonment.

Section 609.115 — Presentence Investigation.

Section 609.117 — Dna Analysis Of Certain Offenders Required.

Section 609.118 — Fingerprinting Required.

Section 609.12 — Parole Or Discharge.

Section 609.125 — Sentence For Misdemeanor Or Gross Misdemeanor.

Section 609.13 — Convictions Of Felony Or Gross Misdemeanor; When Deemed Misdemeanor Or Gross Misdemeanor.

Section 609.131 — Certification Of Misdemeanor As Petty Misdemeanor.

Section 609.132 — Continuance For Dismissal.

Section 609.135 — Stay Of Imposition Or Execution Of Sentence.

Section 609.1351 — Petition For Civil Commitment.

Section 609.14 — Revocation Of Stay.

Section 609.145 — Credit For Prior Imprisonment.

Section 609.15 — Multiple Sentences.

Section 609.153 — Increased Penalties For Certain Misdemeanors.

Section 609.165 — Restoration Of Civil Rights; Possession Of Firearms And Ammunition.

Section 609.17 — Attempts.

Section 609.175 — Conspiracy.

Section 609.18 — Definition.

Section 609.185 — Murder In The First Degree.

Section 609.19 — Murder In The Second Degree.

Section 609.195 — Murder In The Third Degree.

Section 609.20 — Manslaughter In The First Degree.

Section 609.205 — Manslaughter In The Second Degree.

Section 609.2111 — Definitions.

Section 609.2112 — Criminal Vehicular Homicide.

Section 609.2113 — Criminal Vehicular Operation; Bodily Harm.

Section 609.2114 — Criminal Vehicular Operation; Unborn Child.

Section 609.215 — Suicide.

Section 609.221 — Assault In The First Degree.

Section 609.222 — Assault In The Second Degree.

Section 609.223 — Assault In The Third Degree.

Section 609.2231 — Assault In The Fourth Degree.

Section 609.2232 — Consecutive Sentences For Assaults Committed By State Prison Inmates.

Section 609.2233 — Felony Assault Motivated By Bias; Increased Statutory Maximum Sentence.

Section 609.224 — Assault In The Fifth Degree.

Section 609.2241 — Knowing Transfer Of Communicable Disease.

Section 609.2242 — Domestic Assault.

Section 609.2243 — Sentencing; Repeat Domestic Assault.

Section 609.2244 — Presentence Domestic Abuse Investigations.

Section 609.2245 — Female Genital Mutilation; Penalties.

Section 609.2247 — Domestic Assault By Strangulation.

Section 609.226 — Harm Caused By Dog.

Section 609.227 — Dangerous Animals Destroyed.

Section 609.228 — Great Bodily Harm Caused By Distribution Of Drugs.

Section 609.229 — Crime Committed For Benefit Of Gang.

Section 609.23 — Mistreatment Of Persons Confined.

Section 609.231 — Mistreatment Of Residents Or Patients.

Section 609.232 — Crimes Against Vulnerable Adults; Definitions.

Section 609.2325 — Criminal Abuse.

Section 609.233 — Criminal Neglect.

Section 609.2335 — Financial Exploitation Of Vulnerable Adult.

Section 609.2336 — Deceptive Or Unfair Trade Practices; Elderly Or Disabled Victims.

Section 609.234 — Failure To Report.

Section 609.235 — Use Of Drugs To Injure Or Facilitate Crime.

Section 609.24 — Simple Robbery.

Section 609.245 — Aggravated Robbery.

Section 609.25 — Kidnapping.

Section 609.251 — Double Jeopardy; Kidnapping.

Section 609.255 — False Imprisonment.

Section 609.26 — Depriving Another Of Custodial Or Parental Rights.

Section 609.265 — Abduction.

Section 609.266 — Definitions.

Section 609.2661 — Murder Of Unborn Child In The First Degree.

Section 609.2662 — Murder Of Unborn Child In The Second Degree.

Section 609.2663 — Murder Of Unborn Child In The Third Degree.

Section 609.2664 — Manslaughter Of Unborn Child In The First Degree.

Section 609.2665 — Manslaughter Of Unborn Child In The Second Degree.

Section 609.267 — Assault Of Unborn Child In The First Degree.

Section 609.2671 — Assault Of Unborn Child In The Second Degree.

Section 609.2672 — Assault Of Unborn Child In The Third Degree.

Section 609.268 — Injury Or Death Of Unborn Child In Commission Of Crime.

Section 609.269 — Exception.

Section 609.2691 — Other Convictions Not Barred.

Section 609.27 — Coercion.

Section 609.275 — Attempt To Coerce.

Section 609.28 — Interfering With Religious Observance.

Section 609.281 — Definitions.

Section 609.282 — Labor Trafficking.

Section 609.283 — Unlawful Conduct With Respect To Documents In Furtherance Of Labor Or Sex Trafficking.

Section 609.284 — Labor Or Sex Trafficking Crimes; Defenses; Civil Liability; Corporate Liability.

Section 609.293 — Sodomy.

Section 609.294 — Bestiality.

Section 609.31 — Leaving State To Evade Establishment Of Paternity.

Section 609.321 — Prostitution And Sex Trafficking; Definitions.

Section 609.322 — Solicitation, Inducement, And Promotion Of Prostitution; Sex Trafficking.

Section 609.3232 — Protective Order Authorized; Procedures; Penalties.

Section 609.324 — Patrons; Prostitutes; Housing Individuals Engaged In Prostitution; Penalties.

Section 609.3241 — Penalty Assessment Authorized.

Section 609.3242 — Prostitution Crimes Committed In School Or Park Zones; Increased Penalties.

Section 609.3243 — Loitering With Intent To Participate In Prostitution.

Section 609.325 — Defenses.

Section 609.326 — Evidence.

Section 609.33 — Disorderly House.

Section 609.34 — Fornication.

Section 609.341 — Definitions.

Section 609.342 — Criminal Sexual Conduct In The First Degree.

Section 609.343 — Criminal Sexual Conduct In The Second Degree.

Section 609.344 — Criminal Sexual Conduct In The Third Degree.

Section 609.345 — Criminal Sexual Conduct In The Fourth Degree.

Section 609.3451 — Criminal Sexual Conduct In The Fifth Degree.

Section 609.3453 — Criminal Sexual Predatory Conduct.

Section 609.3455 — Dangerous Sex Offenders; Life Sentences; Conditional Release.

Section 609.3456 — Use Of Polygraphs For Sex Offenders On Probation Or Conditional Release.

Section 609.3457 — Sex Offender Assessment.

Section 609.3458 — Sexual Extortion.

Section 609.3459 — Law Enforcement; Reports Of Sexual Assaults.

Section 609.3469 — Voluntary Intoxication Defense.

Section 609.347 — Evidence In Criminal Sexual Conduct Cases.

Section 609.3471 — Records Pertaining To Victim Identity Confidential.

Section 609.348 — Medical Purposes; Exclusion.

Section 609.35 — Costs Of Medical Examination.

Section 609.351 — Applicability To Past And Present Prosecutions.

Section 609.352 — Solicitation Of Children To Engage In Sexual Conduct; Communication Of Sexually Explicit Materials To Children.

Section 609.353 — Jurisdiction.

Section 609.355 — Bigamy.

Section 609.36 — Adultery.

Section 609.365 — Incest.

Section 609.375 — Nonsupport Of Spouse Or Child.

Section 609.3751 — Discharge And Dismissal.

Section 609.376 — Definitions.

Section 609.377 — Malicious Punishment Of Child.

Section 609.3775 — Child Torture.

Section 609.378 — Neglect Or Endangerment Of Child.

Section 609.3785 — Unharmed Newborns Left At A Safe Place; Avoidance Of Prosecution.

Section 609.379 — Permitted Actions.

Section 609.38 — Stayed Sentence.

Section 609.385 — Treason.

Section 609.39 — Misprision Of Treason.

Section 609.395 — State Military Forces; Interfering With, Obstructing, Or Other.

Section 609.396 — Unauthorized Presence At Camp Ripley.

Section 609.40 — Flags.

Section 609.41 — False Tax Statement.

Section 609.415 — Definitions.

Section 609.42 — Bribery.

Section 609.425 — Corruptly Influencing Legislator.

Section 609.43 — Misconduct Of Public Officer Or Employee.

Section 609.435 — Officer Not Filing Security.

Section 609.44 — Public Office; Illegally Assuming; Nonsurrender.

Section 609.445 — Failure To Pay Over State Funds.

Section 609.45 — Public Officer; Unauthorized Compensation.

Section 609.455 — Permitting False Claims Against Government.

Section 609.456 — Reporting To State Auditor And Legislative Auditor Required.

Section 609.465 — Presenting False Claims To Public Officer Or Body.

Section 609.466 — Medical Assistance Fraud.

Section 609.47 — Interference With Property In Official Custody.

Section 609.475 — Impersonating A Military Service Member, Veteran, Or Public Official.

Section 609.4751 — Impersonating A Peace Officer.

Section 609.48 — Perjury.

Section 609.485 — Escape From Custody.

Section 609.486 — Commission Of Crime While Wearing Or Possessing Bullet-resistant Vest.

Section 609.487 — Fleeing Peace Officer; Motor Vehicle; Other.

Section 609.49 — Release, Failure To Appear.

Section 609.491 — Failure To Appear; Petty Misdemeanor.

Section 609.493 — Solicitation Of Mentally Impaired Persons.

Section 609.494 — Solicitation Of Juveniles.

Section 609.495 — Aiding An Offender.

Section 609.496 — Concealing Criminal Proceeds.

Section 609.497 — Engaging In Business Of Concealing Criminal Proceeds.

Section 609.4971 — Warning Subject Of Investigation.

Section 609.4975 — Warning Subject Of Surveillance Or Search.

Section 609.498 — Tampering With Witness.

Section 609.50 — Obstructing Legal Process, Arrest, Or Firefighting.

Section 609.501 — Funeral Or Burial Service; Prohibited Acts.

Section 609.502 — Interference With Dead Body; Reporting.

Section 609.504 — Disarming Peace Officer.

Section 609.505 — Falsely Reporting Crime.

Section 609.5051 — Criminal Alert Network; False Or Misleading Information Prohibited.

Section 609.506 — Prohibiting Giving Peace Officer False Name.

Section 609.507 — Falsely Reporting Child Abuse.

Section 609.508 — False Information To Financial Institution.

Section 609.51 — Simulating Legal Process.

Section 609.515 — Misconduct Of Judicial Or Hearing Officer.

Section 609.5151 — Dissemination Of Personal Information About Law Enforcement Prohibited; Penalty.

Section 609.52 — Theft.

Section 609.521 — Possession Of Shoplifting Gear.

Section 609.523 — Return Of Stolen Property To Owners.

Section 609.525 — Bringing Stolen Goods Into State.

Section 609.526 — Precious Metal And Scrap Metal Dealers; Receiving Stolen Property.

Section 609.527 — Identity Theft.

Section 609.528 — Possession Or Sale Of Stolen Or Counterfeit Check; Penalties.

Section 609.529 — Mail Theft.

Section 609.53 — Receiving Stolen Property.

Section 609.531 — Forfeitures.

Section 609.5311 — Forfeiture Of Property Associated With Controlled Substances.

Section 609.5312 — Forfeiture Of Property Associated With Designated Offenses.

Section 609.5313 — Forfeiture By Judicial Action; Procedure.

Section 609.5314 — Administrative Forfeiture Of Certain Property Seized In Connection With A Controlled Substances Seizure.

Section 609.5315 — Disposition Of Forfeited Property.

Section 609.5316 — Summary Forfeitures.

Section 609.5318 — Forfeiture Of Vehicles Used In Drive-by Shootings.

Section 609.5319 — Financial Institution Secured Interest.

Section 609.532 — Attachment Of Deposited Funds.

Section 609.535 — Issuance Of Dishonored Checks.

Section 609.54 — Embezzlement Of Public Funds.

Section 609.541 — Protection Of Library Property.

Section 609.545 — Misusing Credit Card To Secure Services.

Section 609.546 — Motor Vehicle Tampering.

Section 609.551 — Rustling And Livestock Theft; Penalties.

Section 609.552 — Unauthorized Release Of Animals.

Section 609.556 — Definitions.

Section 609.561 — Arson In The First Degree.

Section 609.562 — Arson In The Second Degree.

Section 609.563 — Arson In The Third Degree.

Section 609.5631 — Arson In The Fourth Degree.

Section 609.5632 — Arson In The Fifth Degree.

Section 609.5633 — Use Of Ignition Devices; Petty Misdemeanor.

Section 609.564 — Excluded Fires.

Section 609.5641 — Wildfire Arson.

Section 609.576 — Negligent Fires; Dangerous Smoking.

Section 609.581 — Definitions.

Section 609.582 — Burglary.

Section 609.583 — Sentencing; First Burglary Of Dwelling.

Section 609.585 — Double Jeopardy.

Section 609.586 — Possession Of Code-grabbing Devices; Penalty.

Section 609.59 — Possession Of Burglary Or Theft Tools.

Section 609.591 — Damage To Timber Or Wood Processing And Related Equipment.

Section 609.592 — Possession Of Timber Damage Devices.

Section 609.593 — Damage Or Theft To Energy Transmission Or Telecommunications Equipment.

Section 609.594 — Damage To Property Of Critical Public Service Facilities, Utilities, And Pipelines.

Section 609.595 — Damage To Property.

Section 609.596 — Killing Or Harming Public Safety Dog.

Section 609.597 — Assaulting Or Harming Police Horse; Penalties.

Section 609.599 — Exposing Domestic Animals To Disease.

Section 609.605 — Trespass.

Section 609.6055 — Trespass On Critical Public Service Facility; Utility; Or Pipeline.

Section 609.6057 — Geographic Restriction.

Section 609.606 — Unlawful Ouster Or Exclusion.

Section 609.611 — Insurance Fraud.

Section 609.612 — Employment Of Runners.

Section 609.615 — Defeating Security On Realty.

Section 609.62 — Defeating Security On Personalty.

Section 609.621 — Proof Of Concealment Of Property By Obligor Of Secured Property.

Section 609.625 — Aggravated Forgery.

Section 609.63 — Forgery.

Section 609.631 — Check Forgery; Offering Forged Check.

Section 609.632 — Counterfeiting Of Currency.

Section 609.635 — Obtaining Signature By False Pretense.

Section 609.64 — Recording, Filing Of Forged Instrument.

Section 609.645 — Fraudulent Statements.

Section 609.65 — False Certification By Notary Public.

Section 609.651 — State Lottery Fraud.

Section 609.652 — Fraudulent Drivers' Licenses And Identification Cards; Penalty.

Section 609.66 — Dangerous Weapons.

Section 609.661 — Penalty For Set Guns; Swivel Guns.

Section 609.662 — Shooting Victim; Duty To Render Aid.

Section 609.663 — Display Of Handgun Ammunition.

Section 609.665 — Spring Guns.

Section 609.666 — Negligent Storage Of Firearms.

Section 609.667 — Firearms; Removal Or Alteration Of Serial Number.

Section 609.668 — Explosive And Incendiary Devices.

Section 609.669 — Civil Disorder.

Section 609.67 — Machine Guns And Short-barreled Shotguns.

Section 609.671 — Environment; Criminal Penalties.

Section 609.672 — Permissive Inference; Firearms In Automobiles.

Section 609.675 — Exposure Of Unused Refrigerator Or Container To Children.

Section 609.68 — Unlawful Deposit Of Garbage, Litter, Or Like.

Section 609.681 — Unlawful Smoking.

Section 609.684 — Abuse Of Toxic Substances.

Section 609.685 — Sale Of Tobacco To Persons Under Age 21.

Section 609.6855 — Sale Of Nicotine Delivery Products To Persons Under Age 21.

Section 609.686 — False Fire Alarms; Tampering With Or Injuring Fire Alarm System.

Section 609.687 — Adulteration.

Section 609.688 — Adulteration By Bodily Fluid.

Section 609.705 — Unlawful Assembly.

Section 609.71 — Riot.

Section 609.712 — Real And Simulated Weapons Of Mass Destruction.

Section 609.713 — Threats Of Violence.

Section 609.714 — Crimes Committed In Furtherance Of Terrorism.

Section 609.715 — Presence At Unlawful Assembly.

Section 609.72 — Disorderly Conduct.

Section 609.735 — Concealing Identity.

Section 609.74 — Public Nuisance.

Section 609.745 — Permitting Public Nuisance.

Section 609.746 — Interference With Privacy.

Section 609.7475 — Fraudulent Or Otherwise Improper Financing Statements.

Section 609.748 — Harassment; Restraining Order.

Section 609.749 — Harassment; Stalking; Penalties.

Section 609.7495 — Physical Interference With Safe Access To Health Care.

Section 609.75 — Gambling; Definitions.

Section 609.755 — Gambling; Misdemeanor.

Section 609.76 — Gambling; Gross Misdemeanor; Felony.

Section 609.761 — Operations Permitted.

Section 609.762 — Forfeiture Of Gambling Devices, Prizes And Proceeds.

Section 609.763 — Lawful Gambling Fraud.

Section 609.765 — Criminal Defamation.

Section 609.77 — False Information To News Media.

Section 609.774 — Emergency Communications; Kidnappings.

Section 609.775 — Divulging Telephone Or Telegraph Message; Nondelivery.

Section 609.776 — Interference With Emergency Communications.

Section 609.78 — Emergency Telephone Calls And Communications.

Section 609.79 — Obscene Or Harassing Telephone Calls.

Section 609.795 — Letter, Telegram, Or Package; Opening; Harassment.

Section 609.80 — Interfering With Cable Communications Systems.

Section 609.806 — Interfering With Internet Ticket Sales.

Section 609.807 — Event Tickets; Prohibited Acts.

Section 609.815 — Misconduct Of Junk Or Secondhand Dealer.

Section 609.816 — Wrongful Employment At A Child Care Center.

Section 609.82 — Fraud In Obtaining Credit.

Section 609.821 — Financial Transaction Card Fraud.

Section 609.822 — Residential Mortgage Fraud.

Section 609.825 — Bribery Of Participant Or Official In Contest.

Section 609.83 — Falsely Impersonating Another.

Section 609.833 — Misrepresentation Of Service Animal.

Section 609.849 — Railroad That Obstructs Treatment Of Injured Worker.

Section 609.85 — Crimes Against Railroad Employees And Property; Penalty.

Section 609.851 — False Traffic Signal.

Section 609.855 — Crimes Involving Transit; Shooting At Transit Vehicle.

Section 609.856 — Use Of Police Radios During Commission Of Crime; Penalties.

Section 609.857 — Discharging A Laser At An Aircraft.

Section 609.86 — Commercial Bribery.

Section 609.87 — Computer Crime; Definitions.

Section 609.88 — Computer Damage.

Section 609.89 — Computer Theft.

Section 609.891 — Unauthorized Computer Access.

Section 609.8911 — Reporting Violations.

Section 609.8912 — Criminal Use Of Encryption.

Section 609.8913 — Facilitating Access To Computer Security System.

Section 609.892 — Definitions.

Section 609.893 — Telecommunications And Information Services Fraud; Crime Defined.

Section 609.894 — Cellular Telephone Counterfeiting; Crimes Defined.

Section 609.895 — Counterfeited Intellectual Property; Penalties.

Section 609.896 — Criminal Use Of Real Property.

Section 609.901 — Construction Of Racketeering Provisions.

Section 609.902 — Definitions.

Section 609.903 — Racketeering.

Section 609.904 — Criminal Penalties.

Section 609.905 — Criminal Forfeiture.

Section 609.907 — Preservation Of Property Subject To Forfeiture.

Section 609.908 — Disposition Of Forfeiture Proceeds.

Section 609.909 — Additional Relief Available.

Section 609.910 — Relation To Other Sanctions.

Section 609.911 — Civil Remedies.

Section 609.912 — Notice To Other Prosecuting Authorities.