Subdivision 1. Fair hearing allowed for applicants and recipients. (a) An applicant or recipient adversely affected by an action of a county agency or the commissioner, for an action taken directly against the applicant or recipient, may request and receive a fair hearing in accordance with this subdivision and section 256.045. An applicant or recipient does not have a right to a fair hearing if a county agency or the commissioner takes action against a provider.
(b) A county agency must offer an informal conference to an applicant or recipient who is entitled to a fair hearing under this section. A county agency must advise an applicant or recipient that a request for a conference is optional and does not delay or replace the right to a fair hearing.
(c) If a provider's authorization is suspended, denied, or revoked, a county agency or the commissioner must mail notice to each child care assistance program recipient receiving care from the provider.
Subd. 1a. Fair hearing allowed for providers. (a) This subdivision applies to providers caring for children receiving child care assistance.
(b) A provider may request a fair hearing according to sections 256.045 and 256.046 only if a county agency or the commissioner:
(1) denies or revokes a provider's authorization, unless the action entitles the provider to an administrative review under section 119B.161;
(2) assigns responsibility for an overpayment to a provider under section 119B.11, subdivision 2a;
(3) establishes an overpayment for failure to comply with section 119B.125, subdivision 6;
(4) seeks monetary recovery or recoupment under section 245E.02, subdivision 4, paragraph (c), clause (2);
(5) initiates an administrative fraud disqualification hearing; or
(6) issues a payment and the provider disagrees with the amount of the payment.
(c) A provider may request a fair hearing by submitting a written request to the Department of Human Services, Appeals Division. A provider's request must be received by the Appeals Division no later than 30 days after the date a county or the commissioner mails the notice.
(d) The provider's appeal request must contain the following:
(1) each disputed item, the reason for the dispute, and, if applicable, an estimate of the dollar amount involved for each disputed item;
(2) the computation the provider believes to be correct, if applicable;
(3) the statute or rule relied on for each disputed item; and
(4) the name, address, and telephone number of the person at the provider's place of business with whom contact may be made regarding the appeal.
Subd. 1b. Joint fair hearings. The human services judge assigned to a fair hearing may join a family or a provider as a party to the fair hearing whenever joinder of that party is necessary to fully and fairly resolve issues raised in the appeal.
Subd. 1c. Notice to providers. (a) Before taking an action appealable under subdivision 1a, paragraph (b), a county agency or the commissioner must mail written notice to the provider against whom the action is being taken. Unless otherwise specified under this chapter, chapter 245E, or Minnesota Rules, chapter 3400, a county agency or the commissioner must mail the written notice at least 15 calendar days before the adverse action's effective date.
(b) The notice shall state (1) the factual basis for the department's determination, (2) the action the department intends to take, (3) the dollar amount of the monetary recovery or recoupment, if known, and (4) the provider's right to appeal the department's proposed action.
Subd. 2. MS 2020 [Repealed, 1Sp2019 c 9 art 1 s 43]
Subd. 3. Fair hearing stayed. (a) If a county agency or the commissioner denies or revokes a provider's authorization based on a licensing action under section 245A.07, and the provider appeals, the provider's fair hearing must be stayed until the commissioner issues an order as required under section 245A.08, subdivision 5.
(b) If the commissioner denies or revokes a provider's authorization based on decertification under section 245H.07, and the provider appeals, the provider's fair hearing must be stayed until the commissioner issues a final order as required under section 245H.07.
Subd. 4. Final department action. Unless the commissioner receives a timely and proper request for an appeal, a county agency's or the commissioner's action shall be considered a final department action.
1987 c 403 art 3 s 73; 1988 c 689 art 2 s 230; 1997 c 162 art 4 s 42; 1Sp2003 c 14 art 9 s 25-27; 2013 c 107 art 1 s 9; 1Sp2019 c 9 art 1 s 11-16,43
Structure Minnesota Statutes
Chapters 119A - 119B — Children And Families
Chapter 119B — Child Care Programs
Section 119B.011 — Definitions.
Section 119B.02 — Duties Of Commissioner.
Section 119B.025 — Duties Of Counties.
Section 119B.03 — Basic Sliding Fee Program.
Section 119B.035 — At-home Infant Child Care Program.
Section 119B.04 — Federal Child Care And Development Fund.
Section 119B.05 — Mfip Child Care Assistance Program.
Section 119B.06 — Federal Child Care And Development Block Grant.
Section 119B.08 — Reporting And Payments.
Section 119B.09 — Financial Eligibility.
Section 119B.095 — Child Care Authorizations.
Section 119B.097 — Authorization With A Secondary Provider.
Section 119B.10 — Employment, Education, Or Training Eligibility.
Section 119B.105 — Extended Eligibility And Authorization.
Section 119B.11 — County Contribution.
Section 119B.12 — Sliding Fee Scale.
Section 119B.125 — Provider Requirements.
Section 119B.13 — Child Care Rates.
Section 119B.14 — Extension Of Employment Opportunities.
Section 119B.15 — Administrative Expenses.
Section 119B.16 — Fair Hearing Process.
Section 119B.161 — Administrative Review.
Section 119B.189 — Child Care Services Grant Definitions.
Section 119B.21 — Child Care Services Grants.
Section 119B.24 — Duties Of Commissioner.
Section 119B.25 — Child Care Improvement Grants.
Section 119B.26 — Authority To Waive Requirements During Disaster Periods.