Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 119B — Child Care Programs
Section 119B.08 — Reporting And Payments.

Subdivision 1. Reports. The commissioner shall specify requirements for reports under the authority provided in section 256.01, subdivision 2, paragraph (p).
Subd. 2. Monthly payments. The commissioner shall make monthly payments on a reimbursement basis for expenditures reported outside of the electronic system used to administer child care assistance. Payments may be withheld if monthly reports are incomplete or untimely.
Subd. 3. Child care fund plan. The county and designated administering agency shall submit a biennial child care fund plan to the commissioner. The commissioner shall establish the dates by which the county must submit the plans. The plan shall include:
(1) a description of strategies to coordinate and maximize public and private community resources, including school districts, health care facilities, government agencies, neighborhood organizations, and other resources knowledgeable in early childhood development, in particular to coordinate child care assistance with existing community-based programs and service providers including child care resource and referral programs, early childhood family education, school readiness, Head Start, local interagency early intervention committees, special education services, early childhood screening, and other early childhood care and education services and programs to the extent possible, to foster collaboration among agencies and other community-based programs that provide flexible, family-focused services to families with young children and to facilitate transition into kindergarten. The county must describe a method by which to share information, responsibility, and accountability among service and program providers;
(2) a description of procedures and methods to be used to make copies of the proposed state plan reasonably available to the public, including members of the public particularly interested in child care policies such as parents, child care providers, culturally specific service organizations, child care resource and referral programs, interagency early intervention committees, potential collaborative partners and agencies involved in the provision of care and education to young children, and allowing sufficient time for public review and comment; and
(3) information as requested by the department to ensure compliance with the child care fund statutes and rules promulgated by the commissioner.
The commissioner shall notify counties within 90 days of the date the plan is submitted whether the plan is approved or the corrections or information needed to approve the plan. The commissioner shall withhold a county's allocation until it has an approved plan. Plans not approved by the end of the second quarter after the plan is due may result in a 25 percent reduction in allocation. Plans not approved by the end of the third quarter after the plan is due may result in a 100 percent reduction in the allocation to the county. Counties are to maintain services despite any reduction in their allocation due to plans not being approved.
Subd. 4. [Repealed, 2007 c 147 art 2 s 63]
1987 c 403 art 3 s 67; 1989 c 89 s 22; 1989 c 282 art 2 s 146; 1990 c 568 art 4 s 47; 1997 c 162 art 4 s 26,27; 1999 c 159 s 19; 1999 c 205 art 1 s 27,69; 1Sp2003 c 14 art 9 s 13; 2005 c 98 art 1 s 6; 2009 c 175 art 1 s 2; 2015 c 78 art 4 s 61

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 119A - 119B — Children And Families

Chapter 119B — Child Care Programs

Section 119B.011 — Definitions.

Section 119B.02 — Duties Of Commissioner.

Section 119B.025 — Duties Of Counties.

Section 119B.03 — Basic Sliding Fee Program.

Section 119B.035 — At-home Infant Child Care Program.

Section 119B.04 — Federal Child Care And Development Fund.

Section 119B.05 — Mfip Child Care Assistance Program.

Section 119B.06 — Federal Child Care And Development Block Grant.

Section 119B.08 — Reporting And Payments.

Section 119B.09 — Financial Eligibility.

Section 119B.095 — Child Care Authorizations.

Section 119B.097 — Authorization With A Secondary Provider.

Section 119B.10 — Employment, Education, Or Training Eligibility.

Section 119B.105 — Extended Eligibility And Authorization.

Section 119B.11 — County Contribution.

Section 119B.12 — Sliding Fee Scale.

Section 119B.125 — Provider Requirements.

Section 119B.13 — Child Care Rates.

Section 119B.14 — Extension Of Employment Opportunities.

Section 119B.15 — Administrative Expenses.

Section 119B.16 — Fair Hearing Process.

Section 119B.161 — Administrative Review.

Section 119B.189 — Child Care Services Grant Definitions.

Section 119B.19 — Grants For School Age Child Care Programs And Child Care Resource And Referral Programs.

Section 119B.195 — Retaining Early Educators Through Attaining Incentives Now (reetain) Grant Program.

Section 119B.21 — Child Care Services Grants.

Section 119B.24 — Duties Of Commissioner.

Section 119B.25 — Child Care Improvement Grants.

Section 119B.251 — Teacher Education And Compensation Helps; Early Childhood Teacher Education Incentives.

Section 119B.26 — Authority To Waive Requirements During Disaster Periods.