Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 119B — Child Care Programs
Section 119B.035 — At-home Infant Child Care Program.

Subdivision 1. Establishment. A family in which a parent provides care for the family's infant child may receive a subsidy in lieu of assistance if the family is eligible for or is receiving assistance under the basic sliding fee program. An eligible family must meet the eligibility factors under section 119B.09, except as provided in subdivision 4, and the requirements of this section. Subject to federal match and maintenance of effort requirements for the child care and development fund, and up to available appropriations, the commissioner shall provide assistance under the at-home infant child care program and for administrative costs associated with the program. At the end of a fiscal year, the commissioner may carry forward any unspent funds under this section to the next fiscal year within the same biennium for assistance under the basic sliding fee program.
Subd. 2. Eligible families. A family with an infant under the age of one year is eligible for assistance if:
(1) the family is not receiving MFIP, other cash assistance, or other child care assistance;
(2) the family has not previously received a lifelong total of 12 months of assistance under this section; and
(3) the family is participating in the basic sliding fee program or provides verification of participating in an authorized activity at the time of application and meets the program requirements.
Subd. 3. Eligible parent. A family is eligible for assistance under this section if one parent cares for the family's infant child. The eligible parent must:
(1) be over the age of 18;
(2) care for the infant full time in the infant's home; and
(3) care for any other children in the family who are eligible for child care assistance under this chapter.
For purposes of this section, "parent" means birth parent, adoptive parent, or stepparent.
Subd. 4. Assistance. (a) A family is limited to a lifetime total of 12 months of assistance under subdivision 2. The maximum rate of assistance is equal to 68 percent of the rate established under section 119B.13 for care of infants in licensed family child care in the applicant's county of residence.
(b) A participating family must report income and other family changes as specified in sections 256P.06 and 256P.07, and the county's plan under section 119B.08, subdivision 3.
(c) Persons who are admitted to the at-home infant child care program retain their position in any basic sliding fee program. Persons leaving the at-home infant child care program reenter the basic sliding fee program at the position they would have occupied.
(d) Assistance under this section does not establish an employer-employee relationship between any member of the assisted family and the county or state.
Subd. 5. Implementation. The commissioner shall implement the at-home infant child care program under this section through counties that administer the basic sliding fee program under section 119B.03. The commissioner must develop and distribute consumer information on the at-home infant child care program to assist parents of infants or expectant parents in making informed child care decisions.
2004 c 288 art 4 s 12; 2005 c 98 art 1 s 4; 2007 c 147 art 2 s 4; 1Sp2011 c 9 art 1 s 2; 2015 c 71 art 5 s 3,35

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 119A - 119B — Children And Families

Chapter 119B — Child Care Programs

Section 119B.011 — Definitions.

Section 119B.02 — Duties Of Commissioner.

Section 119B.025 — Duties Of Counties.

Section 119B.03 — Basic Sliding Fee Program.

Section 119B.035 — At-home Infant Child Care Program.

Section 119B.04 — Federal Child Care And Development Fund.

Section 119B.05 — Mfip Child Care Assistance Program.

Section 119B.06 — Federal Child Care And Development Block Grant.

Section 119B.08 — Reporting And Payments.

Section 119B.09 — Financial Eligibility.

Section 119B.095 — Child Care Authorizations.

Section 119B.097 — Authorization With A Secondary Provider.

Section 119B.10 — Employment, Education, Or Training Eligibility.

Section 119B.105 — Extended Eligibility And Authorization.

Section 119B.11 — County Contribution.

Section 119B.12 — Sliding Fee Scale.

Section 119B.125 — Provider Requirements.

Section 119B.13 — Child Care Rates.

Section 119B.14 — Extension Of Employment Opportunities.

Section 119B.15 — Administrative Expenses.

Section 119B.16 — Fair Hearing Process.

Section 119B.161 — Administrative Review.

Section 119B.189 — Child Care Services Grant Definitions.

Section 119B.19 — Grants For School Age Child Care Programs And Child Care Resource And Referral Programs.

Section 119B.195 — Retaining Early Educators Through Attaining Incentives Now (reetain) Grant Program.

Section 119B.21 — Child Care Services Grants.

Section 119B.24 — Duties Of Commissioner.

Section 119B.25 — Child Care Improvement Grants.

Section 119B.251 — Teacher Education And Compensation Helps; Early Childhood Teacher Education Incentives.

Section 119B.26 — Authority To Waive Requirements During Disaster Periods.