Michigan constitution
Article XII
Section 3

At the general election to be held in the year 1978, and in each 16th year thereafter
and at such times as may be provided by law, the question of a general revision of the
constitution shall be submitted to the electors of the state. If a majority of the electors voting
on the question decide in favor of a convention for such purpose, at an election to be held not
later than six months after the proposal was certified as approved, the electors of each
representative district as then organized shall elect one delegate and the electors of each
senatorial district as then organized shall elect one delegate at a partisan election. The
delegates so elected shall convene at the seat of government on the first Tuesday in October
next succeeding such election or at an earlier date if provided by law.
Convention officers, rules, membership, personnel, publications.
The convention shall choose its own officers, determine the rules of its proceedings and
judge the qualifications, elections and returns of its members. To fill a vacancy in the office of
any delegate, the governor shall appoint a qualified resident of the same district who shall be a
member of the same party as the delegate vacating the office. The convention shall have power
to appoint such officers, employees and assistants as it deems necessary and to fix their
compensation; to provide for the printing and distribution of its documents, journals and
proceedings; to explain and disseminate information about the proposed constitution and to
complete the business of the convention in an orderly manner. Each delegate shall receive for
his services compensation provided by law.
Submission of proposed constitution or amendment.
No proposed constitution or amendment adopted by such convention shall be submitted to
the electors for approval as hereinafter provided unless by the assent of a majority of all the
delegates elected to and serving in the convention, with the names and vote of those voting
entered in the journal. Any proposed constitution or amendments adopted by such convention
shall be submitted to the qualified electors in the manner and at the time provided by such
convention not less than 90 days after final adjournment of the convention. Upon the approval
of such constitution or amendments by a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon the
constitution or amendments shall take effect as provided by the convention.