The regents of the University of Michigan and their successors in office shall constitute
a body corporate known as the Regents of the University of Michigan; the trustees of Michigan
State University and their successors in office shall constitute a body corporate known as the
Board of Trustees of Michigan State University; the governors of Wayne State University and
their successors in office shall constitute a body corporate known as the Board of Governors of
Wayne State University. Each board shall have general supervision of its institution and the
control and direction of all expenditures from the institution’s funds. Each board shall, as often
as necessary, elect a president of the institution under its supervision. He shall be the principal
executive officer of the institution, be ex-officio a member of the board without the right to vote
and preside at meetings of the board. The board of each institution shall consist of eight
members who shall hold office for terms of eight years and who shall be elected as provided by
law. The governor shall fill board vacancies by appointment. Each appointee shall hold office
until a successor has been nominated and elected as provided by law.