Michigan constitution
Article VIII
Section 3

Leadership and general supervision over all public education, including adult education
and instructional programs in state institutions, except as to institutions of higher education
granting baccalaureate degrees, is vested in a state board of education. It shall serve as the
general planning and coordinating body for all public education, including higher education, and
shall advise the legislature as to the financial requirements in connection therewith.
Superintendent of public instruction; appointment, powers, duties.
The state board of education shall appoint a superintendent of public instruction whose
term of office shall be determined by the board. He shall be the chairman of the board without
the right to vote, and shall be responsible for the execution of its policies. He shall be the
principal executive officer of a state department of education which shall have powers and
duties provided by law.
State board of education; members, nomination, election, term.
The state board of education shall consist of eight members who shall be nominated by
party conventions and elected at large for terms of eight years as prescribed by law. The
governor shall fill any vacancy by appointment for the unexpired term. The governor shall be
ex-officio a member of the state board of education without the right to vote.
Boards of institutions of higher education, limitation.
The power of the boards of institutions of higher education provided in this constitution to
supervise their respective institutions and control and direct the expenditure of the institutions’
funds shall not be limited by this section.