Michigan Compiled Laws
232-1953-I - Chapter I Department of Corrections. (791.201...791.220j)
Section 791.220d - Repealed. 1987, Act 176, Imd. Eff. Nov. 19, 1987.

Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to demolition of Michigan reformatory in Ionia.Popular Name: Department of Corrections Act

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 791 - Department of Corrections

Act 232 of 1953 - Corrections Code of 1953 (791.201 - 791.285)

232-1953-I - Chapter I Department of Corrections. (791.201...791.220j)

Section 791.201 - State Department of Corrections; Creation; Powers and Duties; Administration; Michigan Corrections Commission; Appointment, Qualifications, and Terms of Members; Officers and Assistants; Director as Executive Head; Vacancy; Compensa...

Section 791.201a - Short Title.

Section 791.202 - Michigan Corrections Commission; Election of Chairperson and Other Officers; Meetings; Quorum; Powers and Duties; Conducting Business at Public Meeting; Notice.

Section 791.203 - Corrections Commission; Director of Corrections, Appointment, Qualifications, Salary, Powers and Duties.

Section 791.204 - State Department of Corrections; Jurisdiction.

Section 791.205 - Corrections Commission; Assistant Directors, Powers and Duties.

Section 791.205a - Employment or Appointment by Department of Person Convicted or Charged With Felony; Prohibition; Exception; Policy.

Section 791.206 - Rules.

Section 791.207 - Report to Governor and Legislature; Time; Order by Board of Auditors; Printing and Distribution.

Section 791.207a - Records of Department; Accessibility by Governing Bodies of Senate and House Fiscal Agency.

Section 791.208 - Division of Criminal Statistics; Powers and Duties of Director.

Section 791.208a - Definitions; Recidivism Rates; Collection and Maintenance of Data; Manner.

Section 791.209 - Corrections Commission; Crime Prevention and Criminology Research.

Section 791.210 - Corrections Commission; Bond of Officers and Employees, Purpose.

Section 791.211 - Corrections Commission; Powers and Duties.

Section 791.211a - Interstate Corrections Compact; Contracts; Suitability of Institutions for Confinement; Out-of-State Transfer of Prisoners; Conditions.

Section 791.212 - Michigan Corrections Commission; Seal; Rules and Orders; Records and Papers as Evidence; Commission as Body Corporate; Leasing Lands and Granting Easements; Availability of Certain Writings to Public.

Section 791.213 - Corrections Commission; Gifts, Donations, Bonds, Real or Personal Property; Purpose.

Section 791.214 - Corrections Commission; Estimation of Needs and Cost, Submission to Department of Administration.

Section 791.214a - Family Reunification Policy; Family Advisory Board; Creation; Membership, Duties.

Section 791.215 - “Correctional Facility” Defined.

Section 791.216 - Establishment of Correctional Facility; Determination of Need; Comprehensive Plan; Notice of Proposal; Local Advisory Board; Public Hearing Required; Procedure; Public Notice of Hearings; Minutes of Hearing; Finding and Notice of Fi...

Section 791.217 - Action for Noncompliance With Site Selection Process.

Section 791.218 - Relations With City, Village, or Township in Which Facility Located; Duties of Advisory Committee or Advisory Board.

Section 791.219 - Applicability of MCL 791.215 to 791.219 to Correctional Facilities.

Section 791.220-791.220c - Repealed. 1995, Act 28, Imd. Eff. May 10, 1995.

Section 791.220d - Repealed. 1987, Act 176, Imd. Eff. Nov. 19, 1987.

Section 791.220e - Scott Correctional Facility; Western Wayne Correctional Facility; Capacity Limits; Increase.

Section 791.220f - Construction of Correctional Facility; Requirements; Definition.

Section 791.220g - Youth Correctional Facility.

Section 791.220h - Order of Restitution; Deductions and Payments.

Section 791.220i - Correctional Facility Described in MCL 791.220g; Use; Interlocal Agreement; Contract for Housing, Custody, and Care of Detainees or Inmates From Other Agencies; Requirements; Performance of Duties by Personnel; Oversight; Civil Lia...

Section 791.220j - Contract Resulting in Annual Savings; Employment Consideration.