Michigan Compiled Laws
232-1953-I - Chapter I Department of Corrections. (791.201...791.220j)
Section 791.214 - Corrections Commission; Estimation of Needs and Cost, Submission to Department of Administration.

Sec. 14.
The commission shall prepare for submission to the department of administration the estimated needs and costs to operate the department, and the several penal institutions under the jurisdiction of the department, in accordance with the requirements of the laws of this state.
History: 1953, Act 232, Eff. Oct. 2, 1953 Popular Name: Department of Corrections Act

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 791 - Department of Corrections

Act 232 of 1953 - Corrections Code of 1953 (791.201 - 791.285)

232-1953-I - Chapter I Department of Corrections. (791.201...791.220j)

Section 791.201 - State Department of Corrections; Creation; Powers and Duties; Administration; Michigan Corrections Commission; Appointment, Qualifications, and Terms of Members; Officers and Assistants; Director as Executive Head; Vacancy; Compensa...

Section 791.201a - Short Title.

Section 791.202 - Michigan Corrections Commission; Election of Chairperson and Other Officers; Meetings; Quorum; Powers and Duties; Conducting Business at Public Meeting; Notice.

Section 791.203 - Corrections Commission; Director of Corrections, Appointment, Qualifications, Salary, Powers and Duties.

Section 791.204 - State Department of Corrections; Jurisdiction.

Section 791.205 - Corrections Commission; Assistant Directors, Powers and Duties.

Section 791.205a - Employment or Appointment by Department of Person Convicted or Charged With Felony; Prohibition; Exception; Policy.

Section 791.206 - Rules.

Section 791.207 - Report to Governor and Legislature; Time; Order by Board of Auditors; Printing and Distribution.

Section 791.207a - Records of Department; Accessibility by Governing Bodies of Senate and House Fiscal Agency.

Section 791.208 - Division of Criminal Statistics; Powers and Duties of Director.

Section 791.208a - Definitions; Recidivism Rates; Collection and Maintenance of Data; Manner.

Section 791.209 - Corrections Commission; Crime Prevention and Criminology Research.

Section 791.210 - Corrections Commission; Bond of Officers and Employees, Purpose.

Section 791.211 - Corrections Commission; Powers and Duties.

Section 791.211a - Interstate Corrections Compact; Contracts; Suitability of Institutions for Confinement; Out-of-State Transfer of Prisoners; Conditions.

Section 791.212 - Michigan Corrections Commission; Seal; Rules and Orders; Records and Papers as Evidence; Commission as Body Corporate; Leasing Lands and Granting Easements; Availability of Certain Writings to Public.

Section 791.213 - Corrections Commission; Gifts, Donations, Bonds, Real or Personal Property; Purpose.

Section 791.214 - Corrections Commission; Estimation of Needs and Cost, Submission to Department of Administration.

Section 791.214a - Family Reunification Policy; Family Advisory Board; Creation; Membership, Duties.

Section 791.215 - “Correctional Facility” Defined.

Section 791.216 - Establishment of Correctional Facility; Determination of Need; Comprehensive Plan; Notice of Proposal; Local Advisory Board; Public Hearing Required; Procedure; Public Notice of Hearings; Minutes of Hearing; Finding and Notice of Fi...

Section 791.217 - Action for Noncompliance With Site Selection Process.

Section 791.218 - Relations With City, Village, or Township in Which Facility Located; Duties of Advisory Committee or Advisory Board.

Section 791.219 - Applicability of MCL 791.215 to 791.219 to Correctional Facilities.

Section 791.220-791.220c - Repealed. 1995, Act 28, Imd. Eff. May 10, 1995.

Section 791.220d - Repealed. 1987, Act 176, Imd. Eff. Nov. 19, 1987.

Section 791.220e - Scott Correctional Facility; Western Wayne Correctional Facility; Capacity Limits; Increase.

Section 791.220f - Construction of Correctional Facility; Requirements; Definition.

Section 791.220g - Youth Correctional Facility.

Section 791.220h - Order of Restitution; Deductions and Payments.

Section 791.220i - Correctional Facility Described in MCL 791.220g; Use; Interlocal Agreement; Contract for Housing, Custody, and Care of Detainees or Inmates From Other Agencies; Requirements; Performance of Duties by Personnel; Oversight; Civil Lia...

Section 791.220j - Contract Resulting in Annual Savings; Employment Consideration.