Michigan Compiled Laws
236-1961-21 - Chapter 21 Evidence (600.2101...600.2169)
Section 600.2150 - Repealed. 1962, Act 174, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964.

Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to suit founded on lost negotiable bill or note.

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 600 - Revised Judicature Act of 1961

Act 236 of 1961 - Revised Judicature Act of 1961 (600.101 - 600.9948)

236-1961-21 - Chapter 21 Evidence (600.2101...600.2169)

Section 600.2101 - Cases Tried Without Jury; Objections to Testimony or Evidence; Exclusion of Testimony From Record; Taking of Excluded Testimony; Return of Excluded Testimony to Court of Appeals or Supreme Court.

Section 600.2102 - Affidavit Taken in Other State or Country; Authentication.

Section 600.2103 - Judicial Records of Other States or Countries; Use as Evidence; Authentication.

Section 600.2104 - Judicial Records of Foreign Countries; Copies as Evidence.

Section 600.2105 - Judicial Records of Foreign Countries; Proof by Common Law Methods.

Section 600.2106 - Court Order, Judgment, or Decree of Court of Record; Certified Copy as Evidence.

Section 600.2107 - Public Records; Certified Transcript as Evidence.

Section 600.2108 - Secretary of State; Certificate of Nonexistence of Record.

Section 600.2109 - Recorded Conveyance and Instruments; Certified Copies.

Section 600.2110 - Recorded Conveyances and Instruments; Record in County Other Than Situs; Certified Copies.

Section 600.2111 - Certificate of Lost Paper as Evidence of Loss.

Section 600.2112 - Certificates of Justices of the Peace of Other States as Evidence.

Section 600.2113 - Constitution, Laws, and Resolutions; Official Publication as Evidence.

Section 600.2114 - Repealed. 1967, Act 178, Eff. Nov. 2, 1967.

Section 600.2114a - Issues of Foreign Law; Notice; Evidence; Duties of Court; Review on Appeal.

Section 600.2115 - Repealed. 1967, Act 178, Eff. Nov. 2, 1967.

Section 600.2116 - Laws, Bylaws, Regulations, Resolutions, and Ordinances of City, Village, or Township as Evidence.

Section 600.2117 - Device by Way of Seal as Evidence of Seal.

Section 600.2118 - Repealed. 1967, Act 178, Eff. Nov. 2, 1967.

Section 600.2118a - Foreign Records and Laws; Evidence; Copies, Certification.

Section 600.2119 - Judgment; Record of Certified Copy as Evidence.

Section 600.2120, 600.2121 - Repealed. 1974, Act 297, Eff. Apr. 1, 1975.

Section 600.2122 - Certified as Evidence; United States Land Office Records.

Section 600.2123 - Certified Copies as Evidence; Records of Board of Control of Saint Mary's Falls Ship Canal.

Section 600.2124 - Certified Copies as Evidence; United States Weather Record.

Section 600.2125 - Proof of Publication; Notice of Application to Court or Judicial Officer.

Section 600.2126 - Proof of Publication; Notice of Sale of Real Property.

Section 600.2127 - Proof of Publication; Presumptive Evidence.

Section 600.2128 - Proof of Publication; Prima Facie Evidence.

Section 600.2129 - Proof of Publication; Copy of Record of Document; Certification; Court Orders; Seal.

Section 600.2130 - Schedules, Classifications, Tariffs, and Supplements Filed With Regulatory Commissions; Copies as Evidence; Presumption.

Section 600.2131 - Written Instruments; Proof; Acknowledgment.

Section 600.2132 - Marriage Certificates and Records as Evidence.

Section 600.2133 - Marriage License or Certificate; Record as Evidence.

Section 600.2134 - Purchase of Public Lands; Certificates as Evidence.

Section 600.2135 - Breed of Horses; Evidence.

Section 600.2136 - Library Record, Book, or Paper; Copy or Reproduction Admissible as Evidence; Fee; False Certification; Penalty.

Section 600.2137 - Reproduction or Copy Admissible in Evidence.

Section 600.2138 - Filed or Recorded Documents; Copy or Replacement; Certification; Admissibility as Evidence; Transcript or Certified Copy; Filing or Inserting Correction, Alteration, Indorsement, or Entry.

Section 600.2139 - Seal; Presumptive Evidence of Consideration.

Section 600.2140 - Corporate Existence; Proof.

Section 600.2141 - Copartnership; Proof.

Section 600.2142 - Seal; Prima Facie Proof of Lawful Execution of Instruments by Corporations, Other Firms.

Section 600.2143 - Subscribing Witness to Instrument Need Not Be Called; Exception.

Section 600.2144 - Signature or Handwriting; Proof.

Section 600.2145 - Open Account or Account Stated; Proof, Counterclaim.

Section 600.2146 - Writing or Record Made in Regular Course of Business; Reproduction Admissible in Evidence; Other Circumstances; Lack of Entry; Reproduction as Evidence.

Section 600.2147 - Business Record Prepared or Entered in Regular Course of Business; Reproduction as Evidence; Delivery of Copy to Adverse Party.

Section 600.2148 - Reproduced Records of Business Firms; Disposal of Original Record; Admissibility of Reproduction in Evidence; “Person” Defined.

Section 600.2149 - Loss of Instrument; Proof and Disproof.

Section 600.2150 - Repealed. 1962, Act 174, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964.

Section 600.2151 - Admission of Member of Corporation as Evidence.

Section 600.2152 - Mental Competency of Testator; Presumption.

Section 600.2153 - Public Officers; Administration of Oaths for Certain Purposes.

Section 600.2154 - Witness; Obligation to Answer Through Revealing Civil Liability; Self-Incrimination.

Section 600.2155 - Statement, Writing, or Action Expressing Sympathy, Compassion, Commiseration, or Benevolence; Admissibility in Action for Malpractice; "Family" Defined.

Section 600.2156 - Minister, Priest, or Christian Science Practitioner; Nondisclosure of Confessions.

Section 600.2157 - Physician-Patient Privilege; Waiver.

Section 600.2157a - Definitions; Consultation Between Victim and Sexual Assault or Domestic Violence Counselor; Admissibility.

Section 600.2157b - Confidential Communication to Crime Stoppers Organization; Definitions.

Section 600.2158 - Crime; Interest or Relationship of Witness, Effect.

Section 600.2159 - Parties as Witnesses; Depositions; Comment on Failure of Criminal Defendant to Testify.

Section 600.2160 - Repealed. 1967, Act 263, Eff. Nov. 2, 1967.

Section 600.2161 - Cross Examination of Opposite Party or Agent.

Section 600.2162 - Husband or Wife as Witness for or Against Other.

Section 600.2163 - Repealed. 1998, Act 323, Imd. Eff. Aug. 3, 1998.

Section 600.2163a - Definitions; Prosecutions and Proceedings to Which Section Applicable; Use of Dolls or Mannequins; Support Person; Notice; Videorecorded Statement; Special Arrangements to Protect Welfare of Witness; Videorecorded Deposition; Sect...

Section 600.2164 - Expert Witnesses; Fees; Contempt for Excessive Fees; Number; Application of Section.

Section 600.2164a - Expert Witness; Testimony at Trial by Video Communication Equipment; Motion; Payment of Cost.

Section 600.2165 - Disclosure of Students' Records or Communications by School Teacher or Employee.

Section 600.2166 - Admissibility of Evidence in Action by or Against Person Incapable of Testifying.

Section 600.2167 - Repealed. 2014, Act 124, Imd. Eff. May 20, 2014.

Section 600.2169 - Qualifications of Expert Witness in Action Alleging Medical Malpractice; Determination; Disqualification of Expert Witness; Testimony on Contingency Fee Basis as Misdemeanor; Limitations Applicable to Discovery.