Michigan Compiled Laws
218-1956-39 - Chapter 39 Long-Term Care Insurance (500.3901...500.3955)
Section 500.3926a - Applicability of Section to Long-Term Care Policy or Certificate Issued on or After June 1, 2007; Notice of Pending Premium Rate Schedule Increase; Requirements; Review and Approval by Commissioner; Eligibility for Contingent Bene...

***** 500.3926a SEE SUBSECTION (1) FOR APPLICABILITY *****
Sec. 3926a.
(1) Except as provided in subsection (2), this section applies to any long-term care policy or certificate issued in this state on or after June 1, 2007.
(2) For certificates issued on or after June 1, 2007 under a group long-term care insurance policy described in section 3901(c)(i), which policy was in force on June 1, 2007, this section applies on the policy anniversary date following June 1, 2007.
(3) An insurer shall provide notice of a pending premium rate schedule increase, including an exceptional increase, to the commissioner at least 30 days prior to the notice to the policyholders. This notice to the commissioner shall include all of the following:
(a) Information required by section 3925.
(b) Certification by a qualified actuary that if the requested premium rate schedule increase is implemented and the underlying assumptions, which reflect moderately adverse conditions, are realized, no further premium rate schedule increases are anticipated and that the premium rate filing is in compliance with the provisions of this section.
(c) An actuarial memorandum justifying the rate schedule change request that includes all of the following:
(i) Lifetime projections of earned premiums and incurred claims based on the filed premium rate schedule increase and the method and assumptions used in determining the projected values, including reflection of any assumptions that deviate from those used for pricing other policies or certificates currently available for sale. Annual values for the 5 years preceding and the 3 years following the valuation date shall be provided separately. The projections shall include the development of the lifetime loss ratio, unless the rate increase is an exceptional increase. The projections shall demonstrate compliance with subsection (4). For exceptional increases, the projected experience shall be limited to the increases in claims expenses attributable to the approved reasons for the exceptional increase and if the commissioner determines that offsets may exist, the insurer shall use appropriate net projected experience.
(ii) If the rate increase will trigger contingent benefit upon lapse, disclosure of how reserves have been incorporated in this rate increase.
(iii) Disclosure of the analysis performed to determine why a rate adjustment is necessary, which pricing assumptions were not realized and why, and what other actions taken by the insurer have been relied on by the actuary.
(iv) A statement that policy design, underwriting, and claims adjudication practices have been taken into consideration.
(v) If it is necessary to maintain consistent premium rates for new certificates and certificates receiving a rate increase, the insurer will need to file composite rates reflecting projections of new certificates.
(d) A statement that renewal premium rate schedules are not greater than new business premium rate schedules except for differences attributable to benefits, unless sufficient justification is provided to the commissioner.
(e) Sufficient information for review and approval of the premium rate schedule increase by the commissioner.
(4) All premium rate schedule increases shall be determined in accordance with the following requirements:
(a) Exceptional increases shall provide that 70% of the present value of projected additional premiums from the exceptional increase will be returned to policyholders in benefits.
(b) Premium rate schedule increases shall be calculated such that the sum of the accumulated value of incurred claims, without the inclusion of active life reserves, and the present value of future projected incurred claims, without the inclusion of active life reserves, will not be less than the sum of the following:
(i) The accumulated value of the initial earned premium times 58%.
(ii) Eighty-five percent of the accumulated value of prior premium rate schedule increases on an earned basis.
(iii) The present value of future projected initial earned premiums times 58%.
(iv) Eighty-five percent of the present value of future projected premiums not in subparagraph (iii) on an earned basis.
(c) If a policy or certificate has both exceptional and other increases, the values in subdivision (b)(ii) and (iv) shall also include 70% for exceptional rate increase amounts.
(d) All present and accumulated values used to determine rate increases shall use the maximum valuation interest rate for contract reserves as specified in section 733(1). The actuary shall disclose as part of the actuarial memorandum the use of any appropriate averages.
(5) For each rate increase that is implemented, the insurer shall file for review and approval by the commissioner updated projections, as described in subsection (3)(c)(i), annually for the next 3 years and include a comparison of actual results to projected values. The commissioner may extend the period to greater than 3 years if actual results are not consistent with projected values from prior projections. For group insurance certificates that meet the conditions in subsection (13), the projection required by this subsection shall be provided to the policyholder in lieu of filing with the commissioner.
(6) If any premium rate in the revised premium rate schedule is greater than 200% of the comparable rate in the initial premium schedule, lifetime projections, as described in subsection (3)(c)(i), shall be filed for review and approval by the commissioner every 5 years following the end of the required period in subsection (5). For group insurance certificates that meet the conditions in subsection (13), the projections required by this subsection shall be provided to the policyholder in lieu of filing with the commissioner.
(7) If the commissioner has determined that the actual experience following a rate increase does not adequately match the projected experience and that the current projections under moderately adverse conditions demonstrate that incurred claims will not exceed proportions of premiums specified in subsection (4), the commissioner may require the insurer to implement premium rate schedule adjustments or other measures to reduce the difference between the projected and actual experience. In determining whether the actual experience adequately matches the projected experience, consideration should be given to subsection (3)(c)(iii), if applicable.
(8) If the majority of the policies or certificates to which an increase is applicable are eligible for the contingent benefit upon lapse, the insurer shall file both of the following with the commissioner:
(a) A plan, subject to commissioner approval, for improved administration or claims processing designed to eliminate the potential for further deterioration of the policy or certificate requiring further premium rate schedule increases, or both, or to demonstrate that appropriate administration and claims processing have been implemented or are in effect.
(b) The original anticipated lifetime loss ratio, and the premium rate schedule increase that would have been calculated according to subsection (4) had the greater of the original anticipated lifetime loss ratio or 58% been used in the calculations described in subsection (4)(b)(i) and (iii).
(9) The commissioner shall review, for all policies and certificates included in a filing, the projected lapse rates and past lapse rates during the 12 months following each increase to determine if significant adverse lapsation has occurred or is anticipated for any rate increase filing meeting the following criteria:
(a) The rate increase is not the first rate increase requested for the specific policy or certificate.
(b) The rate increase is not an exceptional increase.
(c) The majority of the policies or certificates to which the increase is applicable are eligible for the contingent benefit upon lapse.
(10) If significant adverse lapsation has occurred, is anticipated in the filing, or is evidenced in the actual results as presented in the updated projections provided by the insurer following the requested rate increase, the commissioner may determine that a rate spiral exists. Following the determination that a rate spiral exists, the commissioner may require the insurer to offer, without underwriting, to all in force insureds subject to the rate increase the option to replace existing coverage with 1 or more reasonably comparable products being offered by the insurer or its affiliates. An offer under this subsection is subject to the commissioner's approval, shall be based on actuarially sound principles, but shall not be based on attained age, and shall provide that maximum benefits under any new policy or certificate accepted by an insured shall be reduced by comparable benefits already paid under the existing policy or certificate. The insurer shall maintain the experience of all the replacement insureds separate from the experience of insureds originally issued the policy or certificate. If a rate increase is requested on the policy or certificate, the rate increase shall be limited to the lesser of the maximum rate increase determined based on the combined experience and the maximum rate increase determined based only on the experience of the insureds originally issued the policy or certificate plus 10%.
(11) If the commissioner determines that an insurer has exhibited a persistent practice of filing inadequate initial premium rates for long-term care insurance, the commissioner, in addition to the provisions of subsections (9) and (10), may prohibit the insurer from either of the following:
(a) Filing and marketing comparable coverage for a period of up to 5 years.
(b) Offering all other similar coverages and limiting marketing of new applications to the products subject to recent premium rate schedule increases.
(12) Subsections (1) to (11) do not apply to policies or certificates for which the long-term care benefits provided by the policy or certificate are incidental, if the policy or certificate complies with all of the following:
(a) For any plan that may have a cash value, the interest credited internally to determine cash value accumulations, including long-term care, if any, are guaranteed not to be less than the minimum guaranteed interest rate for cash value accumulations without long-term care set forth in the policy or certificate.
(b) The portion of the policy or certificate that provides insurance benefits other than long-term care coverage meets the nonforfeiture requirements as applicable in section 4060 or 4072.
(c) The policy or certificate meets sections 3928, 3933, 3951, and 3953.
(d) The portion of the policy or certificate that provides insurance benefits other than long-term care coverage meets, as applicable, the policy illustrations and disclosure requirements under section 4038.
(e) An actuarial memorandum is filed with the office of financial and insurance services that includes all of the following:
(i) A description of the basis on which the long-term care rates were determined.
(ii) A description of the basis for the reserves.
(iii) A summary of the type of policy, benefits, renewability, general marketing method, and limits on ages of issuance.
(iv) A description and a table of each actuarial assumption used. For expenses, an insurer shall include percent of premium dollars per policy or certificate and dollars per unit of benefits, if any.
(v) A description and a table of the anticipated policy or certificate reserves and additional reserves to be held in each future year for active lives.
(vi) The estimated average annual premium per policy or certificate and the average issue age.
(vii) A statement as to whether underwriting is performed at the time of application. The statement shall indicate whether underwriting is used and, if used, shall include a description of the type or types of underwriting used, such as medical underwriting or functional assessment underwriting. For a group certificate, the statement shall indicate whether the enrollee or any dependent will be underwritten and when underwriting occurs.
(viii) A description of the effect of the long-term care policy or certificate provision on the required premiums, nonforfeiture values, and reserves on the underlying insurance policy or certificate, both for active lives and those in long-term care claim status.
(13) Subsections (7), (8), and (9) do not apply to a group insurance policy described in section 3901(c)(i) if the policy insures 250 or more persons and the policyholder has 5,000 or more eligible employees of a single employer or the policyholder, and not the certificate holders, pays a material portion of the premium, which shall not be less than 20% of the total premium for the group in the calendar year prior to the year a rate increase is filed.
(14) Except as otherwise provided in this section, exceptional increases are subject to the same requirements as other premium rate schedule increases. The commissioner may request a review by an independent qualified actuary or a professional qualified actuarial body of the basis for a request that an increase be considered an exceptional increase. The commissioner, in determining that the necessary basis for an exceptional increase exists, shall also determine any potential offsets to higher claims costs.
(15) As used in this section:
(a) "Exceptional increase" means only those increases filed by an insurer as exceptional for which the commissioner determines the need for the premium rate increase is justified due to changes in laws or regulations applicable to long-term care coverage in this state or due to increased and unexpected utilization that affects the majority of insurers of similar products.
(b) "Incidental" means that the value of the long-term care benefits provided is less than 10% of the total value of the benefits provided over the life of the policy or certificate as measured on the date of issue.
(c) "Qualified actuary" means a member in good standing of the American academy of actuaries.
(d) "Similar policies" means all of the long-term care insurance policies and certificates issued by an insurer in the same long-term care benefit classification as the policy or certificate being considered. Certificates of groups described in section 3901(c)(i) are not considered similar to policies or certificates otherwise issued as long-term care insurance, but are similar to other comparable certificates with the same long-term care benefit classifications. For purposes of determining similar policies, long-term care benefit classifications are defined as follows: institutional long-term care benefits only, noninstitutional long-term care benefits only, or comprehensive long-term care benefits.
History: Add. 2006, Act 442, Imd. Eff. Oct. 19, 2006 Popular Name: Act 218

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 500 - Insurance Code of 1956

Act 218 of 1956 - The Insurance Code of 1956 (500.100 - 500.8302)

218-1956-39 - Chapter 39 Long-Term Care Insurance (500.3901...500.3955)

Section 500.3901 - Long-Term Care Insurance; Definitions.

Section 500.3902 - Offer of Long-Term Care Coverage by Subsidiary of Health Care Corporation.

Section 500.3903 - Group Long-Term Care Insurance; Coverage Offered to Groups Described in MCL 500.3901(c)(iv) and 500.3901(c)(iii).

Section 500.3905 - Long-Term Care Coverage; Requirements; Certain Coverages Requiring Care Recommendations.

Section 500.3906 - Designation of Person to Receive Notice of Termination; Reinstatement of Coverage; Effective Date of Section.

Section 500.3907 - Individual Long-Term Care Policy; Guaranteed Renewable Provision; Conversion; New Limitation Period; Intermediate Care Facility or Skilled Nursing Facility; Home Care Services.

Section 500.3908 - Long-Term Care Partnership Program Policy; Conversion or Replacement.

Section 500.3909 - Option to Purchase Inflation Protection; Summary of Coverage; Applicability of Section.

Section 500.3910 - Option of Purchasing Policy or Certificate Including Nonforfeiture Benefits; Offer.

Section 500.3910a - Nonforfeiture Benefits; Coverage Elements, Eligibility, Benefit Triggers, and Benefit Length; Contingent Benefit; Premium Increase; Notification; Duties of Insurer; Limitation on Maximum Benefits; Effective Date of Section; Premiu...

Section 500.3910b - Reduction Options; Applicability of Section to Long-Term Care Policies and Certificates Issued on or After June 1, 2007.

Section 500.3911 - Preexisting Condition; Limitation Period; Definition.

Section 500.3913 - Home Health Care Benefits.

Section 500.3915 - Certain Conditions Prohibited.

Section 500.3917 - Replacement Policy; Waiver of Time Periods Applicable to Preexisting Conditions and Probationary Periods.

Section 500.3919 - Institutionalization; Extension of Benefits; Limitations.

Section 500.3921 - Application; Questions Relating to Health Condition; Delivery; Record of Policy Rescissions; Annual Report to Commissioner.

Section 500.3923 - Riders or Endorsements; Certain Changes in Benefits or Premiums; Definition, Explanation, Description, and Labeling of Certain Terms.

Section 500.3925 - Applicability of Section to Long-Term Care Policy or Certificate Issued on or After June 1, 2007; Information to Be Provided on Forms; Acknowledgement of Disclosure; Notice of Premium Rate Schedule Increase; Personal Worksheet; Ava...

Section 500.3926 - Applicability of Section to Long-Term Care Policy or Certificate Issued on or After June 1, 2007; Information to Be Provided to Commissioner; Premium Rate Schedule; Statement; Request by Commissioner for Actuarial Demonstration; Ad...

Section 500.3926a - Applicability of Section to Long-Term Care Policy or Certificate Issued on or After June 1, 2007; Notice of Pending Premium Rate Schedule Increase; Requirements; Review and Approval by Commissioner; Eligibility for Contingent Bene...

Section 500.3927 - Reasonableness of Benefits Relative to Premiums; Expected Loss Ratio; Evaluation of Factors; Applicability of Section.

Section 500.3928 - Fixed Indivisible Premium Life Insurance Policy Funding Long-Term Care Benefits by Accelerating Death Benefit; Reasonableness of Benefits Relative to Premiums; Provisions.

Section 500.3929 - Increasing Premiums Prohibited; Conditions.

Section 500.3930 - Acceleration of Benefits Under Group or Individual Life Policies or Riders; Determination of Policy Reserves.

Section 500.3931 - Rules.

Section 500.3933 - Summary of Coverage.

Section 500.3935 - Statement Relating to Request for Additional Information.

Section 500.3937 - Shopper's Guide; Format; Providing to Applicants; Exception.

Section 500.3939 - Application; Questions Relating to Other Policies in Force or Use as Replacement; Agent's List of Other Policies Sold; Notice to Applicant and Existing Insurer; Appropriateness of Recommended Purchase or Replacement.

Section 500.3941 - Advertising; Filing Copy With Commissioner.

Section 500.3941a - Inapplicability of Section to Life Insurance Policies or Riders Containing Accelerated Benefits; Development of Suitability Standards.

Section 500.3942 - Marketing; Duties of Insurer; Use of "Level Premium" or "Noncancelable" Prohibited; Exception.

Section 500.3942a - Reporting Requirements; Agent Activities; Preparation of Report.

Section 500.3943 - Right to Return Policy; Notice; “Direct Response Solicitation” Defined.

Section 500.3945 - Violation; Penalty.

Section 500.3949 - Life and Long-Term Care Benefits; Marketing; Compliance.

Section 500.3951 - Policy Summary; Compliance With MCL 500.3933; Additional Provisions; Monthly Report.

Section 500.3953 - Disclosure Statement.

Section 500.3955 - Compliance With Chapter and Applicable Laws.