Sec. 3901.
As used in this chapter:
(a) "Acute condition" means that the individual is medically unstable, requiring frequent monitoring by medical professionals in order to maintain his or her health status.
(b) "Applicant" means:
(i) For an individual long-term care insurance policy, the person who seeks to contract for long-term care benefits.
(ii) For a group long-term care insurance certificate, the proposed certificate holder.
(c) "Group long-term care insurance" means a long-term care insurance certificate that is delivered or issued for delivery in this state and issued to any of the following:
(i) One or more employers or labor organizations, or to a trust or the trustees of a fund established by 1 or more employers or labor organizations for employees or former employees or members or former members of the labor organization.
(ii) A professional, trade, or occupational association for its members or former or retired members if the association is composed of individuals who were all actively engaged in the same profession, trade, or occupation and the association has been maintained in good faith for purposes other than obtaining insurance unless waived by the commissioner.
(iii) Subject to section 3903(2), an association or to a trust or to the trustees of a fund established, created, or maintained for the benefit of members of 1 or more associations.
(iv) A group other than that described in subparagraphs (i), (ii), or (iii) if the commissioner determines all of the following:
(A) The issuance of the group certificate is not contrary to the best interests of the public.
(B) The issuance of the group certificate would result in economies of acquisition or administration.
(C) The benefits are reasonable in relation to the premiums charged.
(d) "Guaranteed renewable" means the insured has the right to continue the long-term care insurance in force by the timely payment of premiums and the insurer does not have a unilateral right to make any change in any provision of the policy or rider while the insurance is in force and cannot decline to renew, except that rates may be revised by the insurer on a class basis.
(e) "Home care services" means 1 or more of the following prescribed services or assessment team recommended services for the long-term care and treatment of an insured that are to be provided in a noninstitutional setting according to a written diagnosis and plan of care or individual assessment and plan of care:
(i) Nursing services under the direction of a registered nurse, including the service of a home health aide.
(ii) Physical therapy.
(iii) Speech therapy.
(iv) Respiratory therapy.
(v) Occupational therapy.
(vi) Nutritional services provided by a registered dietitian.
(vii) Personal care services, homemaker services, adult day care, and similar nonmedical services.
(viii) Medical social services.
(ix) Other similar medical services and health-related support services.
(f) "Home health or care agency" means a person certified by medicare whose business is to provide to individuals in their places of residence other than in a hospital, nursing home, or county medical care facility, 1 or more of the following services: nursing services, therapeutic services, social work services, homemaker services, home health aide services, or other related services.
(g) "Intermediate care facility" means a facility, or distinct part of a facility, certified by the department of community health to provide intermediate care, custodial care, or basic care that is less than skilled nursing care but more than room and board.
(h) "Long-term care insurance" means an individual or group insurance policy, certificate, or rider advertised, marketed, offered, or designed to provide coverage for at least 12 consecutive months for each covered person on an expense-incurred, indemnity, prepaid, or other basis for 1 or more necessary or medically necessary diagnostic, preventive, therapeutic, rehabilitative, maintenance, personal, or custodial care services provided in a setting, including an assisted living facility operating legally in this state, but not including an acute care unit of a hospital. Long-term care insurance includes individual or group annuities and life insurance policies or riders that provide directly or supplement long-term care insurance. Long-term care insurance does not include a life insurance policy that accelerates the death benefit specifically for 1 or more of the qualifying events of terminal illness or medical conditions requiring extraordinary medical intervention or permanent institutional confinement and that provide the option of a lump-sum payment for those benefits and in which neither the benefits nor the eligibility for the benefits is conditioned upon the receipt of long-term care. Long-term care insurance does not include an insurance policy offered primarily to provide coverage for rehabilitative and convalescent care and is not offered, advertised, or marketed as a long-term care policy, or offered primarily to provide basic medicare supplemental coverage, hospital confinement indemnity coverage, basic hospital expense coverage, basic medical-surgical expense coverage, major medical expense coverage, disability income protection coverage, catastrophic coverage, comprehensive coverage, accident only coverage, specific disease or specified accident coverage, or limited benefit health coverage.
(i) "Medicare" means title XVIII of the social security act, 42 USC 1395 to 1395ggg.
(j) "Nonprofit health care corporation" means a nonprofit health care corporation operating pursuant to the nonprofit health care corporation reform act, 1980 PA 350, MCL 550.1101 to 550.1704.
(k) "Preexisting condition" means a condition for which medical advice or treatment was recommended by, or received from, a provider of health care services within the 6 months immediately before the effective date of coverage of an insured person.
(l) "Policy" means an insurance policy or certificate, rider, or endorsement delivered or issued for delivery in this state by an insurer or subsidiary of a nonprofit health care corporation.
(m) "Skilled nursing facility" means a facility, or a distinct part of a facility, certified by the department of community health to provide skilled nursing care.
History: Add. 1992, Act 84, Imd. Eff. June 2, 1992 ;-- Am. 2006, Act 441, Imd. Eff. Oct. 19, 2006 Popular Name: Act 218
Structure Michigan Compiled Laws
Chapter 500 - Insurance Code of 1956
Act 218 of 1956 - The Insurance Code of 1956 (500.100 - 500.8302)
218-1956-39 - Chapter 39 Long-Term Care Insurance (500.3901...500.3955)
Section 500.3901 - Long-Term Care Insurance; Definitions.
Section 500.3902 - Offer of Long-Term Care Coverage by Subsidiary of Health Care Corporation.
Section 500.3908 - Long-Term Care Partnership Program Policy; Conversion or Replacement.
Section 500.3911 - Preexisting Condition; Limitation Period; Definition.
Section 500.3913 - Home Health Care Benefits.
Section 500.3915 - Certain Conditions Prohibited.
Section 500.3919 - Institutionalization; Extension of Benefits; Limitations.
Section 500.3929 - Increasing Premiums Prohibited; Conditions.
Section 500.3933 - Summary of Coverage.
Section 500.3935 - Statement Relating to Request for Additional Information.
Section 500.3937 - Shopper's Guide; Format; Providing to Applicants; Exception.
Section 500.3941 - Advertising; Filing Copy With Commissioner.
Section 500.3942a - Reporting Requirements; Agent Activities; Preparation of Report.
Section 500.3943 - Right to Return Policy; Notice; “Direct Response Solicitation” Defined.
Section 500.3945 - Violation; Penalty.
Section 500.3949 - Life and Long-Term Care Benefits; Marketing; Compliance.
Section 500.3953 - Disclosure Statement.
Section 500.3955 - Compliance With Chapter and Applicable Laws.