Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 354 of 1993 - Railroad Code of 1993 (462.101 - 462.451)
Section 462.383 - Railroad Police Officer; Surety Bond.

Sec. 383.
A railroad police officer appointed and commissioned under this act, before entering upon the discharge of his or her duties, shall give a surety bond, in the sum of $1,000.00, conditioned upon the faithful performance of those duties. A bond shall be filed with, and approved by, the director of the department of state police.
History: 1993, Act 354, Imd. Eff. Jan. 14, 1994

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 462 - Railroads

Act 354 of 1993 - Railroad Code of 1993 (462.101 - 462.451)

Section 462.101 - Short Title.

Section 462.103 - Meanings of Words and Phrases.

Section 462.105 - Definitions; a to G.

Section 462.107 - Definitions; H to P.

Section 462.109 - Definitions; R to W.

Section 462.131 - Regulatory and Police Power of Department; Rules.

Section 462.133 - Records to Be Kept by Department.

Section 462.137 - Reports to Be Furnished to Department.

Section 462.153 - Orders; Oaths; Official Acts; Subpoenas; Witnesses; Production of Documents; Contempt; Witness Fees and Mileage; Depositions; Record of Proceedings; Copy of Transcript.

Section 462.155 - Rescission, Alteration, or Amendment of Order.

Section 462.157 - Orders, Regulations, Practices, and Services; Effect.

Section 462.159 - Rehearing.

Section 462.161 - Review of Order; Time for Bringing Action.

Section 462.171 - Action to Vacate or Set Aside Order; Issuance of Injunction to Stay or Suspend Order; Different or Additional Evidence; Appeal; Burden of Proof.

Section 462.173 - Service of Process; Practice and Rules of Evidence; Execution of Process; Certified Copies of Orders.

Section 462.175 - Authority of Department to Obtain Information.

Section 462.201 - Corporation; Formation; Purpose; Articles of Association; Filing; Powers of Subscribers; Increasing or Decreasing Number of Directors; Resolution.

Section 462.203 - Stock Certificate; Signature; Seal.

Section 462.205 - Applicability of MCL 450.1101 to 450.2098 to Railroad Corporations.

Section 462.207 - Records of Corporations Formed Under Former Acts; Duration, Rights, and Limitations of Existing Corporations.

Section 462.211 - Board of Directors; Corporate Powers; Stockholders Entitled to Vote for Directors; Election of President; Powers of Board of Directors Generally; Voting by Stockholders; Quorum; Vacancy.

Section 462.213 - Articles of Association; Alteration and Amendment; Signature; Certification; Filing; Effect; Recording; Powers of Railroad Company; Copies as Prima Facie Evidence; Public Inspection of Records and Files.

Section 462.215 - Board of Directors; Election; Classification; Terms; Meetings; Notice; Removal of Directors or Officers; Rules, Regulations, and Directions; Stockholder Vote by Proxy; Adjournment of Meeting.

Section 462.217 - Annual Meeting; Statement of Affairs.

Section 462.219 - Subscribers to Capital Stock; Payment in Installments; Forfeiture of Stock for Neglect or Refusal to Pay.

Section 462.221 - Stock as Personal Estate; Transfer.

Section 462.223 - Railroad Company; Liabilities and Restrictions.

Section 462.225 - Ownership and Operation of Steamboats, Barges, or Vessels; Conditions.

Section 462.227 - Ownership and Operation of Steamboats, Barges, or Vessels; Number; Restrictions.

Section 462.229 - Automobile Buses or Motor Vehicles and Trailers; Ownership and Operation; Purpose; Aerial Transportation; Powers of Railroad Company.

Section 462.231 - Railroad Company; Organizing and Holding Interest in Subsidiary Corporation; Disposition of Capital Stock of Other Corporations; Rights, Powers, and Privileges of Ownership.

Section 462.233 - Cutting Dangerous Trees.

Section 462.235 - Land Held by Foreign Company; Transfer of Title.

Section 462.241 - Acquisition of Property in Manner Prescribed by MCL 213.51 to 213.77; Exception.

Section 462.243 - Purchase of Land Belonging to State, City, Village, County, or Township.

Section 462.245 - Construction of Bridges or Tunnels; Acquisition of Right-of-Way; Issuance and Sale of Bonds; Rights of Railroad Bridge and Railroad Tunnel Companies.

Section 462.247 - Negotiation by Railroad Bridge or Tunnel Company With Railroad Company; Purpose.

Section 462.249 - Use of Road and Bridge or Tunnel; Compensation Charged by Railroad Bridge or Tunnel Company; Terms.

Section 462.250 - Acquisition of Right-of-Way by Railroad Company; Amount Offered for Damages; Eligibility of Owners to Recover or Collect Costs.

Section 462.251 - Removal of Person From Train by Conductor or Employee.

Section 462.253 - Person Using Abusive, Profane, or Indecent Language or Exhibiting Violent Conduct; Powers of Conductor.

Section 462.255 - Conduct as Misdemeanor; Penalty; Powers of Conductor or Freight Agent; Duties of Police Officer; Jurisdiction of Court.

Section 462.257 - Conduct as Felony or Misdemeanor; Penalties.

Section 462.259 - Liability of Railroad Company for Loss or Damage by Fire.

Section 462.261 - Liability of Railroad Company for Death or Injury to Passenger.

Section 462.263 - Transportation of Railroad Employees; Vehicles.

Section 462.265 - Stringing Wire Over and Across Railway Right-of-Way; Procedures; Construction of Aerial Crossings; Dispute Between Parties; Order.

Section 462.267 - Light or Banner Attached to Switch or Derailing Device; Prohibited Conduct; Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty.

Section 462.271 - Offer to Sell Certain Property; Contents of Offer; Disagreement as to Price or Other Terms; Application to State Tax Commission to Resolve Disagreement; Hearing; Decision and Order; Determination of Fair Market Value; Appraisals; Ap...

Section 462.273 - Walking, Riding, Driving, or Being Upon or Along Right-of-Way or Yard; Permission Required; “Right-of-Way” Defined; Being Upon, Entering, or Damaging Buildings, Rolling Stock, or Equipment; Applicability of Section; Violation as Mis...

Section 462.301 - Grade Crossings; Diagnostic Study Team Review; Notice; Decision; Order; Consensus During Review Not Reached; Cost of Necessary Changes; Funding Sources; Administration and Expenditure of Funds; Notice of Corrective Action.

Section 462.303 - Traffic Control Devices; Determination and Order by Department.

Section 462.305 - Order of Department.

Section 462.307 - Construction; Approval Required; Investigation of Proposed Crossing Location; Changing Location or Abolishing Existing Public Grade Crossing; Hearing; Order; Action Against Department to Vacate or Set Aside Order; Construction Acros...

Section 462.309 - Maintenance, Renewal, and Repair of Roadbeds, Tracks, Culverts, and Certain Streets or Sidewalks.

Section 462.310 - Culverts.

Section 462.311 - Passive Traffic Control Devices; Street Lighting.

Section 462.313 - National Inventory Signs.

Section 462.315 - Active Traffic Control Devices; Maintenance Payments.

Section 462.317 - Clear Vision Areas; Expenditure of Funds Relating to High Speed Rail Corridor.

Section 462.318 - Whistle Post; Erection and Maintenance as Notice to Engineer of Approach to Public Crossing.

Section 462.319 - New Construction, Partial Reconstruction, Alteration, or Removal of Grade Separation.

Section 462.321 - Acquisition of Property Rights by Condemnation.

Section 462.323 - Farm Crossings; Other Private Crossings.

Section 462.325 - Fencing in Agricultural Areas; Other Areas.

Section 462.327 - Bridges Carrying Railroad Traffic; Inspection; Applicability of Section and MCL 462.331 to 462.335.

Section 462.331 - Bridge Carrying Railroad Traffic; Qualifications of Inspector; Affidavit; Performance and Recording of Inspections; Report; Reinspection and Order by Department.

Section 462.333 - Unsafe Bridge; Prohibited Conduct.

Section 462.335 - Unsafe Bridge; Penalties for Certain Conduct.

Section 462.337 - Applicability of Act.

Section 462.339 - Construction, Erection, Placement, and Maintenance of a Bridge, Structure, Pole, or Other Obstruction or Loading or Unloading Device; Compliance With Clear Spaces; Exceptions; Application; Warning Signs; Required Distance for Constr...

Section 462.351 - “Operator” and “Operate” Defined.

Section 462.353 - Locomotive Engine; Operation by Person Under Influence of Alcoholic Liquor or Controlled Substance.

Section 462.355 - Repealed. 2002, Act 658, Eff. Apr. 1, 2003.

Section 462.357 - Locomotive Engine; Authorization or Knowledge of Operation by Person Under Influence of Alcoholic Liquor or Controlled Substance.

Section 462.359 - Chemical Test and Analysis of Operator's Blood, Urine, or Breath.

Section 462.361 - Chemical Tests of Blood, Breath, or Urine; Consent; Administration.

Section 462.363 - Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test; Report.

Section 462.365 - Report of Certain Convictions; Form.

Section 462.367 - Railroad Police Officer; Appointment; Commission; Eligibility; Duration of Commission; Employment Before Certain Date.

Section 462.369 - Railroad Police Officer Applicant; Cost of Training.

Section 462.371 - Railroad Police Officer; Application Fee; Identification.

Section 462.373 - Railroad Police Officer; Notice of Appointment.

Section 462.375 - Railroad Police Officer; Oath.

Section 462.377 - Railroad Police Officer; Duties and Powers.

Section 462.379 - Keepers of Jails, Lockups, and Station Houses.

Section 462.381 - Railroad Police Officer; Wearing and Receiving Badge.

Section 462.383 - Railroad Police Officer; Surety Bond.

Section 462.385 - Railroad Police Officer; Delivery of Commission; Identification Card; Roster.

Section 462.387 - Railroad Police Officer; Compensation.

Section 462.389 - Railroad Police Officer; Termination.

Section 462.390 - Conductor or Flagperson; Requirements for Employment; Applicability of Section; Substantial Compliance; Enforcement.

Section 462.391 - Obstruction of Vehicular Traffic; Offenses as Separate Violations; Penalty; Allocation of Fines.

Section 462.400 - Employee Sanitation and Shelter Facilities; Rules; Compliance With Section.

Section 462.402 - Definitions; Unreasonable Endangerment of Employee; Complaint by Employee or Union; Inspection by Department; Notice; Order; Hearing; Appeal; Enforcement.

Section 462.431 - Liens; Effect.

Section 462.441 - Administration of Act; Investigation of Complaints; Violation or Noncompliance; Penalty; Inspections; Hearing; Action to Recover Penalties; Enforcement; Remedies.

Section 462.450 - Applicability of Act to Street Railway Organized Under MCL 472.1 to 472.31.

Section 462.451 - Repeal of Certain Acts and Parts of Acts.