Sec. 153.
(1) The department, for the purposes mentioned in this act, may issue orders, may administer oaths, certify to official acts, issue subpoenas, and compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers, and other related documents. If a person refuses or willfully fails to comply with an order of the department or a subpoena, or upon the refusal of any witness to testify regarding any matter upon which he or she may be lawfully interrogated, or to produce any books or papers in his or her custody or control which he or she was required by the department to produce, the court, upon application of the department, may compel obedience by proceedings for contempt, in the same manner as a case of disobedience of the requirements of a subpoena issued from that court.
(2) A witness subpoenaed by the department shall receive for his or her attendance the fees and mileage now provided for witnesses in civil cases in circuit court, which shall be audited and paid by the state in the same manner as other expenses are audited and paid, upon the presentation of proper vouchers sworn to by the witness and approved by the department. A witness subpoenaed at the instance of a party other than the department shall not be entitled to compensation from the state for attendance and travel unless the department certifies that his or her testimony was material and necessary to the matter investigated.
(3) The department or any party may cause the depositions of witnesses residing within or without the state to be taken in the manner prescribed by law for depositions in civil actions in the circuit courts.
(4) A full and complete record shall be kept of all proceedings held before an administrative law judge on any investigation under this act and all testimony shall be taken down by a certified court reporter appointed by the department. When a complaint is served upon the department to appeal a department order, the department, before the action is reached for trial, shall cause the certified transcript of proceedings and testimony to be filed with the clerk of the circuit court of the county where the action is pending. A transcribed copy of the evidence and proceedings, or any specific part thereof, or any investigation, taken by the certified court reporter, certified by him or her to be a true and correct transcript of all the testimony of a particular witness, or of any specific part thereof, carefully compared by him or her with his or her original notes, and to be a correct statement of the evidence and proceedings had on the investigation shall be received in evidence with the same effect as if the certified court reporter were present and testified to the facts certified. A copy of the transcript shall be furnished upon demand, free of cost, to any party to an investigation, and to all other persons on payment of a reasonable amount for that purpose.
History: 1993, Act 354, Imd. Eff. Jan. 14, 1994
Structure Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 354 of 1993 - Railroad Code of 1993 (462.101 - 462.451)
Section 462.101 - Short Title.
Section 462.103 - Meanings of Words and Phrases.
Section 462.105 - Definitions; a to G.
Section 462.107 - Definitions; H to P.
Section 462.109 - Definitions; R to W.
Section 462.131 - Regulatory and Police Power of Department; Rules.
Section 462.133 - Records to Be Kept by Department.
Section 462.137 - Reports to Be Furnished to Department.
Section 462.155 - Rescission, Alteration, or Amendment of Order.
Section 462.157 - Orders, Regulations, Practices, and Services; Effect.
Section 462.161 - Review of Order; Time for Bringing Action.
Section 462.175 - Authority of Department to Obtain Information.
Section 462.203 - Stock Certificate; Signature; Seal.
Section 462.205 - Applicability of MCL 450.1101 to 450.2098 to Railroad Corporations.
Section 462.217 - Annual Meeting; Statement of Affairs.
Section 462.221 - Stock as Personal Estate; Transfer.
Section 462.223 - Railroad Company; Liabilities and Restrictions.
Section 462.225 - Ownership and Operation of Steamboats, Barges, or Vessels; Conditions.
Section 462.227 - Ownership and Operation of Steamboats, Barges, or Vessels; Number; Restrictions.
Section 462.233 - Cutting Dangerous Trees.
Section 462.235 - Land Held by Foreign Company; Transfer of Title.
Section 462.241 - Acquisition of Property in Manner Prescribed by MCL 213.51 to 213.77; Exception.
Section 462.243 - Purchase of Land Belonging to State, City, Village, County, or Township.
Section 462.247 - Negotiation by Railroad Bridge or Tunnel Company With Railroad Company; Purpose.
Section 462.251 - Removal of Person From Train by Conductor or Employee.
Section 462.257 - Conduct as Felony or Misdemeanor; Penalties.
Section 462.259 - Liability of Railroad Company for Loss or Damage by Fire.
Section 462.261 - Liability of Railroad Company for Death or Injury to Passenger.
Section 462.263 - Transportation of Railroad Employees; Vehicles.
Section 462.303 - Traffic Control Devices; Determination and Order by Department.
Section 462.305 - Order of Department.
Section 462.311 - Passive Traffic Control Devices; Street Lighting.
Section 462.313 - National Inventory Signs.
Section 462.315 - Active Traffic Control Devices; Maintenance Payments.
Section 462.317 - Clear Vision Areas; Expenditure of Funds Relating to High Speed Rail Corridor.
Section 462.321 - Acquisition of Property Rights by Condemnation.
Section 462.323 - Farm Crossings; Other Private Crossings.
Section 462.325 - Fencing in Agricultural Areas; Other Areas.
Section 462.333 - Unsafe Bridge; Prohibited Conduct.
Section 462.335 - Unsafe Bridge; Penalties for Certain Conduct.
Section 462.337 - Applicability of Act.
Section 462.351 - “Operator” and “Operate” Defined.
Section 462.355 - Repealed. 2002, Act 658, Eff. Apr. 1, 2003.
Section 462.359 - Chemical Test and Analysis of Operator's Blood, Urine, or Breath.
Section 462.361 - Chemical Tests of Blood, Breath, or Urine; Consent; Administration.
Section 462.363 - Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test; Report.
Section 462.365 - Report of Certain Convictions; Form.
Section 462.369 - Railroad Police Officer Applicant; Cost of Training.
Section 462.371 - Railroad Police Officer; Application Fee; Identification.
Section 462.373 - Railroad Police Officer; Notice of Appointment.
Section 462.375 - Railroad Police Officer; Oath.
Section 462.377 - Railroad Police Officer; Duties and Powers.
Section 462.379 - Keepers of Jails, Lockups, and Station Houses.
Section 462.381 - Railroad Police Officer; Wearing and Receiving Badge.
Section 462.383 - Railroad Police Officer; Surety Bond.
Section 462.385 - Railroad Police Officer; Delivery of Commission; Identification Card; Roster.
Section 462.387 - Railroad Police Officer; Compensation.
Section 462.389 - Railroad Police Officer; Termination.
Section 462.400 - Employee Sanitation and Shelter Facilities; Rules; Compliance With Section.
Section 462.431 - Liens; Effect.
Section 462.450 - Applicability of Act to Street Railway Organized Under MCL 472.1 to 472.31.