Michigan Compiled Laws
174-1962-3-4 - Part 4 Liability of Parties (440.3401...440.3420)
Section 440.3414 - Applicability of Section; Unaccepted Draft; Dishonor; Payment According to Terms; Acceptance by Bank; Discharge of Drawer; Obligation of Drawer if Acceptor Not Bank and Draft Dishonored; Disclaimer of Liability; Suspension of Payme...

Sec. 3414.
(1) This section does not apply to cashier's checks or other drafts drawn on the drawer.
(2) If an unaccepted draft is dishonored, the drawer is obliged to pay the draft (i) according to its terms at the time it was issued or, if not issued, at the time it first came into possession of a holder, or (ii) if the drawer signed an incomplete instrument, according to its terms when completed, to the extent stated in sections 3115 and 3407. The obligation is owed to a person entitled to enforce the draft or to an endorser who paid the draft under section 3415.
(3) If a draft is accepted by a bank, the drawer is discharged, regardless of when or by whom acceptance was obtained.
(4) If a draft is accepted and the acceptor is not a bank, the obligation of the drawer to pay the draft if the draft is dishonored by the acceptor is the same as the obligation of an endorser under section 3415(1) and (3).
(5) If a draft states that it is drawn "without recourse" or otherwise disclaims liability of the drawer to pay the draft, the drawer is not liable under subsection (2) to pay the draft if the draft is not a check. A disclaimer of the liability stated in subsection (2) is not effective if the draft is a check.
(6) If (i) a check is not presented for payment or given to a depositary bank for collection within 30 days after its date, (ii) the drawee suspends payments after expiration of the 30-day period without paying the check, and (iii) because of the suspension of payments, the drawer is deprived of funds maintained with the drawee to cover payment of the check, the drawer to the extent deprived of funds may discharge its obligation to pay the check by assigning to the person entitled to enforce the check the rights of the drawer against the drawee with respect to the funds.
History: 1962, Act 174, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964 ;-- Am. 1993, Act 130, Eff. Sept. 30, 1993

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 440 - Uniform Commercial Code

Act 174 of 1962 - Uniform Commercial Code (440.1101 - 440.11102)

Article 3 - Negotiable Instruments (440.3101...440.3805)

174-1962-3-4 - Part 4 Liability of Parties (440.3401...440.3420)

Section 440.3401 - Liability; Signature.

Section 440.3402 - Liability of Parties; Signature by Authorized Representative.

Section 440.3403 - Unauthorized Signature; Effect.

Section 440.3404 - Imposter; Inducing Issuance of Instrument; Endorsement in Name of Payee; Failure to Exercise Ordinary Care.

Section 440.3405 - Definitions; Fraudulent Endorsement by Employee or Person Acting in Concert With Employee.

Section 440.3406 - Failure to Exercise Ordinary Care Contributing to Alteration or Forged Instrument; Allocation of Loss; Burden of Proof.

Section 440.3407 - Alteration; Definition; Discharge of Party Affected; Enforcement of Rights.

Section 440.3408 - Check or Draft; Operation as Assignment.

Section 440.3409 - Acceptance of Draft; Definition; Operation; “Certified Check” Defined; Refusal to Certify.

Section 440.3410 - Acceptance Varying From Terms of Draft.

Section 440.3411 - Obligated Bank; Definition; Refusal to Pay Check; Expenses or Damages Not Recoverable.

Section 440.3412 - Note, Cashier's Check, or Other Draft; Obligation of Issuer to Pay According to Terms.

Section 440.3413 - Draft; Obligation to Pay According to Terms; Amount.

Section 440.3414 - Applicability of Section; Unaccepted Draft; Dishonor; Payment According to Terms; Acceptance by Bank; Discharge of Drawer; Obligation of Drawer if Acceptor Not Bank and Draft Dishonored; Disclaimer of Liability; Suspension of Payme...

Section 440.3415 - Dishonored Instrument; Obligation and Liability of Endorser.

Section 440.3416 - Transfer of Instrument for Consideration; Endorsement; Warranties.

Section 440.3417 - Presentment of Unaccepted or Dishonored Draft; Rights of Parties.

Section 440.3418 - Payment or Acceptance by Mistake.

Section 440.3419 - Accommodation Parties.

Section 440.3420 - Conversion.