Michigan Compiled Laws
331-1966-2-11 - Chapter 11 General Powers and Duties of Districts (389.101...389.145)
Section 389.125 - Board of Trustees; Payment of Claims Against Community College District; Gifts; Bylaws.

Sec. 125.
The board of trustees may:
(a) Certify to the treasurer of the community college district for payment out of the funds thereof all claims and demands against the board or community college district, which shall be allowed by the board under rules and regulations it may establish.
(b) Borrow money or other property and accept contributions, capital grants, gifts, donations, services or other financial assistance from the United States of America or any agency or instrumentality thereof.
(c) Accept by gift or devise private property. They may accept from any county, township or other governmental unit any contribution authorized by its governing body as provided in sections 791 to 795 of Act No. 269 of the Public Acts of 1955, as amended, being sections 340.791 to 340.795 of the Compiled Laws of 1948. They shall likewise be entitled to receive from the state all grants of state aid, in the same manner and proportion, as any other community college.
(d) Adopt bylaws, rules and regulations for its own government and for the control and government of the community college district.
(e) Acquire and hold in the name of the district all real property and improvements acquired and erected under the provisions of this act.
(f) To do all other things in its judgment necessary for the proper establishment, maintenance, management and carrying on of the community college.
History: 1966, Act 331, Eff. Oct. 1, 1966

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 389 - Community Colleges

Act 331 of 1966 - Community College Act of 1966 (389.1 - 389.195)

331-1966-2 - Part 2 (389.101...389.195)

331-1966-2-11 - Chapter 11 General Powers and Duties of Districts (389.101...389.145)

Section 389.101 - Community College Districts; Provisions Governing.

Section 389.103 - Community College as Corporate Entity.

Section 389.105 - Definitions.

Section 389.107 - Administering, Conducting, and Canvassing Election and Special Election.

Section 389.109 - Community College District; Legal Name.

Section 389.111 - Board of Trustees; Time, Place, and Notice of Meetings; Election and Terms of Officers; Conducting Business in Compliance With Open Meetings Act.

Section 389.112 - Board of Trustees; Compensation; Expenses.

Section 389.113 - Board of Trustees; Quorum; Vote Required; Conducting Business at Public Meeting; Record of Meeting; Availability of Record to Public; Duties of Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 389.114 - Board of Trustees; Bonds of Officers and Employees.

Section 389.121 - Board of Trustees; General Powers.

Section 389.122 - Board of Trustees; Powers.

Section 389.122a - Energy Conservation Improvements; Reports; Forms.

Section 389.123 - Board of Trustees; Powers.

Section 389.123a - Applicant Serving or Has Served in Military, National Guard, or Military Reserves, or Is Spouse or Dependent; Question to Be Included in Admission Application.

Section 389.123b - Admission Applicant Serving or Served as Member of Military, National Guard, or Military Reserves; Duties of Board of Trustees; "Transcript' Defined.

Section 389.124 - Board of Trustees; Additional Powers.

Section 389.125 - Board of Trustees; Payment of Claims Against Community College District; Gifts; Bylaws.

Section 389.126 - Board of Trustees; Acquiring Lands or Erecting or Equipping Buildings; Financing.

Section 389.127 - Board of Trustees; Borrowing Money and Issuing Obligations; Purpose; Pledging State Appropriations; Pledging Full Faith and Credit of District; Limitations; Notes or Obligations as First Budget Obligation; Pledge as Statutory Lien;...

Section 389.128 - Public Safety Officers or Police Officers; Grant of Powers and Authority; Public Hearings; Public Safety Advisory Committee.

Section 389.129 - Public Safety Officers or Police Officers; Jurisdiction.

Section 389.130 - Public Safety Officers or Police Officers; Minimum Standards.

Section 389.131 - Monthly Uniform Crime Reports.

Section 389.141 - Board of Trustees; Annual Budget, Estimate.

Section 389.142 - Investment of Funds; Restrictions; Commingling Prohibited; Disposition of Earnings; Limitation on Investment or Deposit of Funds; Compliance With Divestment From Terror Act; Definitions.

Section 389.143 - Board of Trustees; Audit of Accounts.

Section 389.144 - Levy and Collection of Taxes; Use of Funds; Limitation; Determination and Certification of Rate and Amount of Taxes; Manner and Time of Levy and Collection; Summer Property Tax Levy; Applicability of Subsection (3); Disposition of M...

Section 389.145 - Community College District; Exemption From Taxation; Special Assessments.