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331-1966-2-11 - Chapter 11 General Powers and Duties of Districts (389.101...389.145)
Section 389.101 - Community College Districts; Provisions Governing. - Sec. 101. Each community college district shall be subject to...
Section 389.103 - Community College as Corporate Entity. - Sec. 103. (1) A community college district is a body...
Section 389.105 - Definitions. - Sec. 105. As used in this act: (a) "Area", in...
Section 389.107 - Administering, Conducting, and Canvassing Election and Special Election. - Sec. 107. (1) An election under this act shall be...
Section 389.109 - Community College District; Legal Name. - Sec. 109. (1) Until changed by board resolution, every community...
Section 389.111 - Board of Trustees; Time, Place, and Notice of Meetings; Election and Terms of Officers; Conducting Business in Compliance With Open Meetings Act. - Sec. 111. (1) The first meeting of the board of...
Section 389.112 - Board of Trustees; Compensation; Expenses. - Sec. 112. No member of the board of trustees except...
Section 389.113 - Board of Trustees; Quorum; Vote Required; Conducting Business at Public Meeting; Record of Meeting; Availability of Record to Public; Duties of Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer. - Sec. 113. (1) A majority of the board of trustees...
Section 389.114 - Board of Trustees; Bonds of Officers and Employees. - Sec. 114. The treasurer and such other officers or employees...
Section 389.121 - Board of Trustees; General Powers. - Sec. 121. The board of trustees of the community college...
Section 389.122 - Board of Trustees; Powers. - Sec. 122. The board of trustees may do all of...
Section 389.122a - Energy Conservation Improvements; Reports; Forms. - Sec. 122a. (1) If energy conservation improvements are made as...
Section 389.123 - Board of Trustees; Powers. - Sec. 123. The board of trustees may: (a) Have the...
Section 389.123a - Applicant Serving or Has Served in Military, National Guard, or Military Reserves, or Is Spouse or Dependent; Question to Be Included in Admission Application. - Sec. 123a. The board of trustees shall ensure that the...
Section 389.123b - Admission Applicant Serving or Served as Member of Military, National Guard, or Military Reserves; Duties of Board of Trustees; "Transcript' Defined. - Sec. 123b. (1) The board of trustees shall ensure that...
Section 389.124 - Board of Trustees; Additional Powers. - Sec. 124. The board of trustees may do all of...
Section 389.125 - Board of Trustees; Payment of Claims Against Community College District; Gifts; Bylaws. - Sec. 125. The board of trustees may: (a) Certify to...
Section 389.126 - Board of Trustees; Acquiring Lands or Erecting or Equipping Buildings; Financing. - Sec. 126. Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 121 and 122,...
Section 389.127 - Board of Trustees; Borrowing Money and Issuing Obligations; Purpose; Pledging State Appropriations; Pledging Full Faith and Credit of District; Limitations; Notes or Obligations as First Budget Obligation; Pledge as Statutory Lien;... - Sec. 127. (1) The board of trustees may also borrow...
Section 389.128 - Public Safety Officers or Police Officers; Grant of Powers and Authority; Public Hearings; Public Safety Advisory Committee. - Sec. 128. (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), the...
Section 389.129 - Public Safety Officers or Police Officers; Jurisdiction. - Sec. 129. (1) The jurisdiction of public safety officers or...
Section 389.130 - Public Safety Officers or Police Officers; Minimum Standards. - Sec. 130. Public safety officers or police officers of a...
Section 389.131 - Monthly Uniform Crime Reports. - Sec. 131. The public safety department or police department of...
Section 389.141 - Board of Trustees; Annual Budget, Estimate. - Sec. 141. The board of trustees shall prepare annually on...
Section 389.142 - Investment of Funds; Restrictions; Commingling Prohibited; Disposition of Earnings; Limitation on Investment or Deposit of Funds; Compliance With Divestment From Terror Act; Definitions. - Sec. 142. (1) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), the...
Section 389.143 - Board of Trustees; Audit of Accounts. - Sec. 143. The board of trustees shall provide for a...
Section 389.144 - Levy and Collection of Taxes; Use of Funds; Limitation; Determination and Certification of Rate and Amount of Taxes; Manner and Time of Levy and Collection; Summer Property Tax Levy; Applicability of Subsection (3); Disposition of M... - Sec. 144. (1) The board of trustees of each community...
Section 389.145 - Community College District; Exemption From Taxation; Special Assessments. - Sec. 145. The property of the community college district shall...
331-1966-2-12 - Chapter 12 Boards of Trustees (389.151...389.158)
Section 389.151 - Community College District; Board of Trustees, Eligibility. - Sec. 151. Any qualified elector residing within the community college...
Section 389.152 - Member of Community College Board; Nomination; Election. - Sec. 152. A candidate for the office of member of...
Section 389.153 - Candidates for Board of Trustees; Withdrawal, Notice. - Sec. 153. After the filing of a nominating petition by...
Section 389.154 - Candidate for Board of Trustees; Death, Withdrawal, Removal From District, or Disqualification; Election. - Sec. 154. When a candidate for election to the board...
Section 389.155 - Board of Trustees; Election; Certificates of Election. - Sec. 155. The candidate for each term of office who...
Section 389.156 - Board of Trustees; Oath of Office and Acceptance, Filing. - Sec. 156. (1) Within 15 days after his appointment or...
Section 389.157 - Board of Trustees; Vacancies, Causes. - Sec. 157. The office of a member of the board...
Section 389.158 - Filling Vacancies. - Sec. 158. If a vacancy in the board of trustees...
331-1966-2-13 - Chapter 13 New Jobs Training Programs (389.161...389.166)
Section 389.161 - Definitions. - Sec. 161. As used in this chapter: (a) "Agreement" means...
Section 389.162 - Agreement by Community College and Employer; Establishment of Project; Provisions; Payments as Lien on Employer's Business Property; Filing With Department of Treasury; Limitation on Entering New Agreements. - Sec. 162. (1) A community college district may enter into...
Section 389.163 - Program Costs of New Jobs Training Program; Payment From Money Received From New Jobs Credit From Withholding; Agreement; Provisions; Amount Remitted to Community College District; Information to Be Provided to Department of Treasu... - Sec. 163. (1) If any part of the program costs...
Section 389.164 - New Jobs Training Revenue Bonds; Sunset. - Sec. 164. (1) Subject to subsection (16), by resolution of...
Section 389.165 - Tax Exemption. - Sec. 165. Bonds and notes issued by a community college...
Section 389.166 - Aggregate Outstanding Obligation of All Agreements; Limitation. - Sec. 166. The aggregate outstanding obligation of all agreements entered...
331-1966-2-21 - Chapter 21 Miscellaneous and Repeals (389.191...389.195)
Section 389.191 - Construction of Act. - Sec. 191. This act is for the purpose of implementing...
Section 389.192 - Saving Clause. - Sec. 192. All proceedings pending and all rights and liabilities...
Section 389.193 - Accrued Rights and Liabilities. - Sec. 193. Except as specifically otherwise provided in this act,...
Section 389.194 - Repeals. - Sec. 194. Act No. 188 of the Public Acts of...
Section 389.195 - Effective Date of Act. - Sec. 195. This act shall take effect on October 1,...