Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 316 of 2000 - Michigan Organic Products Act (286.901 - 286.931)
Section 286.925 - Organic Advisory Committee; Creation; Powers and Duties; Membership; Terms; Travel Reimbursement; Election of Officers and Adoption of Rules; Quorum; Meetings; Proceedings Subject to Open Meetings Act; Records Subject to Freedom of...

Sec. 25.
(1) There is created an organic advisory committee within the department. The committee shall advise the director on the implementation of this act and the promulgation of rules and may do all of the following:
(a) Assist the director in developing the Michigan organic standards and recommend appropriate equivalent interim standards.
(b) Annually review and recommend changes in the Michigan organic standards, if necessary.
(c) Review and recommend to the director rules and policies governing the business of organic production and handling by study and evaluation of organic production issues.
(d) Annually conduct or cause to be conducted a comprehensive review of the organic product registration and certifying agent registration programs and advise and recommend to the director any necessary changes to the programs.
(e) Formulate and recommend to the director actions and policies to promote organic products.
(2) The organic advisory committee shall consist of 11 voting members appointed by the director for 4-year terms. The voting membership shall include 4 producers of organic food, 4 individuals who are either retail food establishments, processors, or input suppliers of organic food or organic fiber, and 3 members of the general public who are consumers of organic products and are not associated with the commercial production or handling of organic food or organic fiber. Of the initial membership, 4 members shall be appointed for a term of 4 years, 3 for a term of 3 years, 2 for a term of 2 years, and 2 for a term of 1 year. The department may allow a representative of the United States department of agriculture natural resources conservation service, the Michigan state university cooperative extension service or the agricultural experiment station, the director, and a member of a recognized environmental organization to serve as ex officio nonvoting members.
(3) Members shall receive reimbursement for travel in the amount provided for in the department of management and budget regulations.
(4) The members, at the first meeting and annually thereafter, shall elect officers and adopt rules of procedure. Terms of officers are 1 year. A majority of the members are a quorum and an act performed by a majority of the quorum is considered an official act of the committee.
(5) The committee shall meet at the call of the chair, at the request of a majority of its members, at the request of the department, or at such times as may be prescribed by its procedural rules. The proceedings of the committee are subject to the open meetings act, 1976 PA 267, MCL 15.261 to 15.275. Any records, except those that may be used to identify an individual's financial status or proprietary information, are subject to the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246.
History: 2000, Act 316, Eff. Oct. 1, 2001

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 286 - Agricultural Industry

Act 316 of 2000 - Michigan Organic Products Act (286.901 - 286.931)

Section 286.901 - Short Title.

Section 286.903 - Definitions; a to D.

Section 286.905 - Definitions; G to L.

Section 286.907 - Definitions; M to P.

Section 286.909 - Definitions; R to W.

Section 286.911 - Authority of Department to Regulate, Promote, and Assist Organic Industry; Sale, Offer for Sale, or Representation as Organic Product; Registration Required.

Section 286.913 - Production, Sale, or Handling of Organic Products; Certification Required; Exceptions; Retail Food Establishments.

Section 286.915 - Registration as Certifying Agent; Fee; Demonstration of Compliance; Expiration; Renewal.

Section 286.917 - Registration as Certifying Agent; Demonstration of Compliance; Requirements.

Section 286.919 - Registration of Handler; Application; Fee; Basis; Schedule; Coordination of Registration Procedures.

Section 286.920 - Organic Products Fund; Establishment in State Treasury; Receipt, Deposit, and Expenditure of Funds; Carrying Forward Unexpended Funds.

Section 286.921 - Rules; Scope.

Section 286.922 - Reciprocity Agreement With Another State, Country, or Private Certifying Organization.

Section 286.923 - Labeling and Advertisement; Requirements; Circumstances Considered as Mislabeling.

Section 286.925 - Organic Advisory Committee; Creation; Powers and Duties; Membership; Terms; Travel Reimbursement; Election of Officers and Adoption of Rules; Quorum; Meetings; Proceedings Subject to Open Meetings Act; Records Subject to Freedom of...

Section 286.927 - Complaints and Investigations; Penalties or Remedies; Rules; Denial of Application; Suspension or Revocation of Registration; Seizure of Product; Disposition; Written Notice of Warning; Injunctive Relief; Access by Director to Estab...

Section 286.929 - Violation of Act or Rule; Administrative Fine; Misdemeanor; Penalty; Affirmative Defense; Felony.

Section 286.931 - Effective Date.