Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 316 of 2000 - Michigan Organic Products Act (286.901 - 286.931)
Section 286.920 - Organic Products Fund; Establishment in State Treasury; Receipt, Deposit, and Expenditure of Funds; Carrying Forward Unexpended Funds.

Sec. 20.
(1) An organic products fund is established in the state treasury. The organic products fund shall be expended only as provided in subsection (3).
(2) The organic products fund shall receive as revenue money as appropriated by the legislature, all registration fees collected under this act, and money from any other source to be forwarded by the director to the state treasurer for deposit into the organic products fund. Any administrative fines and penalties collected by the department under this act shall be deposited into the general fund, and it is the intent of the legislature that an amount equal to the annual amount of administrative fines and penalties collected by the department be appropriated to the department for purposes of this act.
(3) The money in the organic products fund shall be expended to administer and enforce this act and to develop and improve organic training and education programs.
(4) Money in the organic products fund that is unexpended at the end of the fiscal year shall be carried over to the succeeding fiscal year and shall not revert to the general fund.
History: 2000, Act 316, Eff. Oct. 1, 2001

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 286 - Agricultural Industry

Act 316 of 2000 - Michigan Organic Products Act (286.901 - 286.931)

Section 286.901 - Short Title.

Section 286.903 - Definitions; a to D.

Section 286.905 - Definitions; G to L.

Section 286.907 - Definitions; M to P.

Section 286.909 - Definitions; R to W.

Section 286.911 - Authority of Department to Regulate, Promote, and Assist Organic Industry; Sale, Offer for Sale, or Representation as Organic Product; Registration Required.

Section 286.913 - Production, Sale, or Handling of Organic Products; Certification Required; Exceptions; Retail Food Establishments.

Section 286.915 - Registration as Certifying Agent; Fee; Demonstration of Compliance; Expiration; Renewal.

Section 286.917 - Registration as Certifying Agent; Demonstration of Compliance; Requirements.

Section 286.919 - Registration of Handler; Application; Fee; Basis; Schedule; Coordination of Registration Procedures.

Section 286.920 - Organic Products Fund; Establishment in State Treasury; Receipt, Deposit, and Expenditure of Funds; Carrying Forward Unexpended Funds.

Section 286.921 - Rules; Scope.

Section 286.922 - Reciprocity Agreement With Another State, Country, or Private Certifying Organization.

Section 286.923 - Labeling and Advertisement; Requirements; Circumstances Considered as Mislabeling.

Section 286.925 - Organic Advisory Committee; Creation; Powers and Duties; Membership; Terms; Travel Reimbursement; Election of Officers and Adoption of Rules; Quorum; Meetings; Proceedings Subject to Open Meetings Act; Records Subject to Freedom of...

Section 286.927 - Complaints and Investigations; Penalties or Remedies; Rules; Denial of Application; Suspension or Revocation of Registration; Seizure of Product; Disposition; Written Notice of Warning; Injunctive Relief; Access by Director to Estab...

Section 286.929 - Violation of Act or Rule; Administrative Fine; Misdemeanor; Penalty; Affirmative Defense; Felony.

Section 286.931 - Effective Date.