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Section 286.901 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 286.903 - Definitions; a to D. - Sec. 3. As used in this act: (a) "Agricultural product"...
Section 286.905 - Definitions; G to L. - Sec. 5. As used in this act: (a) "Genetically modified...
Section 286.907 - Definitions; M to P. - Sec. 7. As used in this act: (a) "Michigan organic...
Section 286.909 - Definitions; R to W. - Sec. 9. As used in this act: (a) "Retail food...
Section 286.911 - Authority of Department to Regulate, Promote, and Assist Organic Industry; Sale, Offer for Sale, or Representation as Organic Product; Registration Required. - Sec. 11. (1) The department may engage in or conduct...
Section 286.913 - Production, Sale, or Handling of Organic Products; Certification Required; Exceptions; Retail Food Establishments. - Sec. 13. (1) The following persons must be certified by...
Section 286.915 - Registration as Certifying Agent; Fee; Demonstration of Compliance; Expiration; Renewal. - Sec. 15. (1) A person who desires to act as...
Section 286.917 - Registration as Certifying Agent; Demonstration of Compliance; Requirements. - Sec. 17. To obtain a registration as a certifying agent,...
Section 286.919 - Registration of Handler; Application; Fee; Basis; Schedule; Coordination of Registration Procedures. - Sec. 19. (1) A handler required to be registered under...
Section 286.920 - Organic Products Fund; Establishment in State Treasury; Receipt, Deposit, and Expenditure of Funds; Carrying Forward Unexpended Funds. - Sec. 20. (1) An organic products fund is established in...
Section 286.921 - Rules; Scope. - Sec. 21. (1) By promulgation of rules pursuant to the...
Section 286.922 - Reciprocity Agreement With Another State, Country, or Private Certifying Organization. - Sec. 22. (1) The department may enter into a reciprocity...
Section 286.923 - Labeling and Advertisement; Requirements; Circumstances Considered as Mislabeling. - Sec. 23. (1) All labeling and advertisement of organic products...
Section 286.925 - Organic Advisory Committee; Creation; Powers and Duties; Membership; Terms; Travel Reimbursement; Election of Officers and Adoption of Rules; Quorum; Meetings; Proceedings Subject to Open Meetings Act; Records Subject to Freedom of... - Sec. 25. (1) There is created an organic advisory committee...
Section 286.927 - Complaints and Investigations; Penalties or Remedies; Rules; Denial of Application; Suspension or Revocation of Registration; Seizure of Product; Disposition; Written Notice of Warning; Injunctive Relief; Access by Director to Estab... - Sec. 27. (1) The director, in administering and enforcing this...
Section 286.929 - Violation of Act or Rule; Administrative Fine; Misdemeanor; Penalty; Affirmative Defense; Felony. - Sec. 29. (1) Upon finding that a person subject to...
Section 286.931 - Effective Date. - Sec. 31. This act takes effect October 1, 2001. History:...