Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 87 of 1980 - The Uniform Condemnation Procedures Act (213.51 - 213.77)
Section 213.62 - Just Compensation; Trial by Jury.

Sec. 12.
(1) A plaintiff or defendant may demand a trial by jury as to the issue of just compensation pursuant to applicable law and court rules. The jury shall consist of 6 qualified electors selected pursuant to chapter 13 of Act No. 236 of the Public Acts of 1961, as amended, being sections 600.1301 to 600.1376 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, and shall be governed by court rules applicable to juries in civil cases in circuit court.
(2) Unless there is good cause shown to the contrary, there shall be a separate trial as to just compensation with respect to each parcel.
History: 1980, Act 87, Imd. Eff. Apr. 8, 1980

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 213 - Condemnation

Act 87 of 1980 - The Uniform Condemnation Procedures Act (213.51 - 213.77)

Section 213.51 - Definitions.

Section 213.51a - Short Title.

Section 213.52 - Standards Provided; Limitations; Applicable Laws and Court Rules; Commencement of Condemnation Action; Proof of Taking of Property; Certificate of Public Necessity as Condition of Instituting Judicial Proceedings.

Section 213.53 - Fluid Mineral and Gas Rights.

Section 213.54 - Payment of Just Compensation for Property if Practical Value or Utility of Remainder Destroyed; Zoning Variance; Entry Upon Property; Purpose; Notice; Restitution for Actual Damages; “Actual Damage” Defined; Civil Action for Order Pe...

Section 213.55 - Just Compensation; Amount; Written Notice to Occupants; Offer; Review of Appraisal; Filing Complaint for Acquisition; "Comparable Replacement Dwelling" Defined; Financial Information; Documents; Determination of Just Compensation; It...

Section 213.56 - Challenge by Owner; Motion to Review Necessity; Hearing; Determination by Public Agency Binding on Court; Judicial Determination of Public Necessity in Acquisition by Private Agency; Certificate by Public Service Commission or Federa...

Section 213.56a - Reversal of Agency's Election of Reservation of Rights; Revised Good Faith Offer; Stipulation to Reverse Agency Election and Waive Cost Recovery Claim Against Owner.

Section 213.57 - Vesting of Title in Agency; Vesting of Right to Just Compensation; Delay or Denial.

Section 213.58 - Payment by Escrowee of Money Deposited; Funds Remaining in Escrow as Security for Remediation Costs; Court Order; Released Funds; Circumstances; Reversal of Agency's Election Under MCL 213.56a(1); Applicability of Subsections (2) and...

Section 213.59 - Surrender of Possession of Property to Agency; Time and Terms; Enforcement; Granting Interim Possession to Private Agency; Indemnity Bond; Appeal; Liability for Damages; Repayment as Condition of Order Setting Aside Determination of...

Section 213.60 - Order Fixing Date for Hearing.

Section 213.61 - Scheduling Order; Exchange of Appraisal Reports; Opportunity for Discovery; Appraisal Report; Testimony Relating to Value of Real Property; Orders to Facilitate Compliance.

Section 213.62 - Just Compensation; Trial by Jury.

Section 213.63 - Just Compensation; Verdict; Division of Award.

Section 213.63a - Duplicative Payment Prohibited.

Section 213.64 - Notes and Exhibits to Assist Jury.

Section 213.65 - Interest on Judgment Amount.

Section 213.66 - Witness Fees and Compensation; Reimbursement of Owner's Attorney Fees and Other Expenses; Matters Involving Relocation of Indigent Person; "Indigent Person" Defined.

Section 213.67 - Discontinuance.

Section 213.68 - Reimbursement of Expenses in Evaluating Agency's Offer, Preparing for Trial, or Negotiating Settlement; Enforcement of Rights; Filing Claim.

Section 213.69 - Agreement on Compensation or Method of Determining Compensation.

Section 213.70 - Determination of Fair Market Value.

Section 213.71 - Counterclaim.

Section 213.72 - Lease, Sale, or Conveyance of Property; Terms; Record.

Section 213.73 - Enhancement in Value as Consideration in Determining Compensation; Complaint; Compensation; Requiring Agency to Acquire Portion Claimed to Be Enhanced; Burden of Proof.

Section 213.74 - Coercive Actions Prohibited.

Section 213.75 - Commencement of Actions for Acquisition of Property.

Section 213.76, 213.77 - Repealed. 1996, Act 474, Imd. Eff. Dec. 26, 1996.