Michigan Compiled Laws
Article 2 - (18.1201...18.1299)
Section 18.1298 - Repealed. 2013, Act 243, Eff. Mar. 14, 2014.

Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to the creation and powers and duties of Michigan capitol park commission.Popular Name: Act 431Popular Name: DMB

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 18 - Department of Management and Budget

Act 431 of 1984 - The Management and Budget Act (18.1101 - 18.1594)

Article 2 - (18.1201...18.1299)

Section 18.1201 - Equipment, Furniture, and Furnishings.

Section 18.1203 - State Automated Information Processing Installations and Telecommunications Projects and Services.

Section 18.1204 - Standardized Risk Management Policies, Practices, and Procedures; Development and Implementation; Review, Approval, and Administration of Risk Management Related Programs; Insurance or Related Services; Self-Insurance Options.

Section 18.1205 - Additional Definitions.

Section 18.1206 - Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999.

Section 18.1206a - Designation of Racial or Ethnic Classification in Writing Developed by State Agency; Transmission of Information to Federal Agency; “Writing” Defined.

Section 18.1207 - Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999.

Section 18.1208-18.1211 - Repealed. 1988, Act 504, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 1988.

Section 18.1213 - "Fund" and "Motor Vehicle" Defined; Directives Relative to Motor Vehicles; Motor Vehicle Repair Centers and Motor Pools; Creation of Motor Transport Revolving Fund; Disposition of Revenue; Assets and Liabilities; Use of Alternative...

Section 18.1215 - Motor Vehicle and Person to Whom Motor Vehicle Assigned; Restrictions.

Section 18.1217 - Directives Relative to Travel and Expenses of Officers and Unclassified Employees of State Agencies; Approval; Meetings of State Agencies; Travel Report.

Section 18.1219 - Directives for Management, Operation, Maintenance, Security, and Repair of State-Owned Facilities; Determination of Space Utilization Standards; Assignment of Space in State Capitol Building and Buildings Under Jurisdiction of Legis...

Section 18.1221 - Rentals and Leases; Approval; Notification; Easements; Determination of Market Rental Values; Building Occupancy Rates.

Section 18.1221a - Reports; Section Ineffective After March 31, 2015; "Project" Defined.

Section 18.1222 - Property Acquired Through Installment Lease Agreement as Public Property; Exemption From Property Tax.

Section 18.1223 - Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999.

Section 18.1224 - Access to Public Information; Use of Telephone System; Limitation on Charges.

Section 18.1225 - Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999.

Section 18.1227 - Parking; Disposition of Fees, Penalties, and Fines; Rules.

Section 18.1237 - Acquisition, Construction, Lease Purchase, Improvement, or Demolition of Facilities; Studies, Designs, Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents; Employment and Duties of Architects and Professional Engineers; Quality Control; I...

Section 18.1237a - Community College and University Capital Outlay Projects.

Section 18.1237b - Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Surveyors, and Qualified Firms; Selection.

Section 18.1237c - Contract With Architect, Professional Engineer, or Contractor; Liability; Limitation; "Contractor" Defined.

Section 18.1238 - Universities and Community Colleges; Report.

Section 18.1239 - Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999.

Section 18.1240 - Cost Plus Construction Contract; Conditions.

Section 18.1241 - Contract for Construction, Repair, Remodeling, or Demolition of Facility; Bidding Procedure; Award; Expenditure; Director as Agent; Preference to Qualified Disabled Veteran; Responsive and Responsible Best Value Bidder; Definition.

Section 18.1241a - Contract for Construction, Alteration, Repair, or Rebuilding of State Building or Other State Property; Mandatory Clause; Breach of Clause; Applicability of Section.

Section 18.1241b - Construction, Alteration, Repair, or Rebuilding of State Building or Facility; Energy Efficiency of Materials.

Section 18.1241c - Contract With Person for Construction, Alteration, or Repair of State Building or Property; Representation That Person Not Engaged in Boycott; Definitions.

Section 18.1242 - Development of 5-Year Capital Outlay Plans; Review; Priorities; Program Statements and Schematic Planning Documents; Authorization of Project for Final Design and Construction; Submission of Bid Results Summary to Jcos; Oversight; A...

Section 18.1242a - Annual Review.

Section 18.1243 - Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999.

Section 18.1244 - Scope of Construction Appropriation; Direct Labor Charges; Resident Inspector; Indirect or Administrative Overhead Costs; Separate Accounts; Design and Construction Requirements; Contract to Complete Construction of Project; Conditi...

Section 18.1245 - Sign at Site of State Project.

Section 18.1246 - Release of Allocations; Approval; Total Authorized Cost or Sufficient Appropriation; Establishment or Revision.

Section 18.1247 - Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999.

Section 18.1248 - Applicability of Section; Capital Outlay Project; Carrying Forward Prior Authorized Projects; Continuation or Lapse of Balance; Termination of Project; Continuation of Project Beyond Limits in Section; Conditions; Carrying Forward G...

Section 18.1249 - Matching Revenues.

Section 18.1250 - References to Former Law.

Section 18.1251 - Applicability of Section to Real Property of State; Development and Maintenance of Real Property Records and Facility Inventories; Award of Service Contracts; Employment of Land Surveyors; Directives for Disposition of Surplus Facil...

Section 18.1252 - Current Data and Directives as to Facilities; Technical Assistance as to Special Maintenance Projects.

Section 18.1253 - Energy Conservation Improvements.

Section 18.1254 - Certificate of Energy Cost Savings; Distribution of Unencumbered Balance of Appropriation for Fuel or Utilities.

Section 18.1261 - Supplies, Materials, Services, Insurance, Utilities, Third Party Financing, Equipment, Printing, and Other Items; Purchase; Contract; Preference; Discretionary Decisions by Department; Competitive Solicitation; Exceptions; Delegatio...

Section 18.1261a - Recycled Supplies, Materials, and Equipment; Effect of Noncompliance; Exemption; Cost Considerations; Report; “Recycled Materials” Defined.

Section 18.1261b - Purchase of Recycled Paper; Phase-in Period; Directives; Label; Records; Definitions.

Section 18.1261c - Wood or Paper Products From Sustainably Managed Forests or Procurement Systems.

Section 18.1261d - Products Containing Mercury or Mercury Compounds; Purchase; Limitation.

Section 18.1261e - Information Technology Projects; Requirements.

Section 18.1261f - Information Technology System Development Vendor Contract or Maintenance Project; Audit.

Section 18.1262 - Limiting Solicitation to Prequalified Vendors.

Section 18.1263 - Purchase of Supplies and Materials by State Agency to Maintain Inventories; Authorization; Limitation; Charging Appropriation Accounts; Periodic Inventories; Obsolescence, Damage, or Spoilage; Fee for Purchasing Services Assistance;...

Section 18.1264 - Debarring Vendor From Participation in Bid Process and From Contract Award; Notice; Finding.

Section 18.1265 - Federal Surplus Property; Acquisition and Distribution.

Section 18.1267 - Personal Property of State Agencies; Directives for Disclosure, Transfer, and Disposal; Sale at Fair Market Value; Payment of Costs or Assessment of Handling Fee; Sale of Surplus Snow Removal Equipment or Surplus Road Construction o...

Section 18.1268 - Bidder for State Contract as Michigan Business; Certification; Significant Business Presence Required; Verification; Disclosure; Reciprocal Preference; List of States Giving Preference to In-State Bidders; Waiver of Entitlement to C...

Section 18.1269 - Centralized Services; Charges; Rates; Creation of Office Services Revolving Fund; Inventory Value of Paper and Stationery Operation.

Section 18.1270 - Directives for Use of Certain Apps, Software, or Other Technology on Electronic Device by State Departments and Agencies.

Section 18.1271 - Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999.

Section 18.1273 - Directives for Printing of Publications by State Agency; Approval of Printing Request; Determining Number and Distribution of State Reports and Publications; Style, Form, Binding, Typography, and Quality of Paper; Central Storage; P...

Section 18.1275 - Sale of Office Furnishings and Equipment to Former Governors and Legislators; Fair Market Value; Use of Proceeds.

Section 18.1277 - Expenditure for Mailing Letter, Newsletter, Report, or Other Publication; Conditions.

Section 18.1279 - Consulting Services.

Section 18.1281 - Contract for Services; Contract for Personal Services; Reports.

Section 18.1281a - Personal Service Contracts; Report.

Section 18.1282 - Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999.

Section 18.1283 - Central Payroll System; State Budget Office as Tax Withholding Agency; Payroll Deductions or Withholding.

Section 18.1283a - Payroll and Payments by Electronic Funds Transfer; Implementation.

Section 18.1284 - Additional Definitions.

Section 18.1285 - Records; Maintenance by Head of State Agency; Listing on Retention and Disposal Schedule; Legal Custody and Physical Possession.

Section 18.1287 - Records Management Program; Purpose; Duties of Department; Directives.

Section 18.1288 - Inspection or Inventory of Records.

Section 18.1289 - Records of Archival Value; Listings of Records Due for Disposal; Report; Notice of Destruction or Transfer of Record; Action to Recover Records; Temporary Restraining Order.

Section 18.1292 - Responsibilities of Department of History, Arts, and Libraries.

Section 18.1293 - Definitions.

Section 18.1294 - Purchase of Goods and Services From Community Rehabilitation Organizations; Preferred Status.

Section 18.1295 - Committee on Purchase of Goods and Services From Community Rehabilitation Organizations; Creation; Appointment, Qualifications, and Terms of Members; Compensation.

Section 18.1296 - Duties of Committee.

Section 18.1297 - Priority of Selection; Specifications; Sale of Goods and Services to Other Governmental Agencies or Private Businesses.

Section 18.1298 - Repealed. 2013, Act 243, Eff. Mar. 14, 2014.

Section 18.1298a - Repealed. 2013, Act 243, Eff. Mar. 14, 2014.

Section 18.1298b - Michigan Veterans' Memorial Park; Designation; Jurisdiction Under Michigan Veterans' Memorial Park Commission; Easement.

Section 18.1298c - Repealed. 2013, Act 243, Eff. Mar. 14, 2014.

Section 18.1298d - Repealed. 2013, Act 243, Eff. Mar. 14, 2014.

Section 18.1298e - Repealed. 2013, Act 243, Eff. Mar. 14, 2014.

Section 18.1299 - Office of State Budget Director; Higher Education Institutional Data Inventory Advisory Committee; Membership; Review and Audits; Auditor General Report.