Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 388 of 1976 - Michigan Campaign Finance Act (169.201 - 169.282)
Section 169.266 - Application of Funds Against Qualified Campaign Expenditures; “Qualified Campaign Expenditure” Defined; Separate Account for Funds Received; Payment of Qualified Expenditures; Disposition of Unexpended Balance; Use of Payment for Ex...

Sec. 66.
(1) A candidate may only apply the funds received under this act from the state campaign fund against qualified campaign expenditures.
(2) As used in this section, "qualified campaign expenditure" means an expenditure for services, materials, facilities, or other things of value by the candidate committee to further the candidate's nomination or election to office during the year in which the primary or general election in which the candidate seeks nomination or election is held. Qualified campaign expenditure does not include any of the following:
(a) An expenditure in violation of any law of the United States or of this state.
(b) A payment made to the candidate or a relative within the third degree of consanguinity of the candidate, or to a business with which the candidate or the relative is associated.
(c) A payment to the extent clearly in excess of the fair market value of services, materials, facilities, or other things of value received in exchange.
(d) That portion of any salary or wage to an individual in excess of $5,000.00 per month.
(e) Payment from petty cash.
(f) Gifts, except brochures, buttons, signs, and other printed campaign material.
(g) Payment to a defense fund.
(h) An expenditure by a candidate committee for an incidental expense under section 21a.
(3) A candidate shall keep the funds received under this act from the state campaign fund in a separate account. The candidate's qualified expenditures may be paid from the separate account unless the account does not have a balance. An unexpended balance in the separate account shall be refunded and credited to the general fund within 60 days after the election for which the funds were received. Payment received from the state campaign fund for expenditures in 1 election shall not be used for expenditures in a subsequent election.
(4) A person who knowingly violates this section is guilty of a felony punishable, if the person is an individual, by a fine of not more than $2,000.00, or imprisonment for not more than 3 years, or both, or, if the person not an individual, by a fine of not more than $10,000.00.
History: 1976, Act 388, Imd. Eff. Dec. 30, 1976 ;-- Am. 1989, Act 95, Imd. Eff. June 21, 1989 ;-- Am. 1993, Act 262, Imd. Eff. Dec. 14, 1993 ;-- Am. 1994, Act 411, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 1994

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 169 - Campaign Financing and Advertising

Act 388 of 1976 - Michigan Campaign Finance Act (169.201 - 169.282)

Section 169.201 - Short Title; Meanings of Words and Phrases.

Section 169.202 - Definitions; A, B.

Section 169.203 - Definitions; C.

Section 169.204 - "Contribution" Defined.

Section 169.205 - Definitions; D, E.

Section 169.206 - "Expenditure" Defined.

Section 169.207 - Definitions; F to H.

Section 169.208 - Definitions; H, I.

Section 169.209 - Definitions; I to L.

Section 169.210 - Definitions; M to N.

Section 169.211 - Definitions; P.

Section 169.212 - Definitions; Q to S.

Section 169.215 - Duties of Secretary of State; Declaratory Ruling and Interpretive Statement; Filing, Contents, and Form of Complaint; Investigations; Referral of Matter to Attorney General; Posting of Complaint, Response, or Rebuttal Statement on W...

Section 169.216 - Statement or Report; Public Inspection; Reproduction; Copy; Prohibited Use; Preservation; Disposal; Late Filing Fee; Compliance; Notice; Corrections; Report of Errors or Omissions; Deadline for Filing.

Section 169.217 - Payment of Late Filing Fee; Disposition of Late Filing Fees and Copying Charges; Unpaid Filing Fee; Exceptions.

Section 169.218 - Electronic Filing and Internet Disclosure System.

Section 169.218a - Electronic Filing and Internet Disclosure System; Adoption by County Clerk.

Section 169.220 - Individual Not Considered Candidate; Individual Receiving Votes by Write-in Method as Candidate.

Section 169.221 - Candidate Committee or Committee Other Than Candidate Committee; Treasurer; Service of Process; Official Depository for Contributions; Secondary Depositories; Requirements for Accepting Contributions or Making Expenditures; Vacancy...

Section 169.221a - Expenditure for Incidental Expense by Candidate Committee; Legal Costs; Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty.

Section 169.222 - Duties of Committee Treasurer or Other Designated Individual; Preservation and Inspection of Committee Records; Violation; Civil Fine.

Section 169.223 - Rules for Withdrawal of Funds; Limitation on Single Expenditure From Petty Cash Fund; Violation; Civil Fine.

Section 169.224 - Statement of Organization; Time for Filing; Late Filing Fee; Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty; Contents of Statement; Name of Sponsor; Amendment; Statement as to Receipts or Expenditures; Filing Statement Indicating Dissolution of...

Section 169.224a - House Political Party Caucus Committee; Senate Political Party Caucus Committee; Limitation; Dissolution of Independent Committees; Exception.

Section 169.224b - Independent Expenditure Committee; Creation; Filing of Campaign Statements; Contributions; Violation of Subsection (4) as Felony; Penalty.

Section 169.224c - Defeat of Independent Nature of Independent Expenditure; Punishment; Exception.

Section 169.225 - Campaign Statement; Filing; Period Covered.

Section 169.225a - Repealed. 1999, Act 237, Eff. Mar. 10, 2000.

Section 169.226 - Campaign Statement of Committee Other Than Political Party Committee; Contents; Report; List of Expenditures; Bundled Contribution; Separate Segregated Fund Reporting Requirements.

Section 169.228 - Interest; Loans; Certified Statement to Accompany Campaign Statement Reporting Certain Contributions; Applicability of Subsection (3).

Section 169.229 - Campaign Statement Filed by Political Party Committee; Contents; Identification of Expenditure; Designation of Contribution to Candidate Committee or Ballot Question Committee; Designation of Independent Expenditure; Apportionment o...

Section 169.230 - Contributions Prohibited Under MCL 432.207b.

Section 169.231 - Contributions or Expenditures Controlled by Another Person; Bundled Contribution.

Section 169.232 - Report of Late Contributions; Late Filing Fee; Subsection (5) Retroactive to January 1, 2010; “Late Contribution” Defined.

Section 169.233 - Campaign Statements; Filing Schedule; Report on Expenditures; Form; Late Filing Fee; Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty; Prohibitions; Filing Incomplete or Inaccurate Statement or Report; Civil Fine; Failure to File Campaign Statemen...

Section 169.233a - Information to Be Included With Contribution.

Section 169.234 - Campaign Statement of Ballot Question Committee; Filing Schedule; Late Filing Fees; Failure to File Statement as Misdemeanor; Penalty; Filing Incomplete or Inaccurate Statement or Report; Civil Fine.

Section 169.235 - Additional Campaign Statement; Filing; Deadline; Period Covered; Waiver; Exception; Late Filing Fees; Receipts or Expenditures Subjecting Committee to Campaign Filing Requirements; Failure to File as Misdemeanor; Penalty; Filing Inc...

Section 169.236 - Filing Copies of Campaign Statements With Secretary of State and County Clerks; Availability to Public.

Section 169.237 - Campaign Statement; Signing; Verification.

Section 169.238 - Campaign Statement; Period Covered.

Section 169.241 - Single Contribution of $20.00 or Expenditure of $50.00; Written Instrument, Credit Card, or Debit Card; Anonymous Contribution; Contribution in Name of Another; Violations; Penalties.

Section 169.242 - Acceptance of Contribution by Intermediary or Agent; Disclosure; Requirements as to Certain Contributions; Requirements as to Contribution From Person Other Than Committee; Out-of-State Contributions Made on Automatic Basis; Violati...

Section 169.243 - Expenditure by Agent or Independent Contractor; Requirements; Violation; Penalty.

Section 169.244 - Prohibited Contributions or Expenditures; Delivery or Return of Contribution; Joint Fund-Raiser; Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty.

Section 169.245 - Transfer of Unexpended Funds; Funds Transferred Not Considered Qualifying Contribution; Disbursement of Funds Ineligible for Transfer.

Section 169.246 - Adjustments to Dollar Value Floor and Contribution Limits; "Consumer Price Index" Defined.

Section 169.247 - Printed Matter or Radio or Television Paid Advertisement Having Reference to Election, Candidate, or Ballot Question; Name and Address; Identification or Disclaimer; Size and Placement; Rules; Exemption; Statement That Payment Made...

Section 169.249 - Repealed. 1999, Act 224, Eff. Mar. 10, 2000.

Section 169.250 - Acceptance of Honorarium by Legislator Prohibited; Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty.

Section 169.251 - Independent Expenditure of $100.01 or More; Report; Forwarding Copies to Filing Officers; Late Filing Fees; Violation as Misdemeanor.

Section 169.252 - Limitations on Contributions to Candidate Committee; Contribution From Candidate's Immediate Family; Contribution for Particular Election Cycle; Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty; Contributions Made by Political or Independent Commi...

Section 169.252a - Contribution to House Political Party Caucus Committee or Senate Political Party Caucus Committee; Limitation; Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty.

Section 169.253 - Contribution or Expenditure by Dependent Minor.

Section 169.254 - Contributions, Expenditures, or Volunteer Personal Services by Corporation, Joint Stock Company, Domestic Dependent Sovereign, or Labor Organization, or by Persons Acting for Corporation, Joint Stock Company, Domestic Dependent Sove...

Section 169.255 - Segregated Fund for Political Purposes; Establishment by Connected Organization; Limitations; Solicitation of Contributions; Prohibited Practices; Contribution to Separate Segregated Fund; Disproportionate In-Kind Contributions for...

Section 169.256 - Ordinance or Resolution.

Section 169.257 - Contributions, Expenditures, or Volunteer Personal Services; Prohibitions; Civil Action; Use of Public Funds or Resources for Communication Referencing Local Ballot Questions; Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty.

Section 169.261 - State Campaign Fund; Creation; Administration; Tax Designation; Appropriation; Distribution of Money; Transfer to General Fund.

Section 169.262 - Candidates Eligible to Receive Moneys; Moneys to Be Spent and Reported by Candidate Committee; Filing Statement of Organization as Condition to Receiving Moneys From State Campaign Fund; Exemption From MCL 169.261 to 169.271.

Section 169.263 - Record of Candidate's Certified Statements of Qualifying Contributions; Contents of Statement; Notice of Qualification to Receive Moneys; Application for Moneys; Determination of Amount; Forwarding Information and Application to Sta...

Section 169.264 - Payments to Candidates in Primary Election; Requirements; Return of Funds.

Section 169.265 - Nominees Entitled to Receive Funds.

Section 169.266 - Application of Funds Against Qualified Campaign Expenditures; “Qualified Campaign Expenditure” Defined; Separate Account for Funds Received; Payment of Qualified Expenditures; Disposition of Unexpended Balance; Use of Payment for Ex...

Section 169.267 - Limitations on Expenditures; Exceptions; Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty; Prohibitions.

Section 169.268 - Debt Limitation; Violation; Penalty; Prohibitions.

Section 169.269 - Limitations on Contributions for Election Cycle; "Immediate Family" Defined; Determination of Election Cycle Beginning and Ending; Notices; Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty; Bundled Contributions.

Section 169.270 - Reporting Contribution or Expenditure Controlled or Directed by Another Person.

Section 169.271 - Prohibited Contributions; Violation; Penalty.

Section 169.281 - Repeal of MCL 168.901 to 168.929; Effective Date.

Section 169.282 - Application of Penalty Provisions; Payment of Late Filing Fee; Expenditure of $200.00 or More as Contribution to Ballot Question Committee; Penalty or Late Filing Fee; Effective Date of MCL 169.235.